Local Police Continue to Follow Normative Practices & Work with Jihadis

A lot of information has been revealed about Broward County Sheriff Israel in Florida in recent weeks.  Most noteworthy is the fact he hired, supported, and defends Hamas leader Nezar Hamze.  Hamze served as the Executive Director of Hamas doing business as CAIR-Florida, and currently serves as CAIR-Florida’s second in command.  Hamze is also a Deputy with Broward County Sheriff’s Office.

In light of this, UTT believes it is important to bring to light a few anecdotal red-flags inside local law enforcement highlighting the utter lack of understanding local police have of the jihadi threat.

To be fair, many state and local police agencies and sheriff’s departments assume the FBI is actually doing it’s job and adequately informing them of “terrorism” matters.  These assumptions are incorrect.

In January 2016, Duke University’s Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security
Sanford School of Public Policy produced a report sponsored by the Department of Justice entitled “The Challenge and Promise of Using Community Policing Strategies to Prevent Violent Extremism.”

The very title of the Duke study reveals it is a failure from the beginning.

Has anyone heard someone on television claim to be a “Violent Extremist” fighting for “Violent Extremism?”

100% of those waging war against the West identify themselves as “muslims waging jihad in the cause of Allah to establish an Islamic State (caliphate) under sharia (Islamic Law).”

This Grand Canyon size disconnect from reality should help citizens understand why many local police departments do not Understand the Threat.

Near the beginning of the Executive Summary the Duke report states:

“Policing agencies are unlikely to be successful in creating partnerships to address violent extremism until
they establish trusting relationships with the communities they serve.”

And herein lies the problem.  America’s leaders have been convinced we cannot defeat the jihadi threat in our communities unless we work with the communities producing the jihadi threat.

Sharia, Muslim Brotherhood doctrine, and evidence in the largest terrorism financing trial ever successfully prosecuted in American history – US v Holy Land foundation for Relief and Development, Northern District of Texas (Dallas) 2008 – all reveal, Islamic organizations in the United States and their personnel work inside government entities, with Jewish and Christian organizations, with the media, in education, and with security organizations (military, police, et al) to (1) influence them and (2) gather intelligence.

Yet around the nation, we see police working at the ground level with jihadis and jihadi organizations.

Police leadership in Prince George’s County, Maryland conducts their Command/Staff training at the Diyanet Center of America in Lanham, Maryland which is owned by the Turkish government.

Influence operation anyone?

Sources in one police department in the Chicago suburbs alert UTT that sharia-adherent muslims (aka jihadis) give input as to who gets hired.  The source also noted the department works with the local Muslim Brotherhood Islamic Center.

Jihadi leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Islamic Center of Charlotte (NC) meeting with the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Deputy Chief regarding the shooting of a muslim

The Las Vegas Police Department has a vigorous “outreach” program to the jihadis Islamic leaders in the community in sin city.  See one article here.

Lt. Sasha Larkin (center front) of the Las Vegas Metro PD attends the Islamic Association of Las Vegas

In Arlington, Texas police applied for a Homeland Security grant to improve relations with the growing muslim community.  Modeling the Department of Homeland Security’s “muslim outreach” is probably not something for which Texas should strive.

Yet, do the Arlington Police know the Islamic Society of Arlington (TX) is a Muslim Brotherhood mosque which funds terrorism?

The answer is getting the truth about the threat of the Islamic Movement to your local police department, sheriffs, and other local officials.  That is the job of well-informed citizens.

UTT stands ready to help.


Worldview Weekend & Worldview Weekend Foundation Present:

Free Admission in Five Cities to Hear: Chris Gaubatz that Infiltrated A Jihadi Organization Undercover & Former FBI Counter-Terrorism Expert John Guandolo

You have seen & heard Chris Gaubatz on Sean Hannity several times and now hear him in person. His heroism is the bases of the best-selling book Muslim Mafia.

The rallies are free but seating is limited and you must register so we can guarantee you a seat.



