Marvin Olasky, Former Communist-Out At World Magazine After Years of Flirting with Cultural Marxist Advocates
By Rev Thomas Littleton
Virtually no one in the evangelical press has been willing to call out Marvin Olasky for WALTZING AMONG THE LEFTIST ELITE except WORLDVIEW WEEKEND, Brannon Howse and this author at Thirty Pieces of Silver. But now Olasky has begun to reap his sowing his wild oats in the mushy middle with other evangelical leaders.

According to NY Times Marvin Olasky, long time editor of World Magazine, is out of a job. The Times blames the ouster on his anti- Trump rhetoric which the Times deemed “Biblical ” opposition. But it is far more likely his recent years of flirting with Obama Foundation and Democratic Party operatives which proved to be his downfall.
Olasky’s “compassionate conservatism” helped brand the Bush W era politics and policies including the dreaded and RUINOUS Faith Based Neighborhood Partnerships giving churches, denominations and Christian ministries access to federal grants. The church has NEVER recovered especially after the Obama administration revamped the FBNP to include radical LGBTQ funders and organizations along with Muslims activist. FPNB also allowed the far left evangelical wing nuts to sit down with conservatives like Southern Baptist Executive Committee CEO Frank Page and find “Common Ground for the Common Good…to get the public funding. This sweet spot of compromise set up conservative opposition for a fall -in fact resulting in an all out effort to collapse the Christian Conservatives into the left.
If anyone should recognize a Cultural Marxist at work it would be a “former Communist” right? Not so for Marvin Olasky who boast in his testimony of conversion that he was a “card carrying” Communist by age 24 but came to faith after reading the New Testament in Russian. Olasky’s testimony gave him street cred among evangelicals and likely helped make him one of the key thought leaders among conservative evangelicals and Christian media via his positions at World Magazine and Patrick Henry College (Among many other places).
Olasky is reported to have disliked the rollout of the Bush W era FBNP he had helped inspire BUT Olasky has been uncomfortably familiar in his flirtatious relationships with the Obama era FBNP head evangelical recruiter Michael Wear who has become the Obama Foundations “Ambassador to America’s Believers”. Wear also played a key leadership role in the in the critical theory driven & Campaign’s “Biblical Values & Social Justice” movement which proved to be little more than THE key anti-Trump effort among evangelicals in the lead up to the 2020 election. The & Campaign is also lead by Democratic Party operative /Hillary and Obama delegate Justin Giboney. Both Giboney and Wear have been platformed and featured by Marvin Olasky in his roles at both World Magazine and Patrick Henry College.
“As the longtime editor of World, a Christian news organization that has a website, a biweekly magazine and a set of podcasts, Olasky has delivered a mix of hard news and watchdog articles about the evangelical realm under a journalistic philosophy he calls “biblical objectivity.”
It involves taking strong stands where the Bible is clear, which has led World to oppose abortion rights and support refugees, he says, and to follow reportable facts where the Bible doesn’t provide clear guidance.
The concept served Olasky well from 1994, when he became the editor of World, until Nov. 1, when he submitted his resignation.
He had, he said, received an effective “vote of no confidence” from World’s board, which had recently started a section of the website, World Opinions, without fully consulting him.”
…” And its founder, Joel Belz, told me he believed Olasky’s departure was simply an episode of “painful growing pains.”
Note the NY Times eludes to the establishment of the World Opinions section which World just established and which Albert Mohler has been invited to help lead. This move was done, according to NY Times , “without consulting Olasky”. YET Olasky and Mohler both share in the spread of the social justice diseased false gospel work of Tim Keller’s “The Gospel Coalition”. Again Marvin Olasky works for /with the Action Institute which has brought the socialist economics based Social Justice curriculum to once conservative seminaries including Albert Mohler’s SBTS in the “Commonweal Project”. Olasky and Mohler still remain joined at the hip in the neo-Calvinist movement which birthed TGC and other progressive false gospel movements impacting conservative denominations like the SBC and the PCA. This would not have been possible without the presence of and expertise in doublespeak by editors like Olasky and TGC Joe Carter who also works with Olasky over at Patrick Henry College. The evangelical room has been filled with such activist agents of change for decades now.
