MOTHER TERESA - Example of Christian Love? Or Worldwide Hoax? PART 1

A little historical sketch of the deceitful ways of the Roman church will reveal that Mother Teresa was merely the latest in Catholic icons to promote the heresies and lies of the antichrist catholic system which is leading a billion people to hell, not to mention the billions it has already led to damnation. What is even more disturbing is that "Christian" leaders are often heard elevating Mother Teresa as some kind of example of Christian servant hood.  What a lie!
To the leader who uses mother Teresa as an example of Christian love, I would say: Dear Pastor:  I take deep exception to your spoken views of mother Teresa and wanted to ask you to consider some things if you don't mind:
·   Where did mother Teresa ever confess that Jesus was her LORD and Savior?
·   Whose salvation plan did Teresa live according to?  God's or <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Rome's?
·   Where did mother Teresa ever proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ? – That He is the only way to God?
·   What was her real mission?
·   Was she a photo-op promotional champion for the Catholic church to keep the faithful, faithful, and recruit new people to this cult?
·   Do good works and giving one's body to be burned now save the soul? Has God changed His mind? Is there another way to God outside of the nail-scarred, risen Savior?
·   Who was mother Teresa a champion for? (Answer: The most abominable antichrist system in the world – the roman catholic church)
·   Did you realize that mother Teresa spoke often at new age conferences because her views were not in contradiction to theirs?
·   Was mother Teresa building the kingdom of God or the kingdom of antichrist? (The answer is obvious)
·   Whose kingdom are we building if we herald her as a true Christian?
·   How much research did you do on mother Teresa before you have led other believers to look to her as a Christ-like example and condone the false religion of Roman Catholicism?
·   Did you realize that mother Teresa stated: "What we are all trying to do by our work, by serving the people, is to come closer to God. If in coming face to face with God we accept Him in our lives, then we are converting. We become a better Hindu, a better Muslim, a better Catholic, a better whatever we are, and then by being better we come closer and closer to Him. If we accept Him fully in our lives, then that is conversion. What approach would I use? For me, naturally, it would be a Catholic one, for you it may be Hindu, for someone else, Buddhist, according to one's conscience. What God is in your mind you must accept." [Desmond Doig, "Mother Teresa: Her People and Her Work", William Collins Sons & Co., Ltd., Glascow, 1976, page 136, as quoted by Constance Cumbey, in "A Planned Deception: The Staging of a New Age Messiah", Pointe Publishers, East Detroit, Michigan, ISBN 0-935897-00-3, page 108] [Emphasis ours]
·   If you are obeying "the Great Shepherd of the sheep" in protecting His people, why would you ever endorse any person who championed(s) the cause of a works-based "salvation" and a false religion? (Heb. 13:20)
Mother Teresa also stated: "There are many Hindu ladies who want our way of life, the life of poverty, prayer, sacrifice and service. They want the life of a Missionary. But they wish to retain their faith, their own belief in God ... We live that they may die, so that they may go home according to what is written in the book, be it written according to Hindu, or Muslim, or Buddhist, or Catholic, or Protestant, or any other belief ... We give them whatever they ask according to their faith." [Ibid] By her very own words we see that mother Teresa was a heretical universalist (she believed that no matter what others believe about God, they will go to Heaven).


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