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  • One of the Supreme Court’s most conservative justices is rumored to be considering retirement after a string of personal, vicious attacks from far-left political operatives.
  • Lawyers for alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and two other defendants accused of plotting the 2001 terror attacks have reached a plea deal with federal prosecutors that will shield the men from the death penalty.
  • A well-known fast food chain decides to go full bore into artificial intelligence.
  • Mercedes-Benz is adding humanoid robots to its factories to complete physically intensive and “low-skill” tasks.
  • Joe Biden announces a massive prisoner swap with Russia that freed Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich and former U.S. Marine Paul Whelan. But who is being released to the Russians? We’ll take a look.
  • And the International Olympic Committee is forcing female boxers to fight against men. We’ve got a shocking video that shows just how dangerous this is.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now! 


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

Reports have surfaced that Justice Samuel Alito, a conservative voice on the Supreme Court, is considering retirement.

Justice Alito, recognized as one of the more conservative members of the Court, was appointed by President George W. Bush and took his seat in January 2006.

At 74, he is the second-oldest justice currently serving on the bench, after Clarence Thomas, who is 76.

His alleged reflections on retirement come amidst ongoing attacks by the Democrats.

Leftist politicians and groups are calling for Conservative Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito to recuse himself over an upside-down flag that was flown over his home.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, conservative Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito flew an upside-down American flag at his Alexandria, Virginia, home on January 17, 2021—just days after the January 6 Capitol event and shortly before Joe Biden’s inauguration.

Justice Alito, in a statement to The New York Times, denied any personal involvement with the flag’s flying, attributing it to his wife, Martha-Ann Alito.

According to Alito, the flag was a reaction to “F*ck Trump” yard signs posted by neighbors and verbal attacks toward his wife rather than a political statement.

Alito was also unjustly targeted by a liberal journalist, Lauren Windsor, who secretly recorded him in an attempt to trap the conservative Supreme Court Justice. This so-called “bombshell” audio is nothing more than a giant nothing burger.

New York socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez introduced articles of impeachment against Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito.

This radical step follows her previous threat of impeachment against the six conservative justices after the Supreme Court ruled in favor of President Donald Trump’s immunity from prosecution for alleged crimes committed during his tenure.

Now, according to far-left CNN, Justice Alito seemed “weary of it all” on the final day of the court’s recent term.


The U.S. has reached a plea deal with alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and two other defendants accused of plotting the 2001 terror attacks, CNN reports.

The pretrial agreement – reached after 27 months of negotiations – takes the death penalty off the table for Mohammed and two co-conspirators, prosecutors said in a letter to 9/11 families obtained by CNN.

After beginning negotiations in March 2022, the three men agreed to plead guilty to all charges, including the murder of the 2,976 people, the families were told.

Mohammed and his co-defendants will enter guilty pleas at a plea hearing that could come as early as next week.

Prosecutors wrote in the letter:

“We recognize that the status of the case in general, and this news in particular, will understandably and appropriately elicit intense emotion, and we also realize that the decision to enter into a pre-trial agreement will be met with mixed reactions amongst the thousands of family members who lost loved ones. The decision to enter into a pre-trial agreement after 12 years of pre-trial litigation was not reached lightly; however, it is our collective, reasoned, and good-faith judgment that this resolution is the best path to finality and justice in this case.”

Justice? I think not.


CNBC reports that Yum Brands hopes to use artificial intelligence to take drive-thru orders at hundreds of Taco Bell restaurants by the end of this year.

The restaurant company announced on Wednesday it is expanding its rollout of the technology in the U.S. as it eyes implementing it in drive-thru lanes globally.

Yum Brands joins restaurant rivals such as Wendy’s and White Castle in betting on voice AI, but its plans are the most ambitious to date. While tech companies may promise that voice AI can speed up service times, reduce labor costs and boost sales through upselling, restaurant companies have taken a more measured approach so far, testing the technology to make sure both its employees and customers enjoy the experience.

In June, McDonald’s said it would end its trial of Automated Order Taker, an AI technology tested in partnership with IBM. The Chicago-based company now plans to turn to other AI vendors instead.

Yum Brands has moved quickly on its test. In May, executives said Taco Bell would expand its pilot of voice AI from five locations to 30 restaurants in California. Currently, more than 100 Taco Bell restaurants in the U.S. use voice AI. 


PC Mag reports that Mercedes-Benz is adding humanoid robots to its factories to complete physically intensive and “low-skill” tasks, the car manufacturer and robotics firm announced Friday.

