The Marxist Revolution Manual for the Riots of 2020
























Guest: Dr. Andy Woods. Topic: Burn Down The American Plantation: Call for a Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement (RAM). (Part 1)  Brannon sent this manual he found online to Dr. Woods and asked him to join him in going through this manual. As we going through this manual we will see the detailed goal of the Marxist revolutionaries rioting in the American streets here in 2020. Topic: Why are the protestors fighting the police? Why are they burning down businesses and even the businesses of minorities? Why are they threatening to go into the suburbs and burn down the homes of average Americans? What are the top 10 goals of the RAM? Topic: Why does Brannon fear we may see the kidnaping of police officers, military personnel or even conservatives voices and what would it take for them to be ransomed? Topic: The RAM manual explains what they learned from the Black Panthers, the Black Liberation Army and Weather Underground. Topic: If the military is brought in to stop the street riots will the next stage be bombings and political assassinations? Topic: We take your calls including that of a Black American that pours out his heart about what he sees occurring in America.
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