
"Others"<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
J. Michael Sharman
December 11, 2007
            In the early 1900s, when the founder of the Salvation Army, William Booth, wanted to send an inspirational Christmas message to each of his workers around the world to convey what he saw as the essential message of Christmas and the core mission of Christians. The problem was that <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Western Union charged by the word and Booth was the thrifty leader of a ministry supported by the donation of coins tossed in a red kettle. Finally, he sent out a one word message: "Others."[1]
It was a message that Booth's workers learned well. When The Empress of Ireland sank after being struck by another ship on the St. Lawrence River in 1914, 109 Salvation Army officers on board were drowned. None of them was wearing a life-jacket. Survivors told how the Salvationists, seeing other passengers without lifejackets, removed their own and strapped them upon those "others".[2]
Their sacrifice of life continues to the present. Col. Bo Brekke, the Norwegian-born Salvation Army leader for Pakistan, was murdered with two gunshots to the head on September 27, 2007.[3]
The U.S. Army is also filled with those who have learned the lesson of "Others". A few weeks ago, 1st Lt. Walter Bryan Jackson received the Distinguished Service Cross for saving another soldier's life in Iraq even though he was himself wounded and under fire from the enemy.[4]
In an interview with The Washington Post that took place at Dulles Airport while Lt. Jackson was waiting for his flight back to Iraq for another year-long deployment, he said he plans to stay on active duty, at least for the remaining  2 ½ years of his obligation: "I feel I owe it to the people who have already sacrificed."
Lt. Jackson, in a quiet way, expressed his frustration with the American people's response. "It doesn't affect society at large in the slightest. Life just goes on, and a lot of people … are more concerned about the price of gas than about soldiers fighting and dying."
He does wish more Americans would express their appreciation for the military volunteers who live and die for others. "We don't ask for much," he said.
It doesn't take much for us to give them that appreciation.
"Gifts from the Homefront" is a USO program to help us donate Commissary gift certificates to be used by service members at base exchanges and at the commissary. When we donate money for the program, the certificates are purchased and sent to USO locations worldwide where they are passed out to service members and their families.[5]
            It used to be possible for us to send letters and packages marked for delivery to "Any Service Member." But because of heightened security, we can't do that anymore. The USO now has another program, Operation USO Care Package that lets us sponsor a care package for $25 and send a personal message of support and thanks to a service member. The care packages contain prepaid international phone cards, snacks, sunscreen, toiletries, compact discs and other items most frequently requested by service men and women.[6]
            At Christmas, even though it seems as if we are going everywhere and helping everyone, that just isn't possible. We can, however, donate to the work of the Salvation Army's 1.1 million officers and senior soldiers around the world.[7] With our financial gifts and cards to the USO we can encourage the 1,380,082 active duty[8] military and the 93,364 National Guard and Reserve personnel who have been mobilized.[9]
            They are giving their time, effort, and occasionally their lives, in service to "Others". As Lt. Jackson said, they don't ask for much. The least we can do is to say "Thank you" and let them know someone back home cares and appreciates their sacrifices.

[1] http://williamboothtelegram.blogspot.com/

[2] "Pastoral Letter Four: Others", Shaw, Clifton, http://www.salvationarmy.org/ihq/www_ihq_general.nsf/vw-dynamic-index/423BAD8664F55A89802573830082948E?Opendocument


[4] "For Decorated GI, Grief, Recovery, Redeployment" The Washington Post, A4, November 25, 2007

[5] http://www.uso.org/whatwedo/specialprograms/giftsfromthehomefront/

[6] http://www.uso.org/whatwedo/specialprograms/operationusocarepackage/

[7] http://www.salvationarmy.org/ihq/www_sa.nsf/vw-sublinks/D46980EA862CD1FD80256D4F00411840?openDocument

[8] http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0004598.html

[9] http://usmilitary.about.com/b/2007/11/18/number-of-guardreserve-personnel-mobilized.htm


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