Nations are Choosing Sides in a Potential Global Conflict



  • The GOP makes major changes to its party platform ahead of the Republican National Convention. We’ll show you why some longtime Republicans are not happy.
  • Two Jewish residents and a senior citizen were beaten and dragged out of the West Asheville Library during an anti-Israel, pro-Hamas event. We’ve got the details.
  • Film director and actor Mel Gibson sends a stern message to the Vatican in support of an excommunicated Archbishop.
  • The UK’s new left-wing government may be getting ready to clamp down even harder on vaccine critics.
  • And an International Bird Flu Summit will take place in Washington, DC, in October. We’ll show you what’s on the agenda.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

With the Republican National Convention beginning next week, the Party’s platform committee has been busy revising the document that will guide policy over the next four years. The Party Platform is going to see major changes in the way the Republican Party views life and the value of life.

LifeSite News reports that representatives of former President and presumptive Republican White House nominee Donald Trump have proposed a dramatically shortened Republican Party platform that removes the GOP’s longstanding support for federal preborn protections as well as the party’s opposition to homosexual “marriage,” confirming fears voiced in recent days by social conservative leaders about the party drifting leftward under its current standard-bearer.

Last updated in 2016, the official position of the 58-page Republican Party platform is to “support a human life amendment to the Constitution and legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment’s protections apply to children before birth.” It also declares that “[t]raditional marriage and family, based on marriage between one man and one woman, is the foundation for a free society” and calls for that understanding to be reflected in law, including by the “reversal” of the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2015 Obergefell ruling that forces all 50 states to recognize homosexual “marriage.”

But the Washington Post reported Monday that Trump aides have submitted a revised platform to the Republican National Committee. The new draft version is only 16 pages, written largely by former Trump assistant Vincent Haley. It drops the condemnation of Obergefell and any discussion of homosexual marriage, and while it preserves opposition to men in women’s sports and promotion of “gender transitions,” it reportedly “stops short of seeking to bar parents from seeking medical treatment [i.e., ‘sex changes’] for minor children.”

The proposed new passage about abortion reads as follows: 

“We proudly stand for families and life. We believe that the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States guarantees that no person can be denied life or liberty without due process and that the states are, therefore, free to pass laws protecting those rights. After 51 years, because of us, that power has been given to the states and to a vote of the people. We will oppose late term abortion while supporting mothers and policies that advance prenatal care, access to birth control, and IVF (fertility treatments).”

While giving lip service to the 14th Amendment, the new language drops support for federal pro-life action in favor of leaving the issue to the states. It also endorses many common methods of birth control which function as abortifacients and embryo-destroying in-vitro fertilization.


The rise in anti-Semitism across the U.S. continues to worsen.

The Algemeiner reports that police in Asheville, North Carolina, have made one arrest and shared photos of nine people of interest after two Jewish residents and a senior citizen were beaten and dragged out of the West Asheville Library during an anti-Israel event on June 29.

The three victims are pro-Israel. The event — which was labeled an “Anarchist Bookfair” — attracted about 60 to 80 anti-Israel, pro-Hamas activists.

The two Jewish victims, David Moritz and Monica Buckley, along with 79-year-old Bob Campbell, were interviewed by The Algemeiner.

Moritz posted on social media, “All three of us have met separately at police HQ to go over footage of the attack from the library cameras in order to identify the violent perpetrators.”

Moritz, the son of Holocaust survivors, told The Algemeiner that the police are working the case hard, adding that “We are happy that the police are taking this seriously and have escalated this to the Major Crimes Division.”

The June 29 event, titled “Strategic Lessons From the Palestinian Resistance,” was hosted by Another Carolina Anarchist Bookfair at the public library, and was one of multiple anti-Israel sessions that took place during the three-day anarchist book fair.

From start to finish, the event glorified Hamas’ massacre across southern Israel on October 7th, when the Palestinian terrorist group killed 1,200 people and kidnapped approximately 250 hostages.


Lines are being drawn and nations are choosing sides for what appears to be shaping up as a great global conflict. Call it World War III, if you will.

In the latest developments, China and Belarus are holding joint military exercises near the Polish and Ukrainian border. The military exercises started on Monday and will include counter-terrorism missions. They are expected to last 11 days.

According to CNN, China says the event will include hostage-rescue operations and counter-terrorism missions. 

Belarus has been one of Russia’s staunchest allies in the Kremlin’s war with Ukraine. 

Russia is also solidifying its relations with India, a fellow member of the 10-member BRICS coalition of nations that are working together to make the world less dependent on the U.S. dollar for international commerce.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is on the final day of a two-day visit to Russia. It’s the first time he’s been in the country since Russian President Vladimir Putin sent troops into Ukraine in February 2022.

