Living Proof That Galls the Enemy

Living Proof That Galls the EnemyBy Heidi "Every Jew . . . who we meet on our streets is living evidence that the Messiah will yet someday reign gloriously on David's throne and over His Kingdom from which to extend a worldwide dominion."  I can only imagine that this living proof galls our enemy.  Is it any wonder that Satan has it in for the Jewish people and the entire nation of Israel when we consider the truth of these words?  They were originally penned by 19th century theologian George Peters and are referenced in Hal Lindsey's classic book, The Road to Holocaust, a book I'm proud to say Olive Tree Ministries now carries! The thesis of the book is that the events that led to the Holocaust in the 1940s appear to be repeating themselves and that the world is headed for another, more horrific Holocaust.  Hal quotes Dr. Barry Leventhal whose doctoral thesis for Dallas Theological Seminary included these words:  "One of the major sources to the rise of Nazism in Germany came from within the Church.  It was the growing interest in the evolutionary and destructive higher criticism of the Bible in Germany that fueled the anti-semitic Nazi war machine."   And these days what do we have?  We have two paramount products of "higher criticism" -- Christian Reconstructionism and its offspring, Dominion Theology (also known by the name Kingdom Now).  These aberrant ideas that stem from a faulty eschatological (last days) theology advocate the position that the Kingdom of God is "an actual reign of the Church over all society in this age."  (Yeah, that's happening!  Have you seen Fox News lately?)  "In a nutshell," Hal continues, "they have transferred to the Church all of Israel's covenants and promises concerning a global Theocratic Kingdom, and shifted the time of their fulfillment to before Christ's second advent rather than after it."  Another name for this whole idea is Replacement Theology.  The Church, they claim, has replaced Israel in God's plan for the ages.  Mainline denominations that stray gravely from Scriptural truth promote this deceit and so do those in the Emergent Church movement that is snaking its way through many of today's evangelical churches.   And what effect is it producing?  Is Hal's thesis solid?  Well, Bill Koenig, Christian White House correspondent, wrote just this past week that "replacement theology church organizations continue to make rash statements about Israel, call it an occupier, blame it for the Palestinian plight; actively pursue divestments of investments in Israel or in companies that do business with Israel; and side with the Palestinians . . . These church groups refuse to address the Palestinian leadership's years of corruption and exploitation, its militancy, its use of terrorism against innocent victims or the fact that Arab leaders are using the Palestinians as pawns in the peace process with the goal of Israel's destruction." I think Hal has a point. Having established his premise, the balance of the book explains in detail, from Scripture, how and why the nation of Israel still has a place in God's eternal plan.  He takes you through God's self-binding covenant to Abraham (a covenant that ultimately required Him to send His Son in order to fulfill His commitment), and Israel's past election, present rejection, and future acceptance as outlined in Romans 9-11, including that confusing but vital explanation of the Church's grafting into the olive tree that represents Israel.   I've recommended this book to quite a number of listeners and followers of Olive Tree Ministries who have written Jan for an explanation of this subject for themselves, their pastor, or a loved one.  It's more than a book; it's a study guide.  Read it with the Bible in one hand and a pen in the other; you'll need them both! Jack Kinsella also wrote this week:  "Since the god of this world cannot prophesy, he cannot countenance the evidence of his impotence.  God promised Jerusalem would be restored to the Jews . . . after 2000 years of Jewish pogroms and Diaspora . . . the Jewish state exists . . . The reaction from the god of this world is evident in the fury of his assault against the symbol of his eventual defeat." The Bible says there is another Holocaust coming (Matt. 24:15-21; Rev. 12:13-17), and even now we can see the foundation being laid for it.  These are exciting times fraught with great danger for God's Chosen People.  I can't encourage you enough to get the truth of God's plan for His people under your belt.
To better understand these issues, visit the "Israel" category at our Web site.  A second category of interest may be "Anti-Semtism."
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To unsubscribe, scroll to the very bottom and click "unsubscribe."RADIO: Check "Radio Archives" for September 12 programming with Brannon Howse and Eric Barger on "Understanding the Times" radio. These are two of the most important programs recently. Learn about the battle for America's spiritual soul, the threats from Obama, and the crushing death of discernment. For podcasting, go here. To find out where we air, go here. We air across the country by satellite and around the world on the Internet. We headquarter out of AM980 KKMS, Minneapolis/St. Paul Saturday, 9 to 11 AM CST with a rebroadcast Sunday 12 Noon to 2 PM. All stations on which we air have a rebroadcast. Check the syndication link.
We have expanded to two hours on KPDQ AM and FM in Portland, OR. Again, go to syndication to see when these programs air on the weekend. We air two full hours on hour home statiion, AM980 KKMS, Twin Cities, but also two hours on FM 102.3 WPOS, Holland/Toledo, OH, on AM 940 KPSZ, Des Moines/Central Iowa, on AM 820 KGNW, Seattle/Tacoma, Brannon Howse's Christian Worldview Network and Our other outlets carry just one hour of "Understanding the Times" radio. 
We are now posting programming from the weekend to our Web site and "Radio Archives" Sunday night rather than Monday night.
Become a CD subscriber and get 2 CDs a week of our two-hour program for $30 a month. Call 763-493-3010 with any credit card.Always Looking Up!
Heidi Swander

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