Look at What Some of America's Biggest Leaders Are Up To: "The summer high jinks begin, as they have for more than 100 years, with a macabre, hokey ceremony-with Druidic, Masonic, Ku Klux Klan, and Aryan forest-worship overtones-called the Cremation

The May 2009 magazine Vanity Fair Reports that 2,500 of <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />America's wealthiest and most powerful men get together every July for 16 days as part of the Bohemia Club for some very strange meetings. Vanity Fair says some of those who are members include "Henry Kissinger, George H. W. Bush, and a passel o Bechtels, Basses and Rockefellers…The summer high jinks begin as they have for more than 100 years, with a macabre, hokey ceremony-with Druidic, Masonic, Ku Klux, Klan, and Aryan forest-worship overtones--called the Cremation of Care. ...The effigy of a chld called Dull Care will soon be mock-sacrificed by a group of men wearing red robes with sharp-pointed hoods, then placed in a little boat with a carved skull on the tip of its prow, set on fire, and sent across the lake."  Vanity Fair reports, "In the bohemian Club, 'bohemian' means something completely different from the free-living, poverty-stricken artist that the word usually conjures. It means toeing the party line, United We Stand. Unbohemian means being disloyal, betraying the pact, the global-dominance group. It's the worst thing a member can be called."
(While the article is largely about saving some trees, this is an interesting article by a mainstream source such as Vanity Fair. We do not endorse this magazine but post this because it is a major publication documenting what may have claimed for years. However, many conservative talk show hosts have denied this group even existed.)


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