Modi attended official talks at the Kremlin on July 9th. 

Discussions, his office says, will further cement the two nations’ strategic partnership.

This comes as Russia was accused Monday of targeting a children’s hospital in Kiev with a cruise missile.

Moscow has rejected the widespread accusation that it targeted the hospital, instead asserting that a Ukrainian anti-air missile fell on it.


The Gateway Pundit reports that actor and film director Mel Gibson sent a letter of encouragement to Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò after the Marxist Pope Francis excommunicated him last week. Viganò was found guilty of schism.

The Archbishop announced that he had not attended his Vatican ‘schism’ trial and, in a powerful statement and indictment of the Vatican and Pope Francis, argued that he is not in schism with the Catholic Church.

Instead, he accuses the Pope  ‘of heresy and schism’ and requests he be “removed from the throne which he has unworthily occupied for over 11 years.”

Viganò has been outspoken against the COVID mandates and stolen elections. He has called out the current Pope for his destructive actions against the Church and has warned about the World Economic Forum’s globalist agenda.

Gibson’s letter to the Archbishop appeared first on the website of Italian journalist Aldo Maria Valli.

Gibson wrote:

Remember that true schism requires innovation, something you have not done but something that Bergoglio does with every breath.

He, therefore, is the schismatic! However, he already ipso facto excommunicated himself by his many public heresies (canon 188 in the 1917 code).

As you already know he has no power to excommunicate you because he is not even a Catholic.

So rejoice! I am with you and I hope Bergoglio excommunicates me from his false church also.

Bergoglio and his cohorts have the clothes and the buildings, but you have the faith.

God bless and keep you. If you need anything just ask, I will try my best to help.

With admiration and undying respect.

Mel Gibson

In a YouTube video two years ago, Gibson shared his thoughts about the Coalition for Canceled Priests, Pope Francis, Archbishop Viganò, and bad bishops.

WATCH VIDEO (clip first 2:42)


Keir Starmer, the UK’s Labor Party leader who is set to become prime minister, says he wants to pass an EMERGENCY LEGISLATION in order to CENSOR anti-vax campaigns because they cost lives.

Russell Brand recently discussed the topic


A couple of days. Apparently that’s all it takes to pass something as massively big and important as what the government allows you to talk or write about in the United Kingdom. And you thought the UK was a free country? Think again.


The controversy over Joe Biden’s fitness for office in a second term continues to rage within the Democrat Party.

But far-left Democrat Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, also known as AOC, says “the matter is closed” and Joe Biden will be the nominee.


Take that for what it’s worth. I still think Biden won’t make it past the convention as the Democrats’ nominee.


Meanwhile, Veteran Democrat strategist James Carville has called on Barack Obama and Bill Clinton to lead efforts to find President Joe Biden’s replacement.

Slay News reports that Carville is one of a growing number of Democrats who have lost faith in Biden’s ability to beat Donald Trump in November.

Even before the disastrous debate last month, Carville, who led Bill Clinton’s successful 1992 presidential campaign, admitted that he was disappointed that Biden was running for re-election.

Now, Carville is leading the calls for Democrats to find a new candidate to replace Biden on the party’s 2024 ticket.

Carville wrote in the New York Times:

“I want to see the Democratic Party hold four historic town halls between now and the Democratic National Convention in August — one each in the South, the Northeast, the Midwest, and the West. We can recruit the two most obvious and qualified people in the world to facilitate substantive discussions: Barack Obama and Bill Clinton.”

He added that:

“They may not represent every faction under our party’s big tent. But they care as much about our democracy as our nation’s first president, they understand what it takes to be president, and they know how to win.”

Carville explained further that the two former presidents should consult with the country’s 23 Democrat governors in a town hall selection process.


The Daily Mail reports that a teenage suspect was shot by U.S. Marshals last Friday after allegedly attempting to carjack Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor's federal bodyguards outside her home.

Metropolitan Police Department confirmed it was investigating a shooting that took place in the Northwest Washington, DC. where two marshals were on duty working a protective detail in the early hours of July 5. 

A Deputy U.S. Marshal was sitting in his car outside of Justice Sotomayor’s condominium at 1:15 a.m. when 18-year-old Kentrell Flowers approached, pointed a handgun at him, and tried to steal his vehicle, according to a police report obtained by

Local police issued a press release about the incident last week, but did not mention its connection to Sotomayor.

DC Metropolitan Police Department press release stated:

“The suspect exited a vehicle, approached one of the Marshals, and pointed a handgun at him in an apparent attempt to carjack him. The Marshal drew his service weapon and fired several shots at the suspect. A second Marshal from another vehicle also responded and fired his service weapon.”