Free Des Moines, Iowa: Understanding the Threat of Islam to America

Thursday April 05, 2018


Free La Crosse, Wisconsin: Understanding Threat of Islam to America

Friday April 06, 2018


Free Green Bay, Wisconsin: Understanding Threat of Islam to America

Saturday April 07, 2018


Free St. Paul-Minneapolis: Understanding the Threat of Islam to America

Sunday April 08, 2018


Free St. Paul, Minneapolis, MN Worldview Weekend Rally

Sunday April 08, 2018


Free Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Understanding Threat of Islam to America

Monday April 09, 2018


Free Milwaukee Worldview Weekend Rally

Monday April 09, 2018


America is Losing the War & Doesn't Even Know It,” by John Guandolo and Chris Gaubatz

Understanding the Threat's (UTT) presenters, John Guandolo & Chris Gaubatz, will discuss the Global Islamic Movement, what they seek to accomplish, their US network, what is driving them, and how they have moved to the point of victory while US leaders remain catastrophically clueless.

Details of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood, their doctrine (sharia), modus operandi, and how they have penetrated our American system at the local, state, and national level will be revealed and put into context of current events.

Why do the Islamic State, Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hizbollah, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iran, the Muslim Brotherhood, and all of the Islamic jihadis do what they do?  THEY say it is to establish an Islamic State (caliphate) under Islamic Law (sharia).

What is the stated purpose of Islam?  To establish an Islamic State (caliphate) under Islamic Law (sharia).

UTT is the only organization in America giving citizens, law enforcement, and leaders tools to identify, map out, and dismantle the jihadi network in communities all over the nation.  UTT leadership has accurately assessed and predicted events that no one else in the nation accurately assessed and predicted because we assess threats based on the professional standard of evaluating the threat based on how the enemy identifies itself and why the enemy states it is fighting.


The Big Picture Concerning The National Security Threats Facing America (by Brannon Howse) 

Who are America’s external enemies and how are they threatening America from the outside? Who are America’s internal enemies and how are they sabotaging America from within? What are the tactics of the external and internal enemies of America? How should the average American respond and prepare for these threats?

Perhaps the greatest threat currently facing America is the Club-K cruise missile launching system that may have already been prepositioned in America. Brannon will provide well known and credible evidence that threat of the Club-K car is real. Dr. Jafar Dhia was Saddam Hussein’s nuclear scientist and now has access to Florida’s Port Canaveral cargo container terminal with a 35 year lease. Jafar and his family own "Gulftainer,” a company that works in a joint venture with Russian, state-owned exporter of the Club-K Container that can conceal and then launch four cruise missiles from a command off of a satellite. How did Dr. Jafar and his company get a 35 year lease at Florida’s Port Canaveral? 

John Guandolo: 

John Guandolo is the Founder of UnderstandingtheThreat.com, an organization dedicated to providing strategic and operational threat-focused consultation, education, and training for federal, state and local leadership and agencies, and designing strategies at all levels of the community in order to defeat the jihadi threat.

Mr. Guandolo is a 1989 graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy who took a commission as an Officer in the United States Marine Corps. He served with 2d Battalion 2d Marines as an Infantry Platoon Commander in combat Operations Desert Shield/Storm. From 1991-1996, he served in 2d Force Reconnaissance Company as a Platoon Commander, Assistant Operations Officer, and the unit’s Airborne and Diving Officer. During this time, he also deployed to the Adriatic/Bosnia. In 1996, Mr. Guandolo resigned his commission in the Marine Corps and joined the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), serving at the Washington Field Office.

Shortly after 9/11, Mr. Guandolo began an assignment to the Counterterrorism Division of the FBI’s Washington Field Office developing an expertise in the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Doctrine, the global Islamic Movement, and terrorist organizations including Hamas, Al Qaeda, and others.

In 2006, Mr. Guandolo was designated a “Subject Matter Expert” by FBI Headquarters and created and implemented the FBI’s first Counterterrorism Training Program focused on the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Doctrine, and the global Islamic Movement, and. This course was hailed as “groundbreaking” by the FBI’s Executive Assistant Director in a brief to the Vice President’s National Security Staff.

For his efforts, in 2007 Mr. Guandolo was presented the “Defender of the Homeland” Award by U.S. Senators Jon Kyl and Joseph Lieberman on behalf of the Center for Security Policy in Washington, D.C.

While in the FBI, Mr. Guandolo also received two (2) United States Attorney’s Awards for Investigative Excellence.

