Newt Gingrich: Fan of Third Way Communitarianism Which is Communism Lite?

Groveling in the Gutter of the Gulags

By Steve Farrell
Democ­rats In Drag, Part 4
If ever there was a person suffering under the delusion that there really was a nickel's difference between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, Newt Gingrich's surfing in Alvin Toffler's Third Wave and his application of the same as the launching pad of 21st century Republicanism should have been the wake-up call to stack the sandbags, vacate the beachheads, and run for the hills.
Mr. Gingrich told his fellow congressmen in his Republican Revolution Victory Speech in November 1994 that "The Third Way [The Third Wave]" represented the key to figuring out where he and the new Republicans were coming from, and that this futurism-based book was "one of the seminal works of our time." (1, 2)
It isn't.
At best, the work represents a compilation of glaring contradictions, hasty generalizations, and shamefully shallow analysis of U.S. constitutional foundations, topped off with foolish, risky, naive solutions that discard the political past and leap blindly into a radically different political future for no better reason than "we must!"
That's the kind appraisal. At worst, the work is intentionally deceptive, possibly treasonous, and clearly Marxist in its political, historical, and sociological philosophy.
Either way, it is not seminal. It is one of the most embarrassing and revelatory documents on just how far the Republican Party has strayed since 1994 from the old hypothetical platform and from the promise of the Contract With America to "return to the wisdom and brilliance of the Founding Fathers." The party simply did not then, and does not now, seek the wisdom of the Founding Fathers, but in its new gutless political outlook grovels in the gutter of the gulags in search of gangrenous Information Age answers.
So let's get right to alleviating any disbelief about these claims by beginning where this Republican-Party-leadership-endorsed-book "The Third Wave" leaves off (in its last chapter) with a call for the abolition of the United States Constitution.Goodbye to the U.S. Constitution
Toffler explains in a letter he writes to our "Founding Parents:"

For what I now must write can all too easily be misunderstood by my contemporaries. Some will no doubt regard it as seditious. Yet it is a painful truth I believe you would have quickly grasped.
For the system of government you fashioned, including the very principles on which you based it, is increasingly obsolete, and hence increasingly, if inadvertently, oppressive and dangerous to our welfare. It must be radically changed and a new system of government invented – a democracy for the 21st Century. (3)


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