Obama's Manufactured Crisis That Will Destroy America: Understanding The Cloward-Piven Strategy

Obama's Manufactured Crisis That Will Destroy <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />America: Understanding The Cloward-Piven Strategy <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Worldview Matters with Brannon Howse and His Guest James Simpson 
Listen To Brannon's Daily Radio Program at www.worldviewmattes.net
Copyrighted by Brannon Howse
Brannon Howse:         Welcome, my friends, to the program.  Glad you're with us.  Brannon Howse here and the program is Worldview Matters. You can hear my daily program at www.worldviewmatters.net or at www.worldviewradio.com
                                    Now, however, those of you listening on my regular program will know that I covered this topic on Friday.  I'm going to cover it again with my guest, but this time, we're going to cover some different material, some of the same, but some new material, and then offer solutions of what we can do, and then we're going to do something we didn't do the other day, which is open up the phone lines.
                                    Now what am I talking about?  On Friday on my program, at WorldviewMatters.Net, I had on James Simpson.  And my friends, we put this out as an email alert to 125,000 people and said, "Listen to this broadcast, because we've just figured out another piece of the puzzle to understand what President Barack Hussein Obama is doing to our nation, and that of Hillary Clinton, and many people, both Republican and Democrat, my friends, are doing these things together, many of them."
                                    I've often said it's Socialist Party R, Socialist Party D, take your pick.  One party moves at a different speed.  But we have many people in both parties doing a lot of these same things.  But my friends, there is a manufactured crisis, and I have believed for some time that what we're seeing is by design for ill-gotten gains and ill-conceived ideas that are totally in direct contrast to what is best for America.
                                    Well, we put this out to 125,000 people, and they crashed our servers.  So many thousands upon thousands were downloading this show.  We've now added a fourth server just to handle the number of people wanting to hear what you're going to hear today, plus additional information that we didn't cover on Friday's program.
                                    I'm hearing from relatives and counsel, legal counsel, of some of the most – largest-known talk show hosts in America, wanting to know where we found this information.  My guest is James Simpson.  He writes for, and has written for, The Washington Times, Front Page magazine, and other sites.  He's now a columnist with us at ChristianWorldviewNetwork.com.  Tonight, at ChristianWorldviewNetwork.com, we will be putting up his column, of which we're talking about today.
                                    James, welcome to the broadcast.
James Simpson:          Brannon, good to be with you.
Brannon Howse:         I know you're picking your kids up from school.  You're a great father, and you're picking your kids up from school, and we appreciate you're interrupting your day to join us, a last minute notice for this broadcast.  But let's get right into it.
James Simpson:          Sure.
Brannon Howse:         May 2nd – May 2nd, 1966, in the far left magazine, The Nation magazine, a pair of radical socialists, as you write, from Columbia University, Professor Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, who are husband and wife – I guess she was going by her maiden name – came up with this idea.  David Horowitz summarizes it this way in your article.
                                    "The strategy of what is now known as the Cloward-Piven strategy, which – "
James Simpson:          That is correct.
Brannon Howse:         " – Barack Obama is following, is this: the strategy of forcing political change through orchestrated crisis. The Cloward-Piven strategy seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse." How will they do this, James Simpson?
James Simpson:          Well, they've been doing it, and they've been very effective at it, and they're doing it now, and their spokesman, their lead spokesman, or their lead activist, has just been elected President of the United States.
                                    Cloward and Piven, really what they did was they took Saul Alinsky's writings and they put it into practice in a very organized, systematic way.  And they outlined – and they made no bones about it.  What they wanted to do was to create a crisis of many different varieties to overload the government with demands for service. 
                                    And those crises could be overwhelming government offices with demands for welfare services and other services they couldn't – they weren't budgeted to meet.  They talked about violence in the street.  Any kind of crisis that would force the government to accede to their demands, and their demands are basically – they're basically – their demands are that this country become socialist.  And they put it in –
Brannon Howse:         Okay.  So what they want to do is they want to –
James Simpson:          – and they couch it in flowery terms.  They talk about everybody deserving a fair standard of living, and this, that, and the other thing.  But at the bottom line, what they're talking about is creating a socialist country, and they wouldn't settle for anything less.
Brannon Howse:         Okay.  So what they want to do is they want to overload the welfare system.  You put in your article, no matter where the strategy is implemented, it shares the following features.  Number one, the offensive organizers, previously unorganized groups, eligible for government benefits, but now currently receiving all they can.  So in other words, go out and find people who are eligible for benefits, who are not getting those government benefits, and make sure they're receiving all of the government benefits they can.
                                    Two, the offensive works to identify new beneficiaries, and/or create new benefits.  So not only do we go out and find people who are qualified for the benefits, we find new people, and make them qualified.  Barack Obama has just done that.  His new tax plan takes people and gives a ton of people, millions of people, a tax refund, which really is a welfare state.  They're not – they haven't been paying in, and – but yet his tax plan will put more people on the public dole.  So plan two is increase benefits, create new benefits. 
                                    Number three, the overarching aim is always to impose new stresses on target systems, with the ultimate goal of forcing their collapse.  And what you're saying, James Simpson, is by collapsing the economy, they can then begin to nationalize banks, insurance companies, and the like.
James Simpson:          They can create the atmosphere in which politicians, driven to extremis, will accept whatever their proposed solutions are, because at the bottom line, because it's an organized opposition, they control the levers.  They can turn it on and they can turn it off.
