North Korea Tested a New Tactical Guided Weapon: Worldview Report Transcript April 19, 2022

Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report.

Christine Anderson, Germany’s firebrand conservative member of parliament, is sounding alarm bells over a proposed World Health Organization treaty that would supersede the constitutions and parliamentary actions of national governments.

The WHO could declare a global pandemic and then after declaring it, the WHO’s dictates on how to respond to the pandemic would become a defacto world government, Anderson is warning.

Listen to what she had to say in this sobering video.

WATCH VIDEO (clip first 3:12)

We have already seen many of the biggest decisions in government being shifted to unelected bureaucrats in Washington who unilaterally rewrite laws. For any nation that participates in this treaty, many of those decisions will be shifted to international bureaucrats even farther removed from accountability. And yet, we see no reporting on this from the mainstream corporate media. We will be keeping an eye on it here at the Worldview Report.


OK, in our next story, we take a look at the issue of digital health passports that were instituted in many countries, and in quite a few cities and states during the last year under the auspices of a public health emergency.

But what if there is a greater agenda underlying the normalization of people having to show their digital papers before traveling to certain places, boarding a bus, train or airplane, or as we’ve seen in New York City and several other areas, even to enter a restaurant? Without showing proof that you’ve done what the government told you to do, you are shut off from accessing basic goods and services.

Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, in a recent interview with the Epoch Times, breaks down the issue in simple terms that everyone, even the most obedient politically correct citizen, should be able to grasp.

He said, "This vaccine passport system gives unprecedented levels of surveillance, monitoring. and control to many different institutions, not just the government...That's going to be used for other purposes.... Right, there is going to be another public health crisis. There are social issues already in play that over the last year have been redefined as public health issues. Climate change would be one obvious example... I think this same infrastructure is probably going to be deployed to again try to control [the] movements of the populations."

Ah, climate change, a health issue? Yes, that may very well be the set-up, the trap into which billions of people will walk and in the process give up their freedom, for good.

Listen to this scholar explain.



An American Airlines pilot was in the cockpit of a plane that had just landed on Thursday when his heart stopped due to what was described as “severe post-vaccination cardiac arrest,” according to reports.

Red Voice Media reports that Robert Snow was operating an Airbus 321 and suffered the incident just six minutes after the plane touched down, narrowly avoiding a potential catastrophe that endangered his life as well as the 200 other people on board.

Joshua Yoder, head of the US Freedom Flyers, issued a press release on the incident, stating:

“This near miss is a direct result of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) overlooking their own safety regulations for brazenly political purposes,” the statement said, “relating to the dangerous COVID-19 vaccine mandate policies many airlines have enacted in coordination with the FAA.”

Yoder pointed out in the statement that the airlines has mandated the Covid shot in order for employees, including pilots, to keep their jobs, despite the fact that the shots remain under emergency use authorization by the FDA. In other words, pilots are forced to receive an experimental drug injection to keep their jobs, putting hundreds of people’s lives at risk every time they fly.

Yoder said that the FAA has “abdicated its mission” to “provide the safest, most efficient aerospace system in the world” by mandating these shots, thereby “[weaponizing] COVID-19 vaccine politics to put airline’s employees and passengers in grave danger.”

In September of 2021, Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long, Brigade Surgeon for the Army’s 1st Aviation Brigade in Ft. Rucker, Alabama, spoke out and wrote an affidavit (which was included in a military leaders’ lawsuit seeking an injunction on Biden’s mandate) about the dangers of forcing these shots on pilots. At that time, she said, “The majority of young new Army aviators are in their early twenties. We know there is a risk of myocarditis with each mRNA vaccination. Vaccines produced by Pfizer and Moderna both have been linked to myocarditis, especially in young males between 16-24 years old.”


Well, if you don’t think the mainstream media is turning on Joe Biden and that his days are numbered, take a look at this snippet from CNN, the chief propaganda arm of the Democrat Party.

It has to do with the economy and there’s no more soft peddling like we saw all of last year and even into the first few months of 2022.

Take a look.


And just as the economy is collapsing, we have Hunter Biden’s laptop out there simmering to a low boil and seemingly being held by the FBI for just such a time as this. They’ve got a scandal that seems to have been sitting on the shelf, waiting for the moment when Democrats and deep-state operatives in the national security state have had enough of their own fearless leader. We’ll see how that plays out as we get closer to the election.


Speaking of Hunter Biden, we’ve got a new report on him from attorney Thomas Renz that is rather explosive.

