Organs Harvested From Babies While They Are Alive to Develop Vaccines

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In a recent interview conducted by Brannon Howse, attorney Susan Swift of Right to Life League shed light on a deeply disturbing revelation. Swift, along with other researchers and scientists, has uncovered evidence that fetal tissues from unborn babies are being used in the development of vaccines. These tissues, harvested from living babies, are being utilized for their hearts, brains, and other organs. This shocking discovery raises profound ethical concerns and calls into question the practices of both the abortion and vaccine industries.

The Connection between Abortion and Vaccine Development:

The link between the abortion industry and the vaccine industry is one that many may find unsettling. Swift explains that organizations such as the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), a renowned training ground for abortionists, are involved in the procurement of live fetal tissues. These tissues, obtained through premature delivery rather than abortion procedures, are then used to develop cell lines necessary for vaccine testing and production.

The Live Harvesting Process:

According to Dr. Theresa Dasher and biologist Pamela Acker, fetal tissues must be obtained while the babies are still alive to ensure their freshness. Swift emphasizes that these unborn babies experience intense pain as their organs are extracted, without any anesthesia. The hearts, brains, kidneys, and other vital organs are quickly harvested from these live infants, sometimes even while they are enclosed in the amniotic sac. This process resembles organ harvesting practices associated with human rights violations in countries like China.

Ethical Implications:

Susan Swift and Brannon Howse argue that this practice amounts to trafficking in human organs and raises serious ethical concerns. Abortion, which is defined as the intentional killing of a baby in the womb, is transformed into premature delivery to obtain live tissues. This exploitation of unborn babies for the purpose of vaccine development highlights the deep-rooted connection between the profit-driven vaccine industry and the abortion industry.

The Role of Key Figures:

The involvement of influential figures in promoting vaccines and their connection to the abortion industry is another disconcerting aspect. Bill Gates, for instance, has been a prominent supporter of vaccines, while his father has been associated with Planned Parenthood. The financial ties between these individuals and the vaccine industry suggest a vested interest in the perpetuation of such practices.

Raising Awareness:

Swift's research, as well as research by experts like Dr. Dasher and Pamela Acker, have brought these shocking revelations to light. Organizations like Pro-Life SF have been protesting against UCSF's involvement in training abortionists and harvesting fetal tissues for years. The tireless efforts of these pro-life advocates seek to expose the unethical practices occurring within both the abortion and vaccine industries.

Click here to watch the full program with host Brannon Howse and guest Susan Swift:…

This article is sponsored as a public service of the Worldview Weekend Foundation. Thank you for your contribution to so we can continue to offer this FREE service.

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