Obama: Babies Are a "Punishment",

Not a Blessing

Obama: Babies Are a "Punishment", <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Not a Blessing
"The heart of fools proclaims foolishness" (Prov 12:23b)
"For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" (Mt 12:34b)
As I have been pointing out, Senator Obama with the soaring rhetoric must be exposed for what he is (a rabid humanist using "God-talk") and what he believes. 
Recently he let it slip that, despite his professed (but very dubious) Christianity, he believes it can be a "punishment" for women to bear and bring to life babies who were not planned. 
"The Christian Defense Coalition condemns Senator Obama for saying that a young single woman having a baby would be punishing them."
"Senator Obama recently made this statement speculating if one of his two young daughters became pregnant.  He said, 'But if they made a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby." 
"Senator Obama seems to be following in the footsteps of his pastor, Rev. Wright, by making such divisive and hateful statements."
(Entire article here: Faith Group Condemns Obama for 'Punished with a Baby' Quote )
As Focus on the Family Action's magazine Citizen points out (April 2008), Obama "[I]nsists he's 'rooted in the Christian tradition'… In fact, Obama has attended the largest church in one of <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />America's most strident pro-abortion denominations – The United Church of Christ – for 20 years."  We ask, how can he embrace Jesus "who caused John the Baptist to leap in his mother's womb", work doggedly for abortion (child sacrifice), and call himself a Christian? [Very importantly, see God's opinion of children and babies: Ps 127:3-5; also Jesus' own actions and attitude towards children: Mk 9:36 and 10:15.]
Clearly the Senator does not know or care about Holy Scripture (Mk 12:24) and is driven by political and humanistic considerations.  Readers, please understand that, in God's eyes, this makes him an accomplice to murder since he approves of and promotes the shedding of "innocent blood" by way of abortion (please ponder Romans 1:31 and Prov 6:17).
Brethren, Obama's offhand comment about "punishment" is very telling. His passion for abortion (and Sen. Clinton's as well) is helping to bring God's curses and wrath on our land.  Do you want your children and grandchildren to live in a nation cursed by God (Num 35:33-34)?

Relevant Articles:
Yes, we can...abort
A Child is a Gift from God, Not a Punishment
Motherhood a Blessing, Not a Curse (look for this title - middle of page)

How to Pray:

  1. REPENT for our nation's disdain for the "Sanctity of Life";


  1. CRY OUT to the Lord for His Merciful intervention and for a Restoration of Christendom's historic Respect for Life and abhorrence of abortion.

[Please forward this to others who are concerned about our nation and truth, righteousness and justice.]


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