MOTHER TERESA - Example of Christian Love? Or Worldwide Hoax? PART 4

MOTHER TERESA - Example of Christian Love? Or Worldwide Hoax?   PART 4   <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
"…If we accept Him fully in our lives, then that is conversion. What approach would I use? For me, naturally, it would be a Catholic one, for you it may be Hindu, for someone else, Buddhist, according to one's conscience. What God is in your mind you must accept." [Desmond Doig, "Mother Teresa: Her People and Her Work", William Collins Sons & Co., Ltd., Glascow, 1976, page 136, as quoted by Constance Cumbey, in "A Planned Deception: The Staging of a New Age Messiah", Pointe Publishers, East Detroit, Michigan, ISBN 0-935897-00-3, page 108] [Emphasis ours] 
More from "But, if you look closely at the last sentence of Mother Teresa's first quotation, above, you suddenly will receive a new revelation!! Let us review her quote again. "What God is in your mind you must accept." This, my friend, is standard New Age teaching!!! New Age doctrine teaches that there is no absolute Right or Wrong, that everyone can have a different belief in God, and still be on the correct spiritual path. This fact labels Mother Teresa as New Age!!"
More from "Perhaps this is why Mother Teresa has consistently been seen attending and speaking at, various New Age conferences in the past 20 years. "Perhaps at least part of the apostate influences here [with Mother Teresa] may be traced to the Temple of Understanding's influence. Desmond Doig and Temple of Understanding materials indicate that on October 24, 1975, Mother Teresa spoke at a Temple of Understanding Conference. She has subsequently been a featured speaker at other New Age Conferences." [Constance Cumbey, "A Planned Deception", page 103].
More from "I can see Mother Teresa protesting to the Lord Jesus Christ: "But, Lord, Lord, I did many mighty works in your name. Why, I gave my life and my energy to taking care of the most pitiful and despised poor and rejected of the Earth. I labored to establish the Missionaries of Charity, with over 400 chapters, and 4,000 dedicated nuns. We healed the sick, and took care of everyone who needed help. We taught these people spiritually. Lord, Lord, I should be entering Heaven!!"
More from "Jesus Christ will look with unfathomable sadness, as He says something like this: "Yes, Mother Teresa, you did all these commendable things. But, you were not true to My Gospel, to My teachings, that I was the only way to Heaven. You confirmed people's belief in all their false gods, all of whom were inspired by Satan. You could have turned many to the absolute truth of the Gospel, and to Me. But, you did not. Therefore, I never knew you, because you worked iniquity through your false teachings."
Saints of God, are you not utterly outraged at hearing so-called Spirit-filled leaders herald as an exemplary Christian, those who aren't/weren't even saved according to God's own Word?  I sure am. Is it time to sound the alarm and let the chips fall where they may? Jeff Marshall stated: "Either our own good works can get us to God (no matter if we are "Christian", Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, etc.), or we can only get to the Father through the Son, Jesus Christ, by faith expressing itself in love. If the latter is true, as Christ said it was, then the former is wrong. Not only wrong, but also Deceiving. Damning, Devilish & Satanic to the core. Where are the Martin Luther's of our generation?"


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