Livestream 11- 16 & 17, 2018: Holocaust Horizon: The Global Persecution of Christians & Jews By The Red-Green Axis & A False Dominant Church 

On Friday, October 26, 2018 Brannon Howse stated again on his radio program that one of his greatest concerns is the rise of antisemitism, as well as the persecution of conservatives and Christians. In less than 24 hours, the largest murder of Jews on American soil occurred as a neo-Nazi entered a synagogue in Pittsburgh and murdered 11 Jews.

In July of 2017, the Prime Minster of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, stated in a speech that evangelical Christians are Israel’s best friends. Make no mistake, the persecution of Christians and Jews on a global scale is already underway in historic numbers. But what is to come is almost unimaginable for the Jews and the Christians who support them while adhering to their distinctive Biblical worldview that specifically calls for Christians to support the Jewish people.

Sadly, many Christians and Jews will be persecuted by a false dominant church that is quickly growing on a global scale. Surveys reveal that support for Israel is declining among self-described Christian millennials. One reason for this trend is because of the false teaching of Replacement Theology by neo-Calvinists such as John Piper, among others. The hostility towards dispensationalism coming from many church denominations, evangelical authors, and speakers, as well as the growing theological cult of neo-Calvinism is playing a major role in the rise of indifference or outright hostility towards the Jewish state.

On Friday night, November 16th & Saturday November 17th, WVW Broadcast Network is hosting a live-stream conference with four, internationally recognized experts on Israel, the Jewish people, the threats they face and the enemies who are aligning in Syria, just miles from the Israeli border.

Muslim Brotherhood leaders have boasted on video that they want to finish what Hitler started. Hamas is the terrorist arm of Muslim Brotherhood.

Right now in Syria, we know that Russia, Iran, Turkey, Hamas, and Hezbollah have assembled and are threatening to eliminate Israel. In this special, live-stream conference for members, the assembled experts will discuss the following topics:

  • Why the rise of antisemitism?
  • Why do so many nations hate Israel and want them wiped out?
  • What is the case for Christian Zionism?
  • How did Christian Zionists in America and Europe aid in the establishment of the Jewish State?
  • What nations are organizing for a second holocaust, and where are they organizing their troops, weapons, and military bases even now?
  • Why are Christians also going to be targeted for this second holocaust?
  • What groups are organizing to marginalize, characterize, and even physically attack Christians, Jews, and conservatives who stand with Israel?
  • What signs were evident before the Nazi holocaust that are once again appearing in today’s world?
  • What role are evangelicals playing in advancing antisemitism through such abhorrent theologies as Replacement Theology, or by spreading the lie that the Jews of Israel are not really of Jewish descent?
  • How close is Israel to going to war with those on their border?
  • Would a coalition of Iran, Russia, Hezbollah, Turkey, among others, attack America before making a move against Israel so that America would be limited in their ability to come to the aide of Israel?
  • How is the decline of dispensationalism within evangelicalism attributing to the rise of antisemitism?

These topics and more will be covered in this timely and cutting edge, live-stream and epic conference entitled:

Holocaust Horizon: The Global Persecution of Christians & Jews By The Red-Green Axis & A False Dominant Church 

Join and watch our next Friday night and Saturday live-stream conference for members only.
You can join for as little at $9.99 per month. Join for a month and cancel if you like, but we hope you will stay a member even after the conference.


Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
Dr. Ed Hindson
Dr. Tommy Ice
Dr. David Hocking

Full details and speaker bios at 


Annual WVW Prophecy Conference

Live-Streaming Event • November 16 & 17, 2018


Please email questions for Q&As to: [email protected]


Annual WVW Prophecy Conference

Live-Streaming Event • November 16 & 17, 2018

Schedule of Events


Friday: 6pm-11pm CT

 6pm PT           Brannon welcome, introduces Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum

6:00-6:45pm    Dr. Fruchtenbaum speaks    
6:45pm          Q&A with Arnold

7:00pm          15 minute break

7:15pm           Brannon introduces Ed Hindson

7:15-8:00pm    Dr. Ed Hindson

8:00-8:15pm    Q&A with Dr. Hindson

8:15pm            10 minute break

8:25pm            Brannon introduces David Hocking

8:25-9:10pm    David Hocking

9:10-9:25pm    Q&A with David Hocking

9:25pm        10 minute break

9:35pm       Brannon introduces Dr. Tommy Ice

9:35-10:10pm    Dr. Tommy Ice

10:10-10:20pm    Q&A with Dr. Ice

10:20pm        Brannon closes out evening


Saturday: 9:30am-5pm CT

email questions for Q&As to: [email protected]


9:30am CT         Brannon introduces David Hocking

9:30-10:15am    David Hocking

10:15-10:30am    Q&A with David Hocking

10:30am             10 minute break

10:40-11:20am    Dr. Tommy Ice

11:20-11:35pm    Q&A with Tommy Ice

11:35-1:05pm      Lunch Break

1:05pm                Brannon Introduces Ed Hindson

1:05-1:50pm        Dr. Hindson

1:50 to 2:00         Q&A with Dr. Hindson

 2:00pm               10 minute break

2:10 pm               Brannon introduces Dr. Fruchtenbaum

2:10-2:55pm        Dr. Fruchtenbaum

2:55-3:10pm       Q&A with Arnold Fruchtenbaum

3:10pm               15 minute break

3:25pm-4:30pm  Q&A with speakers

Brannon closes out conference

We are leaving 30 minutes cushion time for any technical issues that might arise or if we get off schedule. We will conclude between 4:30 and 5pm CT.         

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