Not So Senseless Killings

Not So Senseless Killings
There was another "senseless" mass killing this week. This one was in Colorado. I'm hesitant to talk about it because I may sound simplistic and repetitive. I don't think the killings were senseless at all. Something is not senseless when there's a predictable pattern. Here was another disillusioned and bitter 'backslider" (a false convert), who no doubt gave his heart to Jesus because of a promise of a wonderful new life in Christ, and when the promises didn't deliver the goods, he was angry enough to kill. He targeted four Christians, and murdered them before being shot by an armed (a sign of the times) church security guard. My own pastor recently held up a Bible and a copy of a very popular book by "America's pastor." The publication promised God's best for you right here and now. It was another things go better with Jesus book, or what I call "the modern gospel." My pastor said that both books were left by the church dumpster with what amounted to a suicide note scribbled in the Bible, saying that the promises of the Bible didn't match the promises of the book. How unspeakably tragic. The world may speak well of smiley preachers who refuse to open up the Law so that sinners can see their terrible danger, but they are in truth betrayers of the ultimate trust. May you and I never sleep on our watch. Most armies in history have rewarded such treachery with a firing squad.


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