Renz says Hunter Biden's crew, Rosemont Seneca, invested $30 million in an initial funding round with a company called Metabiota — Metabiota was listed as a partner and a subcontractor on the same grant that EcoHealth Alliance got [when] they were doing the gain of function work in Wuhan, China.

Renz says, “They call them biosurveillance labs, and what they really do is they do development of [what] wouldn't be allowed right here in the US.”

Watch Renz further explain Hunter Biden’s involvement in this secret network of research labs in Ukraine. Renz has the receipts, the documents that prove Biden is involved in research that would be illegal to conduct here in the United States. Take a listen to Renz’ conversation with the Vigilant Fox.


“Weapons development and other research that is super dangerous.” Wow. Thank you, Thomas Renz for that report.


The young, super-fit athletes just continue to die and suffer debilitating cardiac events.

The latest is a 26-year-old football player.

Former University of Arkansas offensive lineman Brian Wallace died suddenly and unexpectedly, the school announced on Friday.


“Our hearts are broken. Brian will always be a Razorback,” the University of Arkansas Razorback Football program shared in a statement on Twitter alongside an image of Wallace.

“Our thoughts and love are with Brian’s family and friends,” the statement continued.

Wallace’s father, Brian Sr., told Pig Trail Nation on Thursday that his son was in the intensive care unit at a St. Louis hospital. He had suffered a heart attack after having trouble breathing at work on Monday and had a second heart attack at the hospital.

He was in a coma and unable able to breathe on his own following the heart attacks, according to his father.

No official cause of death has been released.

In another death announced the same day, April 15, Italian swimmer Mariasofia Paparo died following a heart attack just shy of her 28th birthday.


Euro Weekly reported:

The swimmer died suddenly at the age of 27 after suffering a cardiac arrest in San Giorgio a Cremano (Naples) on Monday, April 11, according to local reports.

Her fiancé and fellow swimmer Matteo Scarpati, who had successfully proposed on March 13, paid tribute to the woman he planned to marry.

“You were an angel who changed my life by giving me the strength to do things that I never could think about doing,” he said on Facebook.

“You taught me true love, you taught me to smile and be happy again. We had a life ahead and you left like that. I loved you from the first day I saw you, you made me struggle to conquer you, but then you agreed to live this fantastic adventure together and you gave me the best two years of my life.”

Nearly 800 young athletes have died or collapsed from heart issues over the last 15 months.

Here is a video showing just some of the horrific cases of young athletes collapsing during competition.



These are just the ones that have been documented and caught on video. There are many more. And still, not a shred of curiosity from the mainstream media as to why this is happening.


Are there super toxins embedded in the Covid virus? We’ve heard reports from Dr. Ardis about venom from the King Cobra and Crate. We asked patent expert and former Pfizer employee Karen Kingston about that and she presented a nearly hour-long PowerPoint on the subject during an edition of Brannon Howse Live last week.

Here's a segment from that interview, in which Kingston quotes peer reviewed studies about concerns of neuro toxins and snake venoms in the so-called virus.

WATCH VIDEO (clip from 30:32 mark to 32:51 mark)

There you have it. While Kingston said she was not convinced of the validity of Dr. Ardis’s claim that these toxins have been released into the water system, she does believe there is a high probability that peptides from snake venom and other toxins were included in the synthetic virus created by gain of function research and released as a bioweapon.


North Korea tested a new tactical guided weapon over the weekend, the Associated Press reported on Sunday.

The new weapon will boost the country’s nuclear capability, the AP said.

North Korea’s hardline communist government has tested no fewer than 13 weapons over the last year in a challenge to the weakness they see in the Biden Regime.

Associated Press reported:

North Korea has test-fired a new type of tactical guided weapon designed to boost its nuclear fighting capability, state media reported Sunday, a day before its chief rivals the United States and South Korea begin annual drills that the North views as an invasion rehearsal.

The official Korean Central News Agency said leader Kim Jong Un observed what it called the weapon’s successful launch. It released a photo showing a beaming Kim clapping his hands with military officers.

KCNA said the weapon tested has “great significance in drastically improving the firepower of the front-line long-range artillery units, enhancing the efficiency in the operation of (North Korea’s) tactical nukes and diversification of their firepower missions.”

KCNA didn’t elaborate, but its use of the words “tactical nukes” suggested the weapon is likely capable of carrying a nuclear warhead that could hit strategic targets in South Korea, including U.S. military installations. The KCNA dispatch didn’t say when and where the launch occurred.


