Mary Cheney:  Giving Birth to Controversy<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
By J. Matt Barber
Mary Cheney, unwed lesbian daughter of Vice President Dick Cheney, has given birth to a son, Samuel David Cheney.  This beautiful child of God is undoubtedly a wonderful blessing to Ms. Cheney and to his two doting grandparents.  This precious new life should be celebrated.  But the conditions under which Ms. Cheney has chosen to bring this child into the world are to be condemned.        
Although circumstances don't always allow child rearing to occur within God's natural design for the family (which includes both a mother and a father), Ms. Cheney has very sadly and selfishly made the conscious choice to deny her child a natural family environment.  She has intentionally deprived him of his other parent – his father.  Consequently, this child will be purposely raised without the unique loving male role model and authority figure that only a father can represent.  Studies show that by far, the best familial environment for child rearing includes both a mother and a father. 
Ms. Cheney apparently intends to have a woman by the name of Heather Poe, whom she has identified as her lesbian "partner," assist in the rearing of her son; but unfortunately, Ms. Poe can never replace little Samuel David's other parent – his dad.  One wonders if Ms. Cheney has ever contemplated what her childhood may have been like if she had been denied her own father.        
The Fox News Channel, which in the past has at least made an effort to avoid liberal bias and political correctness in its reporting, has covered the story with the PC caption:  Dick Cheney's Daughter & Lesbian Partner Give Birth to Boy.  This begs the question:  How is it that Ms. Cheney's lesbian partner has "[given] birth to a boy"?  It is a biological impossibility for a homosexual "couple" to conceive a child without the assistance of a third party who is a member of the opposite sex.  Yes, due to infertility natural male-female couples sometimes have to employ similar assistance, but there is no comparison. 
Opposite sex couples who experience problems with infertility can at least conceivably have children.  It is a physical impossibility for a homosexual couple to do so.  In order to create the artificial scenario under which homosexuals can have a child, the natural reproductive process must still occur, but it must occur outside of the same-sex "relationship" which always excludes at least one of the "partners."  The process must take place under very artificial circumstances well outside the bounds of God's clearly ordained family construct.     
Mary Cheney – who is in a very high profile position because of who her father is – has been blessed with a platform upon which she has the potential to accomplish so much good.  Unfortunately, in this case she has chosen to use that platform in a manner which only serves to chip away at one of the principal God given cornerstones of a healthy society – the natural family.   
Matt Barber is one of the "like-minded men" with Concerned Women for America. He is an attorney concentrating in constitutional law and serves as CWA's policy director for cultural issues.

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