The suspect was reportedly transported to a local hospital for treatment of non-life-threatening injuries. No law enforcement officers were injured.

Flowers, 18, was arrested and charged with armed carjacking, carrying a pistol without a license, and possession of a large capacity ammunition feeding device.

A police report obtained by revealed the location of the incident at a residential street in Northwest DC where Sotomayor owns a condo, and the U.S. Marshals Service confirmed to that the officers involved were part of her protection team.


Zero Hedge reports that commercial bankruptcy filings grew by 34 percent in the first half of 2024 as businesses struggled under an environment of high costs and interest rates, according to the American Bankruptcy Institute (ABI).

A total of 3,016 commercial Chapter 11 bankruptcies were filed in the January–June period, an increase of more than a third from last year, according to a July 3 ABI press release. 

Small business filings rose by a whopping 61 percent. Total bankruptcy filings rose by 15 percent, with individual filings increasing by 15 percent.

ABI Executive Director Amy Quackenboss stated:

“The continued increase in bankruptcy filings reflects the growing economic strain on businesses and households.”

Michael Hunter, vice president of bankruptcy data provider Epiq AACER, said he expects an increase in individual filings ahead, adding “especially considering the large increase in commercial filings, consumer debt levels, high interest rates, and overall increased costs with relatively flat household income.”


Four individuals were injured in an oilfield explosion that took place in Grady County, Oklahoma, on Monday afternoon. The explosion sparked a fire that officials say could continue to burn for multiple days.

According to KOCO 5, the explosion occurred Monday outside Bradley, Oklahoma. The Grady County Fire Department confirmed that four individuals were injured in the explosion and were transported to a local hospital for medical treatment.

While the Grady County Sheriff’s Office said the four individuals were transported to a Lindsay hospital, KOCO 5 reported that it was not clear how severe the injuries were.

KOCO 5 reported that while firefighters were able to contain the fire, they moved back and allowed the fire to continue to burn in a limited capacity. Officials said the fire could burn for days, emitting contaminants into the air.

Grady County Fire Department Chief Rodney Gregory told the news outlet:

“In almost 30 years, this is maybe the sixth or seventh one I’ve seen in this county. This could go on for days.”

The oilfield is operated by Red Rock Oil and Gas. Gregory confirmed that the four individuals injured in Monday’s explosion were all employees of the company.


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

Michael Snyder, writing for the NOQ Report, reports that many among the globalist elite are deeply focused on the threat that the bird flu poses.  

They are so concerned that they’ve called an “International Bird Flu Summit” to be held in Washington D.C. from October 2nd to October 4th, and according to the official brochure for the event, they will be discussing “a highly virulent strain of bird flu affecting both cattle and humans”.

This appears to be a tabletop exercise to war-game a coming bird flu pandemic, serving much the same purpose as Event 201 served in October 2019 for the approaching Covid pandemic.

The bird flu, of course, promises to be much worse, with a death rate of between 25 and 50 percent. At least that’s what we’re told.

The scaremongering is ratcheting up quickly, just as we approach the November presidential election. Whether this next pandemic will be timed for November or sometime in 2025, it’s not a good sign that the elites have scheduled this tabletop exercise.

On the list of topics for this summit, the very first one is “mass fatality management planning”

Another breakout topic will be “Surveillance and Data Management,” under which is this description: “Discuss strategies for enhancing surveillance systems, early warning mechanisms, and rapid response protocols.”

That sounds an awful lot like a return to the digital health passports, where governments were able to track the movement of people during the Covid plandemic, and barring the unvaccinated from restaurants and other public places.

Here’s the full list of topics:


  • Mass Fatality Management Planning
  • Surveillance and Data Management
  • Preparing Communities Strategies
  • Local Partnership & Participation
  • Delivery of Vaccine and Antiviral Medication
  • Medical Countermeasures
  • Socio-Economic Impact on Poultry and livestock Industries
  • Benefit-Risk Assessment: Public Health, Industry and Regulatory Perspectives
  • Prevention Education Efforts and Risk Communication
  • Command, Control and Management
  • Emergency Response Management
  • Business-Based Planning
  • School-Based Planning
  • Community-Based Planning

I don’t know about you, but this looks like another all-inclusive, elitist predictive programming model for a new pandemic. Something that’s likely been on the drawing board for some time, only to be rolled out at the opportune time by globalist predators with an agenda of control.

While it would be wise to keep an eye on it, don’t let this draw you back into the Covid anxiety of 2020 and 2021. Let’s live our lives as God created us to live them, in community with family and friends, not ruled by fear – fear of disease, fear of each other. That’s not the Christian way.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for watching and supporting this broadcast. 

Until next time…



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