A quick look at who is supporting Olasky after his ousting at World is helpful. New York Times is calling his opposition to Christian’s voting for Trump “Biblical”. Does anyone think NY Times cares about or is a good judge of what is “Biblical”? NYT is virtually passing out tissues for those still clueless enough to morn Olasky’s departure. Also there is a bit of fake Twitter outrage by a long time Acton Institute employee and semi closeted leftward activist Anthony Bradley . Bradley gives the Olasky departure press an even more glaring feel of political theater attempting to rescue Olasky’s image and failed conservative credibility.
Anthony B. Bradley, PhD@drantbradley “Marvin Olasky is pushed out of WORLD magazine by Mohlerish SBCers. The PCA partnering with SBC leaders has done nothing but made PCA platforms & conversations worse. Again, fundamentalism is toxic. This so sad & I’m overwhelmingly angry.”
Thomas Littleton@revcoltom· Replying to dr ant bradley Anthony The PCA “partnering ” with the SBC is because of Tim Keller’s progressive @TGC of which Mohler is a part. Marvin’s troubles go much deeper than a supposed “toxic SBC fundamentalism” or “opposition to Trump”. Olasky’s credibility wounds are self inflicted. A former Marxist -should have known better.
To blame Olasky’s problems on his friend and fellow mushy middle conservative talking head Albert Mohler is as absurd as it can get. To blame the PCA denominations terminal problems on the co-mingling of these two movements under the influence of “toxic fundamentalism” (supposedly controlled by Olasky TGC pal Mohlers “Mohlerish SBC’s) is so stupid we can only hope Acton’s Bradley is faking his views as well as his outrage. It is painful and intellectually insulting for anyone to have to read his assertions.
Olasky has problems because he has caused problems for World Magazine … which is likely having problems with its readership after years of Olasky’s flirtations with the left and its evangelical operatives.
AKA Marvin N. Olasky
Born: 12-Jun–1950
Birthplace: Boston, MA
Gender: Male
Religion: Presbyterian
Race or Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Pundit, Historian, Journalist
Nationality: United States
Executive summary: The Tragedy of American Compassion
“Marvin Olasky stands as one of the first major intellectual successes in the American conservative movement, a man whose views on welfare were codified into law in the late 20th century. Born into a Jewish family in Boston, Marvin Olasky became an avowed Atheist and Marxist in high school and a member of the Communist party in 1972. While attending the University of Michigan, Olasky’s beliefs made a complete reversal after a spiritual awakening: either due to a decision to read the New Testament in Russian or a sudden existential crisis while reading Lenin, Olasky found himself a fervent supporter of the Christian conservative movement. He was baptized into the Presbyterian church in 1976; in 1992 he helped found the Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Austin, TX.
Olasky has taught in the journalism department at the University of Texas at Austin since 1983, becoming a full professor in 1993. Midway through his term as associate professor, he came to the attention of Reconstructionist philanthropist Howard Ahmanson, Jr., who gave him the editorship of the Turning Point series of books via his charitable arm, the Fieldstead Institute. Olasky wrote its first installment, A Christian Worldview Declaration (1987), as well as the Capital Research Center series Patterns of Corporate Philanthropy.
This initial work brought him to the attention of the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, which funded him as a two-year Bradley scholar at the The Heritage Foundation. His two 1988 books on the mass media, Prodigal Press: The Anti-Christian Bias of American News Media and The Press and Abortion, 1838-1988 outlined philosophies that harmonized with the Christian agenda of World magazine, of which he became editor in 1992. He was instrumental in that periodical’s 1998 spawning of the World Journalism Institute, which seeks to recruit and train Christian journalists and inject them into the mainstream media.
He has since written over 16 books, most notably The Tragedy of American Compassion (1992), which blamed the countercultural revolution of the 1960s for society’s ills thirty years later and claimed that welfare needed a basis in Christianity if it was to have any lasting effect. The book gained the endorsement of William Bennett, who passed it on to Newt Gingrich, who in turn shilled it to every Republican in the House of Representatives. In January 2001, he saw the policies outlined in this book put into law with the creation of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives. George W. Bush has called him “compassoniate conservatism’s leading thinker”; in 1999, he chaired an advisory subcommittee on religion and public policy for the then-governor.”