                                    And so if there's this underground army that's creating this massive disruption, and you know that the only way to turn it off is to accede to their demands, well, if you are lacking other alternatives, that's what you're going to do.
Brannon Howse:         Okay.  So now Cloward and Piven, the husband and wife, wrote this article, May 2nd, 1966, in the far left magazine The Nation.  It was so well-received, they had 30,000 reprints.  Now they don't go around – after many years, they ceased explaining their agenda openly in the public.  You had to uncover a lot of this.  You're not the only one that's written about it.  I think David Horowitz has also written about it.  You quote him in your magazine. 
                                    But very few people know this.  I'm talking to major leaders in America over the weekend who had no clue, and never have heard of the Cloward-Piven strategy.
                                    Now what they go on to say is – and what you go into detail in your article – again, will be up on our website in a matter of hours at ChristianWorldviewNetwork.com, what you go on to say, James, is the Cloward-Piven couple, they actually encouraged a gentleman by the name of George Wiley. 
                                    I want our audience to hang here, because we're laying the dots that are going to connect us up to President Obama and to ACORN, that he served as an attorney for.  Now remember, folks, these people, Cloward and Piven, studied the philosophies of Saul Alinsky, who wrote Rules for Radicals, who said what?  Disorganize, and then reorganize.  He said you must infiltrate the middle class and disorganize from within, a Trojan horse, if you will.
                                    He talked about agitating to the point of conflict.  He talked about collapsing the economy.  So these people studied Saul Alinsky, just as our President did, just as our President taught this workshop in Chicago for four years.  But Cloward and Piven also encouraged a guy by the name of George Wiley.  James, tell us, who is George Wiley? 
James Simpson:          Well, George Wiley was a young black activist.  I believe he went to Cornell University.  He actually had a PhD.  But he decided to go into – I believe it was a PhD in chemistry, but he decided to go into activism.  And he came from a wealthy family, like a lot of the radical activists do.  They don't seem to be able to understand what is required to actually survive in the real world, and it makes it easy for them to sign on to pie in the sky ideologies, as they so frequently do, unfortunately, wasting their many talents that God gave them.
                                    But he decided to become an activist, and he was recruited by Cloward and Piven to start the National Welfare Rights Organization.  And in the sixties and early seventies, the National Welfare Rights Organization was responsible for storming welfare offices throughout the country, for stridently making demands for resources, and ultimately vastly increasing the welfare rolls around the country, but notably in New York City, where their efforts were largely responsible for the virtual bankruptcy of New York in 1975.
                                    And Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, in a later speech, identified them by name as deliberate saboteurs of the New York City government.
Brannon Howse:         Yeah.  He actually said – Rudy Giuliani, this was, quote, "An effort at economic sabotage."
James Simpson:          Right.  Right.
Brannon Howse:         In the article – City Journal article entitled "Compassion Gone Mad," quoting your article, James. 
James Simpson:          Right.
Brannon Howse:         It said, "The movement's impact on New York City was jolting.  Welfare, class loads already climbing 12 percent a year in the early sixties, rose by 50 percent during Lindsey's first two years.  Spending doubled.  The City had 150,000 welfare cases in 1960.  A decade later, it had 1.5 million."
James Simpson:          Million.
Brannon Howse:         One point five million.
James Simpson:          One person on welfare for every two people working. 
Brannon Howse:         Say that again.
James Simpson:          One person on welfare for every two people working.
Brannon Howse:         Okay.  So they took this strategy from Cloward and Piven, and they implemented it in New York, with the help of a guy named George Wiley.  Now George Wiley ended up having a protégée, a disciple, if you will, a man named Wade Rathke.  Folks, I hope you're paying attention here.  We are connecting the dots, and we're getting ready to uncover something here.
                                    Wade Rathke was someone who liked what George Wiley was doing.  And in 1970, one of George Wiley's protégées, Wade Rathke, what did he do, and who is he?
James Simpson:          Well, he was one of his foot soldiers, and he helped organize various groups in the National Welfare Rights Organization.  And he was chosen to initiate a new community activist organization where he lived, and it was called the Arkansas Community Organizations for Reform Now.  And – but it was so successful that they changed the name from Arkansas to Association of, and it became what we now know as ACORN. 
Brannon Howse:         Okay.
James Simpson:          And the interesting thing about it, and this is where, as you said earlier, the covert nature of the continued offensive is evident, because what ACORN sought to do was expand what defined welfare rights.
Brannon Howse:         Okay.  Hold right there.  Hold right there, James.  We'll take a quick break.  We'll come back with James Simpson.  I'm Brannon Howse.  We're going to connect a few more dots, tell you what the future looks like with this plan full unfolding, and then what we can do about it.  We'll open the phones.  I'm Brannon Howse.  We'll be right back.  Thanks for listening.
[Music]                      Commercial Break
Brannon Howse:         Welcome back, my friends, to the program.  Glad you're with us.  Brannon Howse here and the program is Worldview Matters. You can hear my daily program at www.worldviewmatters.net or at www.worldviewradio.com  My guest today is James Simpson.  I had him on my program the other day, but we're coming back here to you, more stations live, and we're going to take some callers.  And we're giving you some new information as well.  If you'd like to hear what we did the other day, we've had literally thousands upon thousands download it, and we had to add a fourth server to handle all the volume.  You can listen to the interview with James that I did on Friday at  www.WorldviewRadio.com
                                   WorldviewRadio.com.  Again, that's WorldviewRadio.com.
