Once Saved Always Saved (Part 3)

Note From The Editor of CWN: The following article is the opinion of the writer and NOT Christian Worldview Network. The editor of this site, Brannon Howse, holds to the belief that we have the freedom of choice and we are freely chosen; two sides of a coin. Brannon also believes in eternal security but he does not believe in easy believism. If you don't agree with Todd's article, don't get mad at CWN. One reason for this site is to give Christians a place to debate the issues of our day. So, debate, make your case, and see if you can convince others of the validity of your position. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Once Saved Always Saved (Part 3)
In light of the numerous passages which clearly demonstrate that salvation can and will be forfeited by any born again person not remaining in faithful obedience to Christ, it is clear that many have misunderstood the message of God's Word on how Christ and His glorious salvation must be abided in (Jn. 15). Some fail to understand that salvation must be maintained by an ongoing faith in Christ alone and that is a choice, never forced. This one fact alone – that God never forces man to do anything – causes the intertwined 5 points of Calvinism to crumble. The notion that one is automatically going to persevere to the end if he is truly saved, is completely unfounded – no where to be found in Holy Scripture. Like much of John Calvin's heretical teachings, this doctrine of deceit violates volumes of revealed divine truth and does not take into account the whole of the LOGOS (written Word). Regrettably, many today hold Calvin's teachings as their final authority and don't even realize it. They bend even the Bible to fit Calvin's heresies, instead of discarding these lies when they realize how they grossly contradict God's Word. Many a person who is deluded by this 'irresistible grace' lie seems to be inoculated from scriptural truth. Even after being shown numerous Bible texts which clearly reveal these things to be erroneous, some of these people crassly dismiss the divine truth they are led to read with their very own eyes, vainly believing that somehow God didn't mean what He plainly stated. Like all cults, it seems like these lies inoculated them from truth. Yet, when asked, these men claim to follow Christ. In reality they are following the doctrines of mere men and devils and in most cases have no clue they are doing so.
John Calvin's 5 points are a masterminded diabolic system to pervert the grace of our God and to justify sin, bringing God's people into the depth of depravity and ultimately damnation – all the while thinking they are 'once saved always saved.' Those who have embraced these blatant and biblically defying lies have no idea who is behind this system of deceit. They think this is the truth of Jesus Christ and yet it is actually the lies of the dark lord of damnation who has come to steal, kill and destroy (Jn. <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />10:10).
Annihilating one of Calvin's 5 points, Robert Shank says:
"But we must protest that a god who, while rescuing some, simply 'passes by' others in the same lost circumstance is so little like the Good Samaritan in our Lord's parable and so much like the priest and the Levite that he cannot be the God who desires to have all men saved and none to perish. Such a god constitutes a total contradiction to the spirit of the words of James, 'To him who knows to do good and does it not, to him it is sin' (4:17)...A god so heartless and so arbitrary cannot be the God who so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son to exile, sorrow, suffering, shame and death. He cannot be the God who cries with sorrowing heart and infinite compassion, 'Look unto me and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth, for I am God, and there is none other' (Isa. 45:22).  He cannot be the God whose grace has appeared for the salvation of all men (Tit. 2:11). Such an arbitrary god is not the God we worship and adore, the God in whom we trust." (Robert Shank, Elect in the Son, p.193)
Friends, in this writer's opinion and that of many others, John Calvin was the worst heretic in church history. He grossly corrupted the holy image of the one true God with his evil and blasphemous teachings. Calvin set forth heresies that live on today in the minds of many deceived people, some who are well-meaning. LORD, bless us to love and embrace Thy truth, which establishes who You truly are and reveals the doctrines of men and devils to be evil tools to lure away the righteous to perdition. Amen.
Below are shown the Five Points of Calvinism which are used in an acrostic - T-U-L-I-P. As one should notice, these doctrines clearly twist and blaspheme the divine attributes of God, the true nature of man and the Holy Scriptures.
The Five Basic Tenets of Calvinism
The five basic doctrines of Calvinism are represented by the acronym T-U-L-I-P. As you read through these, weigh them against the Scripture you know for their validity. These doctrines are:
o  T = TOTAL DEPRAVITY: At birth all men are depraved wholly and totally. They are in this sinful condition because they have inherited it from their parents.
o  U = UNCONDITIONAL ELECTION: God, before the foundation of the world, arbitrarily chose to save some people and destroy others and nothing can be done to change God's sovereign decree.
o  L = LIMITED ATONEMENT: Christ died only for the ones God had unconditionally chosen to save. (Isn't it amazing that all who believe in "limited atonement" just happen to personally be a part of the ones to whom God has limited His salvation to?  How convenient and amazing!!! How telling! How incriminating!)
o  I = IRRISISTABLE GRACE: An unregenerate person cannot voluntarily believe in God. But once God determines to save him, that same individual cannot overcome or resist the power of God no matter what he may desire.
o  P = PERSEVERENCE OF THE SAINTS: Since man can do nothing but evil on his own, God's unconditional election is required to save him. Consequently, one needs to do nothing to remain saved. If one's salvation depended on himself in any way, the miraculous work of God in saving him would be overthrown.
As I review these heretical points, it is almost comical and yet seriously concerning to think some believe them. Any time I have ever read Calvin's five points, Scripture upon Scripture comes to mind refuting these five diabolical lies of John Calvin. It is an absolute impossibility to believe God's Word and Calvin's doctrines simultaneously.


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