A Look at the Coming Financial Cliff. WVW Financial Update and Outlook For August 27, 2012

Worldview Weekend Financial Update: Guest: Michael Weiner. Topic: What does a strike on Iran by Israel mean for America's economy? Topic: Jim Rogers says U.S. heads for the fiscal cliff at the end of the year. Topic: South Korea buys large amount of gold. Topic: Gold and silver jump in price and where is it heading now? Topic: The government tells banks to prepare plan for preventing collapse. Topic: Is the government going to prevent your pulling as much money as you like out of your money market and why? Topic: Quantitative easing three on its way.   click here to listen now:http://www.worldviewweekend.com/worldview-radio/play.php?id=showsFlat-22018<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


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