                                    By the way, that's our 24-hour online radio network.  You'll here Crosstalk, my program, and many others.  But you will find the interview I did with James at WorldviewRadio.com.  Listen online, download it to iPod, or burn a CD, whatever you want, at WorldviewRadio.com.
                                    James Simpson is my guest.  We'll give you his website address in a minute, so you might want to grab a pen and paper.  And in just a matter of hours, we'll be posting this article that we're citing from at our website, at ChristianWorldview – actually, at www.WorldviewTimes.com  We'll be posting this article on our site.  WorldviewTimes.com, that we're reading from today with James Simpson.
                                    Before we went to the break, we were talking about George Wiley, one of these people that read the article by this radical couple, last name Cloward and Piven – she kept her maiden name – Cloward-Piven strategy, which was to expand the welfare rolls, collapse the economy.  This was in 1966, running in The Nation magazine.
                                    They inspired a activist by the name of George Wiley, who started a liberal organization.  George Wiley influenced a guy named Wade Rathke.  Wade Rathke, along with Bill Ayers, were members of the Radical Students for a Democratic Society.
                                    Wade Rathke started Arkansas Community Organizations for Reform Now, which was, again, trying to do what was being done in New York, the Cloward-Piven strategy, which was increase the welfare rolls and add a bunch of illegal voters and collapse the system.
                                    Well, what went on with Wade Rathke in Arkansas was so successful that they changed the name Arkansas to Association, and it became known as the Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now, which you know as ACORN, which our President was an attorney for, and taught.  And all this, again, is based largely on the teachings of Saul Alinsky, who wrote Rules for Radicals, who Mr. Obama taught in a workshop in Chicago.
                                    Bill – or I mean, James, something that you've been pointing out that I don't hear a lot of people saying, you say that President Obama actually went to Saul Alinsky's institute.  Tell me about that.
James Simpson:          Yeah.  He – he participated – got his training from Saul Alinsky's Industrial Areas Foundation before he began his – before he began his community organization.  And it's a school – it's still in existence, as far as I know, and it trains activists in the Alinsky method. 
                                    And there's a huge activist community in Chicago.  Perhaps, not coincidentally, Chicago is also the birthplace, in 1919, of the American Communist Party.  The activist community in that city is huge.  It's very active.  It's very strong.  And it is perhaps as much – well, I'm speaking out of school to say anymore, but yes, he got his training at the Industrial Areas Foundation.
Brannon Howse:         All right.  Now James, you cite in your article on page two that Wiley, this man who studied the philosophies of Cloward-Piven, the Cloward-Piven strategy, they – he hired – I want to stress the word hired, hired, militant foot soldiers to storm welfare offices around the country, violently demanding their rights –
James Simpson:          Right.
Brannon Howse:         – quote, "rights," as you put it, in quotes.  According to a City Journal article by Solstern, welfare rolls increased from 4.3 million to 10.8 million.  We cited that a while ago.
                                    But the point I want to make here is, Wiley hired the militant foot soldiers.  Now ACORN is doing the same thing, and now I want to add some new information to the table here.  I'm quoting from the Investors' Business Daily editorials, September 4th, 2008, titled, "Michelle's Boot Camps for Radicals."
                                    I've read this on the air before, but I want to now hook it in here for people to understand what is coming in 2010, in my opinion, with the stimulus bill, with the omnibus spending bill, with the stimulus package, which has massive amounts of money for these radical groups, like ACORN, to increase hiring, in my opinion, militant activists, who will continue to swell the welfare rolls, grow the welfare state, and attempt to collapse the economy, as the Cloward-Piven strategy says, that James Simpson is telling us about, and then to hire more militants, and I believe to steal the vote, and end what really are free elections, by stealing votes.
                                    Because as you point out in your article, James, ACORN's voter rights tactics follow the Cloward-Piven strategy.  One, register as many liberal voters as possible, legal or otherwise, and help them vote multiple times, if possible.  Two, overwhelm the system with fraudulent registrants, using multiple entries of the same name, names of deceased, random names from the phone book, even contrived names.  And three, make the system difficult to police by lobbying for minimal identification standards.
                                    Now ACORN has been accused, I've read, of voter fraud.  Now the Investors' Business Daily article, "Michelle's Boot Camps for Radicals," I believe, James, is showing, whereas you point out in your article, they like to hire, hire, militant workers, to carry this out.
James Simpson:          Oh, yeah.  Absolutely.
Brannon Howse:         Investors' Business Daily says, "Obama plans to use nonprofit groups, which he features on his campaign website, as the model for a national service corps.  But don't forget, Barack Obama was a founding member of the Board of Public Allies in 1992, resigning before his wife became executive director of the Chicago chapter of Public Allies in 1993.
                                    "Big Brother has nothing on the Obamas," writes Investors' Business Daily.  "They plan to herd American youth into government-funded re-education camps, where they'll be brainwashed into thinking America is a racist, oppressive place in need of social change." This is this voluntary – mandatory volunteerism that they're talking about.
                                    But Public Allies goes on.  "In exchange for these radicals who get hired – " This is Investors' Business Daily now.  "In exchange, they get a monthly stipend of up to $1,800.00, plus paid health care, child care.  They also get a post-service education award of $4,725.00.  They can be used to pay off past student loans or fund future education.  Public Allies promotes diversity and inclusion."