The robot, named Apollo, is produced by  a company called Apptronik, whose CEO Jeff Cardenas said in a statement:

“Mercedes plans to use robotics and Apollo for automating some low skill, physically challenging, manual labor—a model use case which we’ll see other organizations replicate in the months and years to come.”

Apollo is 5’8 in height, weighs 160 pounds, can lift up to 55 pounds, and can currently run for four hours on a single battery pack, according to the company’s website. The general-purpose robot has arms and legs as well as eyes with LED lights and a screen on its chest that can display different types of information. Instead of a moving mouth, Apollo’s mouth is another screen of sorts that can display a slight smile, a wrench icon, or its battery charge status.


Apollo doesn’t have a plug-in option like an electric vehicle to charge. Instead, the humanoid robot has battery packs that must be removed and swapped when it runs out of juice. The robot also doesn’t have to use its legs if its tasks are stationary, as its torso can be mounted to a metal post if desired.

When a moving object or person is detected within the “impact zone” close to a walking Apollo, the robot will stop moving for safety reasons. Apollo also comes with software that can remotely control its operations, and the company’s website shows that it can even be controlled from a game controller-like device.

The announcement suggests Mercedes may use Apollo to inspect vehicle parts, bring parts to the assembly line for human workers to assemble, and deliver kitted parts, to name a few potential use cases.


Joe Biden announced Thursday a massive prisoner swap with Russia that freed Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich and former U.S. Marine Paul Whelan.

Biden said:

“Their brutal ordeal is over, and they are free.”

With several of the freed prisoners’ family members standing behind him at the White House, Biden said Russia had wrongly convicted them in “show trials.” Biden said he and the families were able to speak to the prisoners a few moments earlier on the phone from the Oval Office.

“They're out of Russia,” he said. “Earlier today, they were flown to Turkey. Soon they will be wheels up on their way home to see their families. It's an incredible relief.”

On the Russian side, TASS said: “The Russians were exchanged for a group of persons who acted in the interests of foreign states to the detriment of the security of the Russian Federation.”

The exchange of 24 prisoners follows months of negotiations and marks a rare moment of cooperation between Russia and its adversaries in the West after more than two years of war in Ukraine.

The key to the prisoner deal was freeing Russian assassin Vadim Krasikov, convicted of murder in Germany in 2019.


Donald Trump criticized the deal for lack of transparency, stating, “So when are they going to release the details of the prisoner swap with Russia? How many people do we get versus them? Are we also paying them cash? …They’re calling the trade ‘complex’ – That’s so nobody can figure out how bad it is!”


Donald Trump dropped the hammer on a rude “fake news network” reporter during an interview in front of a live audience.

Trump sat down for an interview with ABC’s Rachel Scott at the National Association of Black Journalists conference in Chicago. Vice President Kamala Harris was a no-show at the event.

He had traveled to the deep blue city on Wednesday to deliver remarks at the event.

However, without introducing the 45th president, Scott unloaded on Trump with a long-winded question filled with false claims.

The reporter began by accusing Trump of lying and attacking the black community.

Trump sat patiently as Scott reeled off multiple false claims while accusing him of being a liar and a racist.

As she continued, Trump sat quietly without interrupting until she finished.

The mostly-black crowd then went wild as Trump unleashed on Scott in response.

WATCH VIDEO (clip first 2:50)


The explosion that killed Ismail Haniyeh and his bodyguard early Wednesday was set off by a sophisticated, remote-controlled bomb smuggled about two months ago into the Hamas leader’s room at the Tehran guesthouse where he was staying, The New York Times reported Thursday.

The report cited one American and seven Middle Eastern officials, including two members of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. It contradicted earlier reports, including by the IRGC’s Tasnim news agency, that a missile had killed Haniyeh. It also cited officials from the United States and the Middle East as saying or assessing that Israel was behind the blast.

According to three Iranian officials cited by the Times, the assassination is a “tremendous embarrassment” for the IRGC, which runs the guesthouse where Haniyeh and other dignitaries were staying.

Haniyeh was in Tehran for the swearing-in of Iran’s newly elected president Masoud Pezeshkian. Jerusalem has neither confirmed nor denied the assassination, but Iran has vowed to exact revenge on Israel.

The IRGC officials cited by the Times noted that while the explosion shattered windows and collapsed a portion of the wall of the compound, there was minimal damage to the building itself. The New York Times said the limited scope of the damage was corroborated by photographs reviewed by the newspaper.


The Daily Mail reports that a teenager charged with murdering three children and harming 10 others at a Taylor Swift-themed dance class in Southport has finally been released by the UK legal system. He is Axel Rudakubana.

The 17-year-old, who turns 18 in just six days, was born to Rwandan parents in Cardiff, Wales, in 2006 before moving to the village of Banks in Lancashire in 2013.