After his FBI career, Mr. Guandolo conducted Strategic Analysis on the Global Islamic Movement for the Department of Defense.

Currently, Mr. Guandolo advises governments - U.S. and others - on matters related to National Security, specifically the threat from the Global Islamic Movement. He actively briefs and teaches members of Congress, senior military officials, law enforcement, the intelligence community, key community leaders, and others. Mr. Guandolo served as an adjunct instructor at the Joint Forces Staff College and instructed at the U.S. Army War College.

Mr. Guandolo is currently a Special Deputy Sheriff in Culpeper County, Virginia. In 2014, Mr. Guandolo was inducted into the International Who’s Who for his work in the field of national security.

Mr. Guandolo is the co-author of Shariah – The Threat to America, the first comprehensive book on the enemy threat doctrine, and the author of Raising a Jihadi Generation (September 2013) which details the Muslim Brotherhood’s jihadi support network inside the United States.

Mr. Guandolo frequently appears on television and radio, and regularly publishes articles related to these matters in a number of media outlets.


Chris Gaubatz:

As the son of a career Air Force OSI Special Agent, Chris Gaubatz grew up in England, Korea, California, and Utah, and today calls southwest Virginia home. Chris worked for several Fortune 500 companies conducting fraud investigations and asset protection, as well as insurance sales.

In 2007, Chris began researching the threat of jihadi organizations in the United States by posing as a Muslim convert and attending Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas conferences gaining access as an intern with the Hamas organization Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) in Virginia.

While working at the CAIR MD/VA office, Chris uncovered a fraud scheme being perpetrated by CAIR’s “immigration attorney” who was defrauding Muslims in the community and lying about handling their immigration proceedings. In fact, he was not even a licensed attorney.

When that office was shut down by CAIR in an effort to conceal this criminal activity, Chris was invited by Hamas/CAIR leaders to work at their headquarters office in Washington, D.C.

During his time there, Chris obtained over 12,000 pages of documents from Hamas/CAIR and over 300 hours of covert audio/video recordings. The entire story is featured in the book Muslim Mafia authored by investigative journalist Paul Sperry and Dave Gaubatz (Chris’ Father).


Brannon Howse:

As the author of thirteen books, Brannon has been a guest on more than 2,000 radio and television programs and has been featured in such publications as the Washington Times and appeared on such television programs as The O'Reilly Factor with Bill O'Reilly on Fox News.

Brannon is the host of a national radio program that is broadcast nation-wide each day from 1-2pm CT on numerous Christian radio stations, and is the host of The Worldview Weekend Hour, a weekly television program that is viewed in 120 nations around the world.

For many years, Brannon was the education reporter and frequent guest host of The Michael Reagan Program. Michael Reagan is the eldest son of President Reagan and Brannon was honored to host Michael's program the week of President Reagan's funeral. Brannon was the literary agent for Michael Reagan's book, Twice Adopted.

Due to his area of expertise, Brannon was featured for many years as a frequent guest on the radio program of Oliver North, G. Gordon Liddy, Ken Hamblin, Dr. D. James Kennedy, Phyllis Schlafly, & Beverly LaHaye's Concerned Women For America, among others.

Brannon is the founder of Worldview Weekend which has organized Worldview Weekend Conferences in more than 300 cities. Brannon is the President of Worldview Radio and WVW-TV which distributes the Biblical radio and television programs of nearly 20 different hosts world-wide. Many of these 20 programs are produced from the Memphis, Tennessee TV and radio studios of Worldview Weekend.

Brannon's understanding of worldviews, trends, and global events has resulted in people attending his two-day training session that work for the Federal Bureau of Investigation, The National Security Agency, an Assistant District attorney of one of the largest cities in America, military officers, police and sheriff officers, doctors, lawyers, teachers, pastors, and successful business owners. Brannon's reputation as a compelling and credible speaker resulted in his being honored as the keynote speaker for the 50th Annual Governor's Prayer Breakfast in Iowa a few years ago.

Brannon has built his reputation and credibility by being known for his in-depth research and meticulous documentation as well as for taking complex issues and breaking them down in a way anyone from students to adults can understand and apply to their worldview.





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