                                    A program paper says more than 70 percent of its recruits are, quote, "people of color," end quote.  When they're not protesting, when they're not protesting, they're staffing AIDS clinics, passing out contraceptives, bailing criminals out of jail, and helping illegal aliens and the homeless obtain food stamps and other welfare.  Bingo.
                                    James, what we're talking about here is government money to hire, at our expense, these militant people who will continue to swell the welfare rolls, register illegals to vote, and carry out the Cloward-Piven strategy on our dime.
James Simpson:          Yeah.  That's exactly right.  And that's the most audacious aspect of it, is the fact that they are able, through their organizational efforts and through their contacts and through the corruption of the political system, to put in place laws, statutes, and appropriation line items that allow them to get a virtually uninterrupted funding stream for all these activities from the government.
                                    And the latest stimulus package, for your audience's information, if they don't know it already, includes approximately $4 billion for community organizations like ACORN.  And I've done a number – a bit of research on that, too, because when you go to look up what organizations qualify for these grants, they go by a lot of different names.  But if you look into their charter, their address, where they're located, who runs them, surprise, surprise, you find that a lot of them are run by the same people or people on boards of other organizations that all have the same or similar mailing address.
                                    ACORN uses tons of aliases, and honestly, I don't know how many groups ACORN actually comprises.  But you will find, you know, in say the grants for 2006, you will find one line item for some ACORN group in, you know, Indianapolis, but then there'll be a whole bunch of other groups by different names.  But how many of those are actually ACORN, I can guarantee you that some of them are.
                                    So even if you put together the stuff that – it goes under their name, the monies they receive under their own name, the amount that they actually receive is vastly more.  So when people said they thought $4 billion was going to go to ACORN, they weren't exaggerating too much.
Brannon Howse:         My friends –
James Simpson:          And most of the organizations, even if they're not ACORN, they are of similar bent.
Brannon Howse:         All right.  Let's open up the phone lines, folks.  I want to hear from you.  We, my friends, in my opinion, Brannon Howse speaking here, are talking about a virtual coup d'etat in America, with your tax dollars funding the collapse of our economic system on purpose, adding more people to the welfare rolls, adding people to vote who are illegals, who are not supposed to be voting, people who don't even exist, who are deceased, an attempt to still freedom.
                                    That is my opinion.  I want to know what you think.  {taken out)  Make your comments quick so we can roll through as many callers as possible.  Comments and/or questions.  And in a little bit, we're going to give you what we think we need to do about this. 
                                    Now while you guys are getting on the line and you're being screened through, let's add another piece to this puzzle.
                                    The whole Fannie Mae thing, James, turns out was not a mistake, but really, it was probably part of the Cloward-Piven strategy, because Daniel Mudd, CEO of Fannie Mae, a friend of Barack Obama's, spoke at the Congressional Black Caucus swearing in ceremony for newly elected Illinois Senator Barack Obama, and Mudd called, according to your article, the Congressional Black Caucaus, quote, "our family," end quote, and quote, "the conscience of Fannie Mae," end quote.
                                    You go on to say that these guys pushed, along with the Clintons, who also have studied Saul Alinsky, who buy into this, pushed in 1999 for easing people to get loans that they really knew they couldn't pay back, and there's an article in The New York Times warning that this would happen, in 1999.  But you're saying there are some of the people who are friends with Obama, who are friends with the Clintons, who were in key places at Fannie Mae and other places to bring about the housing collapse.  Tell me about that.
James Simpson:          Well, it's hard to trace exactly when and where Fannie Mae became basically a spigot for the radical housing movement, but it's clear that it has.  We know that for quite a while, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have been the repositories of a lot of out of power Washington political appointees. 
                                    So for example, when Bill Clinton lost power and the Republicans came in in 2000, a lot of his appointees went over and found work at Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, including Jamie Gorelick of 9/11 Commission fame, the woman who put up the wall that prevented the FBI and CIA to talking to each other, and who inexplicably became one of the commissioners to review the dire consequences of 9/11.  And you know that was rigged.
                                    She was on the board of Fannie Mae.  Frank Raines, who was Bill Clinton's budget director, moved over to Fannie Mae.  And you know, because it's quote/unquote, a private organization – it really is, and it's a government sponsored enterprise, it earns income like a private organization, but unlike a private organization, it suffers none of the downside risk, because government sponsored enterprises are – the mortgages that they back are in turn backed by the power of the federal purse.
                                    So they can offer to provide loan guarantees for much lower loan rates than the private sector can do, essentially stealing – competing away the private sector for mortgages.  And while they do that, they virtually have no governor, because the government guarantees whatever they do, whether it's stupid or smart.
Brannon Howse:         All right.  Let's hold it right there.  When we come back, we'll continue talking with James.  I'm Brannon Howse. 
[Music]                       Commercial Break
Brannon Howse:         Welcome back, my friends, to the program.  Glad you're with us.  Brannon Howse here.  If you want to hear this interview that I'm doing with James you can go to  www.WorldviewRadio.com WorldviewRadio.com, WorldviewRadio.com.
                                    I invite you to get a pen and paper.  I'll give you James' website address, as well as this article we're reading from, which James wrote, will be at WorldviewTimes.com in just a couple of hours.  www.WorldviewTimes.com
                                    We were talking before the break about Fannie and Freddie Mae.  Let me give you this before we go to the phone lines.  "As a young attorney in the 1990s," – this is from James' article – "Barack Obama represented ACORN in Washington in their successful efforts to expand Community Reinvestment Act authority.  In addition to making it easier for ACORN groups to force banks into making risky loans, this also paved the way for banks like Superior to package mortgages as investments, and for the government sponsored enterprise Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to underwrite them. 