He is accused of carrying out the attack with a machete, killing Bebe King, 6, Elsie Dot Stancombe, 7, and Alice Dasilva Aguiar, 9.

Rudakubana is also accused of the attempted murders of eight more children, along with a 35-year-old dance teacher and local businessman. 

Up until now, the teenager's identity could not be revealed because suspects under 18 receive automatic anonymity in all UK court cases, except for in exceptional circumstances.

After a successful application to the judge by the Daily Mail, the name of the alleged knifeman was released.

Judge Andrew Menary said he had to balance the risk to the suspect's family and the risk to him in custody with the public’s interest in accurately reporting his identity.

Mobs of local residents took to the streets of Southport and other major UK cities this week after a website spread some false information about the identity of the suspect, namely that he had arrived by boat to the UK last year, along with claims that he was on an M16 watch list.

This led to violent riots in multiple cities.

As the suspected murderer arrived at the court, he was met by dozens of people shouting, with one man having to be held back by police officers as the van holding him passed by.


Todd Bensman, writing for the Center for Immigration Studies, reports the Biden administration has refused to answer reporters’ questions or reveal the names of two Jordanian nationals in the country illegally, who on May 3 conducted a box-truck ramming attack on Quantico Marine Corps Base.

The Department of Justice, Department of Defense, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and the FBI all circled wagons to guard the identities of the two Jordanians against five written congressional inquiries and a sixth by Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin seeking government briefings about the incident.

Bensman reports government lawyers went so far as to refuse a Center for Immigration Studies Freedom of Information Act request on grounds that releasing their names was a “clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy” and of “minimal public interest” despite the congressional and media inquiries that reached a May 16 White House press briefing where President Biden’s spokesperson refused to answer.

But a systematic search of federal court records by CIS has turned up the names of the men as Hasan Hamdan and Mohammad Dabous. The records also provide an indication of at least what the federal government has done with them since their May 3 arrests, though stop short of why they tried to ram a truck into a U.S. military base. 

While one Jordanian illegally crossed the border a month before the incident, the other reportedly overstayed a student visa he'd been issued but never used.

Both men stand charged with Class B misdemeanors for allegedly trespassing on a military facility, together on May 3, charges which carry up to six months in prison and a $5,000 fine. 

More than 10 weeks after their arrests, federal prosecutors agreed to support their release, on a mere promise that they would appear for future hearings. 


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

The International Olympic Committee is forcing female boxers to fight against males. 

As Anna Slatz explains in a recent article for Reduxx Feminist News, the Women’s World Boxing Championships took place in March of 2023 and was hosted in New Delhi, India. A total of 324 boxers from 64 nations competed during the 10-day trial, marking the largest participation in any iteration of the championship ever recorded.

But the grand event was marred by controversy after Umar Kremlev, president of the International Boxing Association (IBA), announced the disqualification of multiple boxers from the championship.

Anna Slatz writes:

“Kremlev said IBA executives had met towards the championship’s grand finale to discuss ‘fairness among athletes and professionalism,’ after concerns were raised about the biological sex of some participants. He added that after ‘a series of DNA-tests,’ the IBA ‘uncovered athletes who were trying to fool their colleagues and pretend to be women.’ Speaking to TASS News, Kremlev claimed the tests had proven the athletes in question had XY (male) chromosomes and were thus excluded from the sports events.”

Among the disqualified was Imane Khelif, an Algerian boxer who had been set to challenge Yang Liu of China in the welterweight final. Khelif was removed from the gold medal fight, and a boxer from Thailand, who had lost to Khelif in the semi-finals, was allowed to fight Yang for the championship.

We have some video footage of the same Algerian man, Mr. Khelif, who you will see dressed in red, fighting as a fake woman in this week’s Paris Olympics. The real woman he is fighting is seen in blue – her name is Angela Carini of Italy. Carini abandoned her fight against the Algerian man after just 46 seconds in the ring. The punishment she was taking was simply too much. She broke down and wept as her male opponent was declared the winner.


David Strom, writing for Hotair, concludes:

“Men whom the International Boxing Association has disqualified from fighting women are fighting at the Olympics as women. Men who gender ideologists insist are women, because they say so. 

“…When something like this happens before your eyes, you realize that the issue isn't just fairness but whether the IOC is sanctioning and even promoting male violence against women. It's abuse, put on for the fun and profit of the elites who want to see it.”

This is a disgrace. The Olympics organizers are embarrassing themselves. And I, for one, will not be tuning in to these sham Olympic games.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for watching and supporting this broadcast. 

Until next time…


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