The U.S. Department of Interior announced in the early hours of Easter weekend the administration will be resuming oil and gas leases on federal lands after a federal judge ordered their resumption last summer.

President Joe Biden suspended new federal oil and gas leases on public lands on his first day in office, actively suppressing production since his inauguration.

Now they will resume. But there’s a caveat.

The Federalist reports that roughly 144,000 acres will be auctioned off for drilling, an 80 percent drop from what was under evaluation, according to a department press release.

Even more diabolical, the agency has decided to increase royalty rates 50 percent, from 12.5 percent to 18.75 percent of the extracted product’s value.

This will raise the costs of extracting domestic oil and gas at a time when Americans are facing record bills at the pump.

According to the Federalist, Kathleen Sgamma, president of the Denver-based industry trade group Western Energy Alliance, called the department’s changes to the federal energy program a political ploy unlikely to reduce prices at the pump.

In a statement, Sgamma said:

“While we’re glad to see [Bureau of Land Management] is finally going to announce a sale, the extreme reduction of acreage by 80 percent, after a year and a quarter without a single sale, is unwarranted and does nothing to show that the administration takes high energy prices seriously.”

Sgamma said the sales considered were already analyzed and approved under the Trump administration, adding: “This administration has decided to make leasing and production a political football, and Americans are paying the price at the pump.”

Higher energy costs quickly ripple across the entire economy, she said, raising the costs of goods in manufacturing and transportation. Drilling on federal lands is already more expensive than on private land and now it will be 50 percent higher.

This will pump the already high rates of inflation even higher on goods and services throughout the economy.


In our commentary tonight, we look at the corrupt media.

In a recent Twitter survey conducted by journalist Rebecca Strong, she found that nearly 90% of people rated their trust in mainstream media as either “very low” or “low.”

How did the media in our country get so untrustworthy?

In an article for Children’s Health Defense, Strong did a deep dive into the inner workings of the corporate media. And we think she got to the root of the problem.

Not only is the media run by radical ideologues, they are also under Wall Street profit pressures much more than they used to be, and that’s not just the largest newspapers and Cable TV stations, but even your local TV stations and publications.

Strong found that, due to consolidation over the last 30 to 40 years, 90 percent of the media is now owned by six mega-corporations.

She writes:

“Ever-mounting media consolidation has narrowed the perspectives the public is privy to; ownership and funding of these corporations are riddled with conflicts of interest, crucial stories keep suspiciously getting buried and big tech companies are outright censoring and demonetizing independent outlets trying to break through the noise.”

So instead of fulfilling its traditional role as a check on power, which is why it was called the Fourth Estate, the media has become a tool in the hands of the most powerful in our society.

Strong goes on to say that there is a portion of the American public who still doesn’t understand how the media machine works.

In fact, even some who work within the industry don’t fully understand it. But the ramifications are alarming.

Here is an excerpt from her article:

On a crisp November day in 2014, as I hustled through Boston’s Downtown Crossing at rush hour, I got a call that would change the course of my career: I was offered my first full-time journalism job, as a tech and startups reporter for a local online outlet called BostInno.

When I look back on that moment and recall the dizzying rush of excitement that set in, I see an idealistic young woman who has yet to understand the way the media machine really works. I wish I could somehow temper her expectations. I wish I could protect her from the crushing disappointment that comes with realizing this industry she’s chosen isn’t what she naively thinks it is.

Not too long before I was hired, BostInno had been acquired by American City Business Journals, the largest publisher of metropolitan business newsweeklies in the U.S. In my early conversations with colleagues, it was apparent they were still adjusting to post-acquisition life.

Sure, there were perks that came with being acquired — but the pressure to hit lofty traffic goals meant writers now had to prioritize certain clickbaity stories over others. Moreover, I distinctly remember a fixation on quantity.”

Writers were expected to churn out at least three or four stories a day in an effort to reach as wide an audience as possible, which frustratingly, meant we often didn’t have time to cover complex topics in the depth required. Our experience, as it turns out, is not exactly a unique one.

In a recent survey I conducted, 60% of journalists said they’d worked for a publication that got bought by a larger company while they were there — and 40% of that group admitted to witnessing negative changes in their job expectations or work environment after the acquisition.

If you examine the history of countless media mergers and acquisitions over the last several decades, you’ll come to an unsettling discovery: local, independent outlets are dying out in droves. The result? The vast majority of the news you digest is tailored to serve the interests of corporations and their leaders, rather than citizens.

That’s our newscast for tonight. That’s for tuning in to the Worldview Report. Good night and God bless.


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