                                    "These changes created the conditions that ultimately led to the current financial crisis," writes James Simpson.  James, what is your website address?
James Simpson:          It is Truth and – it's called Truth and Consequences, but the actual address is TruthandCons, T-R-U-T-H-A-N-D-C-O-N-S, dot blogspot.com. 
Brannon Howse:         Okay.  Let me give that again.  It's Truth, T-R-U-T-H, And, A-N-D, Cons, C-O-N-S, dot blogspot.com.   
James Simpson:          That's it.
Brannon Howse:         TruthandCons.  TruthandCons, with an S, TruthandCons.blogspot.com.  Let's go to the phone lines, my friends.  And by the way, I hope you're understanding here, ACORN, which has helped create this mess, and continuing this mess, all was birthed out of Cloward and Piven and their followers, who read their strategy of expanding the welfare rolls to collapse the economy and implement socialism.
                                    We're going to take your calls, but we're also going to explain to you, my friends, what we believe is coming in 2010 that will further this, as they hire these militant workers with your tax dollars. 
                                    Let's go to the phone lines.  Let's go to Fred in Wisconsin.  Fred, welcome aboard.  You're on.
Male:                           Hi, guys.  Bless you guys.  Two quick things.  One, is Saul Alinsky, is he Jewish in his background, life, whatever?  And two, have you heard of Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki, where out of ever 100 people, at age 65, 25 are dead, 50 dependent on the government, and the other 25 percent are paying for what's left.
Brannon Howse:         Yeah.  I've heard that stat by him, actually.  And he predicted that in a book called – I think called The Prophecy he wrote many years ago, and he – I read it, and he was predicting what you're saying right there, that there'll just have to be too many workers for the few that are taking up – in the entitlements.  Absolutely.
                                    I don't – what – I think Saul Alinsky was – had a Jewish background, did he not? 
James Simpson:          Yes, he did.
Brannon Howse:         Okay.  Let's go to Fred in Florida.  Fred in – which, by the way, I don't – I'm not – we're not insinuating anything by that, because I'm a – I'm a lover of Israel and the Jewish nation, so I don't –
James Simpson:          Absolutely.
Brannon Howse:         – I don't want anyone to imply that we're – I don't buy into this, by the way, if that's where this question was coming from, that all of our financial crises are the fault of Jews and the Jewish nation.  I don't buy that, because –
James Simpson:          Right.  Neither do I.
Brannon Howse:         – I am a huge supporter of Israel, the Jewish people, and anyone that knows me knows that.  In my conference coming up in Branson the last weekend of April, we'll have Joel Rosenberg and Dr. David Reagan and Marty Goetz, ___ obviously Joel Rosenberg, Marty Goetz, Messianic Jews.  Folks, I urge you to check out our website on that. 
                                    So anyway, I just want to make that clear, because I'm not sure where that came from, that question came from, in regards to that.  But if it wasn't, you know, anything there, that's great, but just to clarify, because people sometimes get their own ideas.
                                    All right.  Let's go to Fred, also another Fred, but this Fred is in Florida.  Fred, welcome to the program.  What's on your mind?
Male:                           Yeah.  Thank you.  I ran across Simpson's commentaries this morning.  I've already sent it out to 200 people. 
Brannon Howse:         Woohoo.
Male:                           We are being robbed of our country. 
James Simpson:          That's right.
Male:                           This man is a Trojan horse.
Brannon Howse:         Yes.
Male:                           He has won this election under false pretenses, and is giving our country over to the communist one-world government, and it's – that's enough.
Brannon Howse:         Well, you know, when you see the –
Male:                           So I'm looking forward to the –
Brannon Howse:         When you see the head of the Communist Party USA celebrating what he's doing, that should give you clear indication what's going on.
James Simpson:          Yeah.  Absolutely.
Brannon Howse:         Fred, did you have one last comment, Fred?
Male:                           Yeah.  All Americans, this is time to stand up and speak your mind, because shortly, our voice is to be silenced by the Patriot Act.
Brannon Howse:         All right.  Well, thank you, Fred, for that.  You know, he makes some good comments here, before we go to Andrew and Tom.  If 2010 – if this – if he gets a wider support in the House and Senate in 2010, James –
James Simpson:          Yep.
Brannon Howse:         – he can then really crack down on this radio program, other radio programs that get out truth.  And my fear, James, is that he will crack down on the Second Amendment if he can get more votes in the House and the Senate in 2010.  And that –
James Simpson:          Well, I don't think there's any doubt –
Brannon Howse:         – that's historically what we see happening.
James Simpson:          – that.  I don't think there's any doubt about either one.  He's going to squash Number One, and then he's going to squash Number Two, because with Number One squashed, we won't be able to communicate to the country what's happening.  And you know, the key to all of these things is everywhere and always organization.  And if you can't communicate, you can't organize, and you can't know what's happening.
                                    So the key is getting rid of the First Amendment, which they will try to do, by not bringing back the Fairness Doctrine, but by changing the regulations in another, little bit more underhanded, and a little slicker manner.  I believe they are talking now about doing it through affirmative action programs.
Brannon Howse:         Yes.
