A LOOK BACK IN 2007: My Notes on American History

A LOOK BACK IN 2007<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
My Notes on American History
(A Nation Adrift
www.newlibertyvideos.com )
1150-<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Jerusalem was under Moslem control
1492-Christopher Columbus stepped ashore in America (He wanted to fulfill the Great Commission; he sailed to find gold and to regain the Holy Land from the Moslem Turks, and that is how he discovered America).
(1500s-Protestant Reformation)
1600s--many Puritans came over to the new land
1607-1st settlement in Jamestown, VA
Pocahontas became a Christian and was baptized into her new faith.
1620-Plymoth Colony (next colony)
Nov. 21, 1620-The Pilgrims came over and had developed the Mayflower Compact. It started out "In the name of God…"
Jan. 21, 1621-Pilgrims gave thanks
Autumn of 1621-They had a harvest celebration where for nine days they celebrated and gave thanks, sharing food with the Indians.
1630-Massachusetts Bay Colony
(1607-1769-was period of the colonies)
1639-Harvard was founded by the Puritans in Boston (purpose was for every student to know God and Jesus Christ as a basis for their education)
1683-Rhode Island colony said "We submit our lives to Jesus Christ."
1718-In New Haven, Yale was formed because the people were unhappy with the "liberalism" at Harvard
1749-Williamsburg, VA was established
1752-Benjamin Franklin was in Philadelphia and discovered electricity
1753-Liberty Bell arrived from England and quoted Leviticus 25:10
1770-1788-American Revolution
Noah Webster said (to paraphrase) I am persuaded that no government can stand without Christianity as its basis.
1775-George Washington became commander of Continental Army
1775-in Boston Washington took command of the Continental Army
July 4, 1775-General Washington states that there should be no cursing, no drunkenness in his army. He said if the men were not actually fighting they should be praying.
July 4, 1776-The Continental Congress approved Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence
Christmas of 1776-- Washington crossed the Delaware River in a snowstorm at night.
1777-About 20,000 Bibles were sent in from Holland and other countries; John Adams said that if all the nation's people followed the Bible, it would be like a utopia.
Dec. 25, 1777-Christmas dinner was meager, and all were hungry. They didn't have any shoes or any clothes, and at Valley Forge, they endured that winter because of George Washington's example and his trust in God; Isaac Potts overheard him praying and saw him praying on his knees.
1778-Sodomy was happening between two soldiers, so they were both drummed out of the camp by General Washington and never allowed to return.
Oct. 1781-Cornwallis surrendered to George Washington at Yorktown and that was the end of the Revolutionary War
Dec. 4, 1781-NYC there was a farewell luncheon for General Washington and all of his soldiers.
May, 1787-The Constitutional Convention met to amend the Articles of Confederation Summer of 1787 in Philadelphia 52 delegates met--27 Anglicans, 17 Calvinists, 2 Methodists, 2 Lutherans, 2 Roman Catholics, 1 Deist (Benjamin Franklin, though he contributed to all denominations), and 1 Quaker-met to draw up the Constitution
John Adams said the Constitution was meant for a Christian nation.
1789-they ratified the Constitution
1789-The Inauguration of George Washington in NYC as our first President (Philadelphia was the nation's Capitol).
1802-Thomas Jefferson became President in Washington, DC
1805-In Washington, D.C.-Thomas Jefferson called for no internal taxes
1826-50th Anniversary of Declaration of Independence
1828-Noah Webster wrote the Webster Dictionary and said "in America the foundational religion was Christianity."
1830-Rochester, NY Charles Finney had an estimated 500,000 conversions in revival and said "God will bless a nation according to the course Christians take in politics."
1857-In Manhattan there was a great prayer meeting which broke out from the Dutch Reformed Church and spread to the Methodists….and Horace Greeley, who was a newspaper editor counted 6,100 men in prayer at the same time in various churches; it was said there were 10,000 per week converted in NYC as a result of this prayer meeting
1863-In Gettysburg it was the third day of the bloodiest battle of the Civil War.
20,000 men from the South died, and 23, 000 from the North died. Robert E. Lee called for intercessory prayer and said, "Let prayer be our passion."
