Ousted For Speaking The Truth

Ousted For Speaking The Truth <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
On June 15, 2007 National Right to Life removed the oldest pro-life organization
in the nation as its affiliate in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Colorado.  Founded three years before the national
organization, Colorado Right to Life was ousted for several perceived sins.
According to the credentials report, chief among them was a January 2006
press release sent quoting CRTL President Brian Rohrbough's objection
to NRL's Fetal Pain Act legislation.  The press release asked the question whether
the legislation couldn't have been better titled, Sedation Murder Act.
Like the 15 year failed strategy to ban one form of late term abortion, only
to have the SCOTUS suggest other ways to kill third trimester pre-born
babies; the Fetal Pain act had a fatal flaw.
Legislation to educate abortion-minded women about the potential pain
babies facing death feel, goes a long way in illustrating the humanity of
babies in the womb.  One positive benefit in the PBA ban campaign, was
the heightened awareness of the abortion industry's dirty little secret that
abortion is legal for very nearly any reason at any time, even as the
baby emerges from her mother.
Sadly, in both instances, the priceless educational value of these measures was squandered for a mess of pottage. 
During the debates about the Fetal Pain Act, Bob Enyart Live interviewed
Steven Ertelt and Brian Rohrbough asking whether there might be any downside
to legislation that suggested women sedate babies prior to having an abortionist
be their chosen hit man.
Mr. Ertelt stated emphatically that there could be no possible downside.  Rohrbough
strenuously insisted otherwise.
Colorado Right to Life believes that any legislation ending with "and then you can kill the baby," is evil and seriously undermines the personhood of the pre-born.  Furthermore, Rohrbough noted, "sedating babies prior to killing them makes abortion seem more palatable to the public." 
Would it have been any less heinous for Hitler to have dispensed Valium to his victims
as they were marched to the gas chambers at Auschwitz?  Can the pro-life industry really not see how telling moms they can kill in ways their baby may not feel, will wind
up increasing the number of women choosing death with assuaged consciences?
On April 25, 2007, Colorado Right to Life held a 40th commemoration of the nation's first abortion law, signed by Republican Governor, John Love.  Dr. Alan Keyes gave
the keynote speech, condemning the PBA ruling and agreeing that the nation has
spent 40 years in the wilderness. 
America's pro-life movement has been hijacked by lawyers.  The greatest human rights struggle of our generation has been undermined and set adrift by legal minds, lacking the firey passion of righteous men of God who should be leading the charge.
Colorado Right to Life was fighting for the babies before National Right to Life was even conceived.  We have no intention of ceasing our struggle to restore legal protection to pre-born babies, from the moment of fertilization.
Concerned citizens are invited to stand with Brian Rohrbough's Colorado Right to Life, Dr. Alan Keyes' Renew America, Judy Brown's American Life League, Father Euteneuer's  Human Life International  in condemning the PBA Supreme Court ruling and opposing failed legislation like the Fetal Pain Act.  Finally, they can take our 40/50/1 pledge to never support laws that violate God's enduring command, "Thou shall not murder."

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