James Simpson:          And then second will come the seizing of our last line of defense.
Brannon Howse:         And by the way, James has written for the Washington Times, Front Page magazine.  He was a civil servant.  He wasn't a political appointee.  He was a civil servant in the White House.  Is that correct, James?
James Simpson:          Yes, sir.
Brannon Howse:         So folks, I'm giving you some of his background, just so you know.  This guy, he knows what he's talking about.  And I'm just thankful that he's out there writing this.  Let's go to the phones again.  Our number here is (taken out)   What do you think?  Comments and/or questions. 
                                    I think James is right.  Go after the First Amendment.  Go after the Second Amendment.  And we've got real problems.  Folks, we need to stand up now.
                                    And quite frankly, can I propose something?  I think people need to be flooding their Governor's office.  I think they need to be flooding their State Representative, their State Senator.  Hopefully you guys know.  I'm not talking about Washington, folks.  The solutions to our problems, I'm sad to say, are not in Washington.  Washington is the problem.
                                    We have got to elect people at the State House, at the Governors' mansions, who understand that we have got a problem here, and that is that 1940, '43, '47, three US Supreme Court decisions took the ten handcuffs off the central government, The Bill of Rights, those ten handcuffs, placed them onto the States.  They were meant to restrain the central government, yet in '40, '43, '47, those handcuffs were taken off through these judicial rulings, and they were placed onto the States. 
                                    We have got to re-implement the Tenth Amendment of the US Constitution, and our sovereignty as states.  You need to implore your Governors and your elected officials in your states to stand up to this government tyranny of Washington, and quite frankly, maybe it's time for your state to get what I think Colorado talked about a few years ago, a Tenth Amendment Resolution, which says you will take all of your federal dollars in your state – let's say in Alabama – and you will send them to your state, and your state will put them in escrow.
                                    And if the federal government complies with the Tenth Amendment of the US Constitution, which says the powers the federal government has are limited and expressed and the unlisted powers belongs to the states and the respective people thereof, then they can let those funds go to the federal government. 
                                    If they don't comply to the Constitution, then the State of Alabama, for instance, which collected all those federal tax dollars from its people and put it in escrow, giving the federal government time to comply to the law, the Constitution, the law of the land, then if they don't comply, then Alabama could keep those funds and pave their own roads, fund their own schools. 
                                    We've got to start having something.  We can't just sit around here and ring our hands.  We have the law on our side, my friends, if you read it.  It's called the Constitution, and we've got to keep coming up with some ideas.  That's one of them.  Let's go back to the phone lines.  Let's go to Tom in Alabama.  Speaking of Alabama, Tom, welcome aboard.
Male:                           Hi, guys.  Thanks for taking my call, mentioning Alabama.  A couple of quick things.  When I was in middle school and took a civics class – we were required to by the state – and in that civics class we were required to take a class on communism.  And two things that I remember that – as a, you know, I guess a teenager, a young boy, was reading that Khrushchev said that – two things.
                                    First of all, they were going to eliminate the middle class in the United States of America, and secondly, that they would destroy us without firing a shot.  And that's always stuck with me, you know, throughout my life.  And –
Brannon Howse:         Well, that's exactly what Saul Alinsky – that's exactly what Saul Alinsky talks about in Rules for Radicals.  That's exactly what Cloward and Piven are talking about.  That's exactly what they're doing.  That's exactly what they're talking about. 
                                    In fact, by the way, don't forget that just a few weeks ago, in December, what – before the new administration could come in, they were having some hearings.  Robert Reich, former Secretary of Labor for Clinton, who is now an advisor for Obama, was testifying on Capitol Hill.
                                    And Charlie Rangel, overseeing this hearing, were talking about some of the things that they were wanting to do.  And Charlie Rangel said, "You don't have to worry about the middle class.  They are so consumed with putting food on the table, clothing their kids, and getting them to school, you won't have to worry about the middle class."
                                    I wrote an article and it's now at my website, WorldviewTimes.com or WorldviewRadio.com, either one, "Distracting and Destroying the Middle Class." They deliberately are counting us – on us being off-centered, where we can't respond because we are consumed with, as Charlie Rangel said, clothing our kids, putting food on the table, we won't – we're not a threat.  Go read – that was a direct quote, my friends.
James Simpson:          And they're making it harder and harder for us to do that, and that's part of the strategy.
Brannon Howse:         Absolutely it is.  Bart – I mean, Tom, you'll make another comment?
Male:                           A couple of quick things, too.  If you'll notice, now we are referred to as the homeland, homeland security.  I went to Ukraine years ago, and as you know, that's Mother Russia and the homeland.  So there's no question in my mind about the comparison there.
                                    And finally, several years ago, food for thought, I listened to a tape by a retired CIA person, and you know, it was a Christian tape ministry.  And he basically said that it's the Secretary of State who really wields the power in our nation now.  And if you look at the history of our Secretaries of State, and who has occupied that position, and certainly who is occupying it now, it's kind of frightening that this whole thing was rigged with Barack Obama to be President.  Hillary Clinton never, I don't think, ever really was planned to be a President, but in fact, Secretary of State.
                                    And she pretty much tells the President, if you will, what will be done as far as foreign policy and domestic policy, as she meets with other counterparts, especially in Europe.
Brannon Howse:         Let me ask you this question real quick, Tom, before you go.  Is Roy Moore running for Governor, as I hear, in Alabama?