Wife: Susan Olasky (juvenile author, Young American Patriot, m. 1976)
Son: Pete (b. 1977)
Son: David (b. 1980)
Son: Daniel (b. 1985)
Son: Benjamin (adopted, b. 1990, bi-racial)
University: BA American Studies, Yale University (1971)
University: MA American Culture, University of Michigan (1974)
University: PhD American Culture, University of Michigan (1976)
Lecturer: San Diego State University (1976-77)
Professor: Journalism, University of Texas at Austin (1983-)
Provost: The King’s College, New York City
World Editor, Columnist (1992-)
Austin American-Statesman Columnist (1996-2003)
The Boston Globe Reporter (1970-71, 1973)
DuPont Executive speechwriter, public affairs coordinator (1978-83)
Acton Institute Senior Fellow (1999-)
American Compass
Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation
Capital Research Center Senior Fellow (1991-)
Center of the American Experiment Board of Advisors
Communist Party USA 1972
The Heritage Foundation Bradley Scholar (1989-90)
Fieldstead Institute Editor, Turning Point book series
Interfaith Stewardship Alliance advisory board
Progress and Freedom Foundation Senior Fellow (1995-96)
TheVanguard.Org Board of Advisors
World Journalism Institute
Converted to Atheism 1964
Born-Again Christian 1976
Russian Ancestry
Jewish Ancestry
Author of books:
Corporate Public Relations: A New Historical Perspective (1987, nonfiction)
Turning Point: A Christian Worldview Declaration (1987, nonfiction, with Herbert Schlossberg)
Patterns of Corporate Philanthropy: Public Affairs Giving and the Forbes 100 (1987, nonfiction, foreword by Donald Rumsfeld)
Freedom, Justice and Hope: Toward a Strategy for the Poor and the Oppressed (1988, nonfiction, with Clark Pinnock, Herbert Schlossberg, and Pierre Berthoud)
Prodigal Press: The Anti-Christian Bias of American News Media (1988, non-fiction)
The Press and Abortion, 1838-1988 (1988, non-fiction)
Central Ideas in the Development of American Journalism (1991, non-fiction)
Patterns of Corporate Philanthropy: Funding False Compassion (1991, non-fiction, with Daniel T. Oliver and Robert V. Pambianco)
More Than Kindness: A Compassionate Approach to Crisis Childbearing (1992, non-fiction, with Susan Olasky)
The Tragedy of American Compassion (1992, non-fiction, later republished with an introduction by Charles Murray)
Abortion Rites: A Social History of Abortion in America (1992, non-fiction)
Patterns of Corporate Philanthropy: The Progressive Deception (1992, non-fiction, with Daniel T. Oliver and Stuart Nolan)
Philanthropically Correct: The Story of the Council on Foundations (1993, non-fiction)
Fighting for Liberty and Virtue: Political and Cultural Wars in Eighteenth-Century America (1995, non-fiction)
Telling the Truth: How to Revitalize Christian Journalism (1996, non-fiction)
Renewing American Compassion: How Compassion for the Needy Can Turn Ordinary Citizens into Heroes (1996, non-fiction)
Whirled Views: Tracking Today’s Culture Storms (1997, non-fiction, with Joel Belz)
The American Leadership Tradition: Moral Vision from Washington to Clinton (1999, non-fiction)
Compassionate Conservatism: What it is, What it Does, and How it Can Transform America (2000, non-fiction, introduction by George W. Bush)
The American Leadership Tradition: The Inevitable Impact of a Leader’s Faith on a Nation’s Destiny (2000, non-fiction)
Standing for Christ in a Modern Babylon (2003, non-fiction)
The Religions Next Door: What We Need To Know About Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, And Islam – and What Reporters Are Missing (2004, non-fiction)
The Great Divide: The failure of Islam and the Triumph of the West (2004, non-fiction, with Alvin J. Schmidt)
Russell Moore is out of the SBC and it’s Ethics arm the ERLC. The World Magazine board has purged itself of Marvin Olasky. We can only hope and pray it is a trend which is just getting started. Even if World and SBC leaders are attempting to save face and or retain their audiences -their motives are not quiet as important as the fact that both of the compromised voices are gone except for their sour grapes commentaries from far more progressive publications like Christianity Today.
We must pray it is the start of a trend and more of the well placed compromisers aiding in the deconstruction of conservative evangelicalism and who are being exposed will be sharpening up their resumes. Keep Praying.
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