The Lynch Mob and the Holocaust

The Lynch Mob and the Holocaust –Ray Comfort

"Do you think the Jewish people of the holocaust were being punished because their supposed ancestors said let his blood be upon us and our children?" icouldbeThe lynch mob that called for the crucifixion, did say that if they were wrong in what they wanted to do, that their own children should suffer for it. They only said that because they were absolutely sure that they were justified in having Jesus put to death. We have similar sayings today--"I'll be damned if it isn't so." But their words were pointless, because God doesn't punish children for the sins of the fathers. He only punishes the guilty. If you and I are not guilty of violation of God's Law, we are okay. If we have broken the Commandments (even in thought), the Day will come when justice will be done.While hanging on the cross, Jesus cried out, "Father, forgive them, they know not what they do." The mob didn't know what they were doing. Those who called for His death had no idea that Jesus of Nazareth was God in human form (see 1 Timothy 3:16 (KJV), and through the cross He was destroying the power of death for humanity. To the religious leaders, this was just a rebel, who spoke out publically about their religious hypocrisy. He told them and the world that they were evil, and that their outward show of religion was offensive to God. If they had charges against Him they should have gone through the process of civil law. But they didn't. They conducted an illegal trial at night, and had Him quickly put to death. That had nothing to do with German or Polish Jews living 2,000 years later. It also had nothing to do with the thousands of Jehovah's Witnesses, or the 2 million gentile Poles that were killed, the mentally ill, physically disabled and the mentally retarded, homosexuals and transsexual people, political opponents and religious dissidents who died along with the Jews. The Nazis killed an estimated 6 million Jews, but they were also responsible for an estimated 11 million additional deaths during the war. Those who talk about the Holocaust as being the result of what the Jews did in the time of Christ, do great harm to the cause of Christianity. But that's nothing new.Today's clip:<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

How Many Commandments are There?

"Sorry fellow atheists, I have to defend the Lutherans and Catholics. They don't treat women as simple property. For them the 9th Commandment is 'You shall not covet your neighbors wife'. All the property stuff follows in the 10th. That's when you get if you use the Ten Commandments from Deuteronomium (sic) 5,6–21, instead of those from Exodus." Anna SetheThe Roman Catholic "Ten" Commandments are actually only nine. They deleted the Second Commandment--the one that says not to create an image and bow down to it, and then they split the Tenth, no doubt hoping that no one would notice. You (and millions of others) didn't. If you don't believe me, study the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Vatican website for yourself: 20:2-17 and Deuteronomy 5:7-21 are the same Ten Commandments.I have mentioned before that when I ask most Roman Catholics if they are "Christians," they almost always say "No, I'm a Catholic." They make a difference between the two. If you study the teachings of the Roman church you will see that there are many differences between what the Bible says, and what Catholicism says. That's why it's good for people to read the Bible so that they can see the difference. Read what I have said again, if you would. There is nothing anti-Catholic. It is not Catholic-bashing. It is just the facts as they stand. The issues that many dislike about religion are often addressed in Scripture. Take the time to study the Bible (particularly the New Testament) and you will find that you are not alone in your objections against the hypocrisy of religion.Today's clip:

Seeing Clearly

If you are not a Christian, you are like someone who is driving directly towards the sun, as it sits low on the horizon. It's an annoying experience. Nothing is clear. But it's so different if you drive with a low sun behind you. Everything looks clear. If you have never repented and trusted in Jesus Christ, nothing will be clear. You will want to search outer space to see if you can find your origins, because you don't know where you came from. Neither will you know why you are here, or where you are heading. However, repentance is a complete change of direction. When we repent and trust in Jesus, all things become clear. We come to know the truth. We are not an accident, but were made by God for God. That's the purpose of our existence. To enjoy Him and His creation forever. To fight against the will of God is to drive towards a blinding sun. Turn around, and you will see all things clearly. You will know the truth and the truth will make you free (see John 8:31-32). Today's witnessing clip:

Wired by God

There are some people who mistakenly think that it is wrong for anyone to respond to the gospel, simply for the reward of Heaven. Their belief is that we should do what's right just because it's right, not because of fear of punishment or promise of reward. However, such idealism is unrealistic. We are sinners with desperately wicked hearts, and we are incapable of such noble motives. However, God has "wired" us to respond to rewards and punishments. From the moment we are born, we have the ability to respond positively to a smile and negatively to a frown. We respond positively to incentives. We work towards a wage, run to win the medal, and climb to reach the highest peak. Again, it's our nature to be motivated by these things. That's why we have court systems that threaten punishment to lawbreakers. If we violate traffic rules we are punished by a ticket or even imprisonment. It is therefore evident that it is legitimate for any sane person to respond negatively to the threat of Hell and positively to God's free gift of eternal life.Today's witnessing clip:

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