Male:                           I haven't heard – I haven't heard him announce to run for Governor yet.  I hope he does –
Brannon Howse:         I heard he is – I heard he is.  I heard he is.  I was reported on WorldNetDaily, and I heard that his polls – the polling is – has him ahead of the pack already as a guy to jump in the race.
Male:                           I will – as soon as we hang up, I will go find out for sure, but –
Brannon Howse:         Can you imagine – can you imagine what a guy like Roy Moore, who loves the Constitution, and loves God and country, what he would do as far as how he would respond to government tyranny?
Male:                           Oh, absolutely.  I read his book, you know, and you may want to get it and read it, that he's written.  And yes, he's a strong constitutionalist, and it's sad that, you know, we didn't support him enough here.
Brannon Howse:         Well, let me tell you why.  That's because you had – you had some pro-family leaders out there that quite frankly were out trashing him.  And those are the kind of people I don't even support anymore, nor listen to.  And you guys can go figure out for yourselves who that was.  Thanks for your call.
                                    Let me give you this direct quote by Rangel.  I just pulled it up off my website, WorldviewRadio.com.  "One – " This is Charlie Rangel.  "One thing you can depend on.  You don't have to be worried about what the middle class is going to do.  Things are so bad.  They have to put food on their tables, get clothes for their kids, get them in school," end quote. 
                                    So my friends, they're counting on you being distracted.  Let's go back to the phone lines before we take our first – the next break.  Let's go to Bart real quick.  Bart in Missouri, welcome aboard.
Male:                           Yeah.  I was just – I know firsthand how ACORN works and everything, because they came to my house whenever I was living in Kansas City, back in 2003, and they not only re-registered my wife and I, but they got several of our kids, and which two of them were not even 18 years old.  And getting them registered to vote, so –
Brannon Howse:         So you know how they work.  There you go.  You got it.  All right.  Let's take a break.  We'll be right back with my guest, James Simpson.  We'll continue to take your calls at (taken out) My friends, I encourage you to go to www.WorldviewRadio.com get the link to the show I did with James, send it all over kingdom come.  We have four servers.  We can handle the load.  We've got to get this information out.  The price of freedom is eternal vigilance, and knowledge is power.
Brannon Howse:         I'm Brannon Howse, and this is the Worldview Weekend Minute.  You know it as political correctness, but that's a masking term.  The real Worldview agenda is Cultural Marxism.   Cultural Marxism came to American in 1933, when some German intellectuals were brought to America by humanist John Dewey, the father of modern education, the man who signed the Humanist Manifesto.
                                    And he dropped these German intellectuals down at leading colleges and universities, and the goal was to go after education and media, and change the worldview of a whole generation.  They called it political correctness, but it's really Cultural Marxism, and their goal was, number one, the destruction of Christianity for all areas of life; number two, to create chaos. 
                                    Why chaos?  Because it would cause the people to want more government, and then they could move from Cultural Marxism to traditional Marxism, which is socialism.  That's exactly what's happening in America today, and it's because of political correctness.
                                    If you want more information on this, we invite you to order our video at our website, WorldviewWeekend.com, and it's called Three Worldview Trends, Three Worldview Trends.  You can find it at WorldviewWeekend.com.
Brannon Howse:         Welcome back, my friends, to the program.  Glad you're with us.  My guest today is James Simpson.  He's written this great article entitled "Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis." You can find it at WorldviewTimes.com.  We'll put it up there just as soon as we get off the air here.  It'll be at WorldviewTimes.com.
                                    We want to thank AmericanThinker.com, by the way, for putting up this article back in September of 2008.  AmericanThinker.com put this article up first.  We want to thank them for being a website that led the way on this, in getting this information out, which is how I found James, which is how I was able to then give him this platform, and then zip this out to 125,000 people by email Friday night, which is why this moving and growing.
                                    And then, of course, we add this program to it, and 100 stations, and folks, together we can get out information.  As I said before the break – could barely say it, I know – the price of freedom is eternal vigilance.  Knowledge is power.
                                    What is knowledge?  Knowledge is the acquisition of truth.  Wisdom is the application of truth.  We have – you know, the pen is mightier than the sword, folks.  Really.  And what James is doing here is a great service to our country, and I thank you, Jim, for doing that.
                                    Let's go back to – actually, to another Jim, a caller calling in from Milwaukee.  The 1-800 number, by the way, is (taken out)  Jim in Milwaukee, welcome aboard.  Go right ahead.
Male:                           Hi, Brannon.
Brannon Howse:         Hi.
Male:                           How you doing tonight?
Brannon Howse:         Good.  Thanks for calling in.
Male:                           Yes.  You may be familiar with this quote.  George Washington, in his farewell address, warned this nation about political factions, and I'm thinking about two factions.  One's called the Democratic Party and one's called the Republican Party.  And you mentioned that very much in the very beginning of this show today.  And the only remedy for this country is to go back to the original Constitution.
                                    And if you really think about it, you have Republicans that are saying, "Well, we've just got to fix Medicare.  We've got to fix this program.  Welfare program." The problem is, they're not designed to be something done at the federal level.  And until the Republicans wake up – like we have this thing happening here in the State of Wisconsin, it's Americans for Prosperity ____.
                                    And you have all these Republicans that are getting all excited and rallying around different Republican leaders, but they're going back to the same garbage.
Brannon Howse:         Yeah.  They – a lot of the – like I said –
Male:                           ____ stop the unconstitutional spending.