November 20, 1863-President Lincoln gave his Gettysburg address, and the North won. President Lincoln was asked by a reporter if he loved Jesus, and he said, "…when I went to Gettysburg, I consecrated myself to Christ, and yes, I do love Jesus."
1865-President Lincoln was killed.
1870-First woman to vote
1878-Vanderbilt University in Nashville ousted professor for teaching scientific contradictions to the Bible.
1892-Washington, D.C. it was ruled that our laws and institutions must be based on our Redeemer of Mankind.
1903-First big commercial success of American film "The Great Train Robbery."
1903-Wright Brothers fly
1904-NYC Steamship brings Europeans to Ellis Island
1905-Pastors in Atlantic City said that out of 50,000 people they knew of only 50 adults who were unconverted.
1906-Teddy Roosevelt president
1914-Henry Ford invented "The Assembly Line" and said that machines should not aid man, but "man should aid machines."
1917-WWI (lasted one year and a half)
United States was the preeminent power in the whole world at the end of WWI
1915-Margaret Sanger founded the National Birth Control League (it became Planned Parenthood in 1942). This was founded to "UNDERMINE the AUTHORITY of the Christian Church."
1917-"Bureau of Conscientious Objectors" convened to call themselves "Civil Liberties Bureau". They were for anarchism and allegiance to socialist reform. They are now called the ACLU.
1917-Billy Sunday revival meetings; it is reported some 2 million people gave their hearts to God in the Sunday crusades
1919-"The Birth Control Review" (Sanger) to create "a race of thoroughbreds"; she developed birth control, targeted mainly to the black population calling them "morons"; she was against the "breeding of idiots."
1920-Roger Baldwin with the ACLU promoting communism
1921-The American Economy was considered one of the wonders of the world
1925-Scopes Trial in Dayton, TN; Clarence Darrow, ACLU attorney wins and evolution is taught in public schools
1925-Margaret Sanger calls for a "Birth Control Conference" in NYC
1929-Stock Market Crash
1933-Margaret Sanger and Hitler were on the same page; scores of blacks happily took the birth control pill as a result of Margaret's "Negro Project."
1935-Franklin D. Roosevelt introduces the Social Security Act.
1941-Pearl Harbor
1942-Margaret Sanger said, 'The most generous thing a large family can do to one of its infant members is to kill it." Planned Parenthood Federation of America was named as a front for families.
1945-End of WWII (400,000 Americans were killed)
1954-"Under God" was added to the Pledge of Allegiance by Dwight D. Eisenhower to dedicate the nation to God.
1960-ACLU prohibits nativity scene and singing Christmas carols. Barry Goldwater in Washington, D.C. said, "I fear centralized government more than I do Moscow."
1962-ACLU lawyers have convinced US Supreme Court that prayer is unconstitutional
1963-First time in history Bibles were removed from classrooms in America
(Note: Andrew Jackson said, "The Bible is the Rock on which our Republic rests").
1963-John Kennedy was killed
1973-Washington, D.C., Roe vs. Wade makes abortion legal
1976-ACLU declares no Christmas pageants in public schools in New Jersey
1976-ACLU clandestine recruiting centers for the communist party
1980-ACLU removes Ten Commandments from public schools
(Note: James Madison, who was the "Architect of the Constitution" said we were to "govern ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God.").
1980-Roger Baldwin (ACLU Leader) was honored by Jimmy Carter
(Note: ACLU is for legalization of pornography and against tax-exempt status for churches).
1986-ACLU won another court victory against prayer before high school football games; Planned Parenthood has school based clinics (all were in black, minority, and ethnic schools) Abortions outnumber births 3 to 1 in black communities
1992-Partial birth abortion legalized
1993-Jocelyn Elders says syphilis and sexually transmitted diseases are caused by "poverty, ignorance, and Bible-belt mentality."
1993-Senator Kennedy praises partial birth abortion doctor, Dr. Edlin, and honors him publicly for his work calling him a "great hero in our cause."
1993-Ginsburg is appointed by Bill Clinton, and she is against traditional family roles in the home
1993-Hamilton Square Baptist Church in San Francisco was attacked by militant homosexuals and police would not make arrests.
Timeline compiled by Dwayna Litz on January 1, 2007


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