Brannon Howse:         Like I said at the beginning, it's Socialist Party R, Socialist Party D, and other than Jim Demint and maybe Inhofe and Jim Bunning of Kentucky, other than a few US Senators at one or two Congressmen, Ron Paul, the Congressman from Colorado that ran for President – what's his name, James?  Do you remember his name?
James Simpson:          Yeah.  Tancredo.
Brannon Howse:         Yeah.  Other than a few of those folks, many of them have been compromised, even in the Republican Party.  So Jim, you're right.  That's why we've got to hold their feet to the fire, both parties, to get back to the Constitution.  But the people have to demand it. 
                                    You know, I think it was President Garfield that said, "If we become reckless, corrupt, it's because the people tolerate recklessness and corruption." And he was calling –
James Simpson:          Right.
Brannon Howse:         – for the people to be intolerant of recklessness and corruption and lawlessness.  Yet, my friends, tolerance today is supposed to be the great virtue.  No, you need to be intolerant of that which is –
James Simpson:          Absolutely.
Brannon Howse:         – that which is a detriment to our nation.  The Bible is clear that sin is a reproach to a nation, but righteousness exalts it.  Folks, you have to be intolerant to what they're doing, because this is hurting a lot of people, mostly the underclass, the poor.  That's who gets hurt the most in all this.
                                    Let's go to Dorothy in Illinois.  Dorothy, welcome to the program.  Welcome aboard.
Female:                       Oh, thank you.  The people – I have called everyone in everywhere, and they don't seem to be a bit concerned, so I think it's the whole government's been dirtied up.  And you people are so smart, and you've got all the facts.  And if you put them all together and build them up right, along with Liberty Council helping you, too, because they're good, and get this thing nipped in the bud, because what they have done is premeditated destruction of our country.
Brannon Howse:         I agree.  I agree, Dorothy.  You nailed it.
James Simpson:          I agree.
Brannon Howse:         And Jim – let me quote you, Jim.  You say in your article, which is going up at www.WorldviewTimes.com right now, you said, "Their influence has spread so far and so wide that despite their blatant culpability in the current financial crisis, they are capable – they are able to manipulate Capitol Hill, politicians." And then you go on to say, "God grant those few responsible yet remaining in Washington DC the strength to prevent this massive fraud from occurring.  God grant them the courage to stand up in the face of this Marxist tidal wave."
                                    This is really Cultural Marxism.  I mean, it's exactly what we see coming over from Germany, the Frankfurt School, in 1933, with the help of the socialist John Dewey, who signed the Humanist Manifesto I started the Social Society, which was to destroy the foundation of Christianity in all areas of life, law, science, economics, implement chaos, and then use the chaos to implement big government.  That's exactly what we see happening.
                                    Let's go back to the phones real quick.  Let's go to Bob in Wisconsin.  Bob, welcome aboard.  You're on with James Simpson.
Male:                           Yes.  I was wondering, are all the people in Congress aware of all of this going on?  I can't think that this wouldn't filter to them.  And are you saying that it's just they refuse to act on it?
Brannon Howse:         James, you want to answer that?
James Simpson:          Well, you know, it's a little bit of everything.  You know, Congresspeople pretty much are spokesmen.  They rely on staffers, and it's astonishing sometimes, and I've seen this firsthand.  It's astonishing sometimes to discover how truly ignorant they are in many cases.
                                    And it's because they can afford to be.  They've got a special Congressional staffer to cover entitlement spending.  They have an expert on military spending.  They have an expert on practically any subject you can name, who can advise them about what their position should be, given their politics, their constituency, on a given issue. 
                                    So a lot of – and they'll read about themselves in the Washington Post, or they'll read, you know, whatever seems to be of interest of the day.  And I'm sure they keep up on current affairs.  But they do not study – you know, the blogosphere, the new media, is really, I think, where most of the information is coming these days.  You don't get a lot of it from the mainstream media.  You get a lot of misinformation.  You get a lot of incomplete information.  And that's mostly what those – a lot of those folks rely on.
                                    So it's – so with the exception of guys like Jim Demint and the other folks that Brannon mentioned, I think a lot of them really are ignorant.  And the ones that aren't don't want to know.
Brannon Howse:         James, I talk to people –
James Simpson:          They do not want to know.
Brannon Howse:         James, I talk to major people, and many of them, you would know their names, and I throw out names of people like Saul Alinsky.  They don't even know who he is.  Then I throw out names like the Frankfurt School, and John Dewey, and they cannot tell me the basics.  These are people trying to lead the country, host talk radio, what not.
James Simpson:          Yeah.
Brannon Howse:         They don't even understand the most basic – the most basic concepts and ideas, they don't understand.  You know why?  They do the old thing in radio, rip and read.  Rip and read, and then they talk about it on the air.  If you don't commit yourself to two to three hours a day of study and research, which is how I found you, James –
James Simpson:          Right.
Brannon Howse:         – then you won't understand the times, because it's moving that fast.  James, I appreciate your being with us.  We now have his article at www.WorldviewTimes.com  It just went up about 15 seconds ago.  His article is now at WorldviewTimes.com, part one and part two.  And his website is TruthandCons.blogspot.com.  James, thanks for being with us.
                                    My friends, I'm Brannon Howse.  Thanks for being with us.
Announcer:                 closing theme.
[End of Audio]
Copyrighted by Brannon Howse

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