Politics-what can I do in 2008?

Politics-what can I do in 2008?<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
By Shane Idleman
First and foremost, we cannot deny our primary responsibility: To encourage people to turn to Christ as their Lord and Savior. This is how America will "truly" change from the inside out. The No. 1 problem in America is not a political problem; it's a spiritual problem called sin. The primary goal of the church is not to become a political movement, but a spiritual influence. Politics won't save America anymore than a dumbbell will save someone who is drowning. However, we cannot ignore our God-given civic responsibility and the massive impact that politics has on our society. America's leaders play an enormous role in shaping the direction of the Country. For example, there are legislators who support partial-birth abortion, even when the life of the mother is not at risk. Partial-birth abortion is a process where an unborn, often healthy, baby's body is delivered (often near full-term) until only the head remains inside the womb. The physician then punctures the back of the child's skull with a sharp instrument and removes the child's brains before delivering the dead baby. What a travesty. The Supreme Court upheld the ban on this grizzly form of abortion (at the time of this writing), yet there are still those in leadership who disagree with the Courts decision. This is a shame to America, and a mockery before God who said, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you" (Jeremiah 1:5). Psalm 139:13 says that God formed my inward parts; He knit me together in my mother's womb. (Additionally, refer to Proverbs 6:17 and Deuteronomy 5:17.) God help us when we destroy what He has created.
People are often willing to help, but they lack motivation; they also don't know where to begin. How can we honor God and preserve our values, and thus, contribute to positive social changes?
Many exceptional books have been written on this subject; however, I'd also like to share a few thoughts. Here a just a few examples; more will follow in the following weeks:
1.      Lead a life of integrity regardless of what society promotes. Although only a select few can change government policy, all of us can build a life of moral integrity while staying committed to God's Word. There are certain "rights" and "wrongs" called absolutes that are given by God to save man from himself. One of the best ways to make a difference is to live a life based on moral absolutes, and by letting honesty and integrity guide our decisions. M.H. McKee states it well, "Integrity is one of several paths. It distinguishes itself from the others because it is the right path, and the only one upon which you will never get lost." Proverbs 11:3 adds, "The integrity of the upright will guide them." Combine integrity, wisdom, Scripture study, counsel, and prayer, and you'll have a better grasp on what God is calling you to do. Unfortunately, we want to hear from God first and work on character later, but God wants us to work on character first-we'll then be better able to hear. A life of moral excellence and integrity leads to a growing relationship with God. (See II Peter 1:5.)
2.      Pray and fast for our nation. Prayer is more powerful than protest! We should not rely on political power, but on the power of God through prayer. Pray specifically for more leaders guided by integrity. For those who doubt the power of prayer in American history, consider this excerpt from the book, One Nation Under God-The History of Prayer in America: "Prayer stands as one of the most critical and indisputable factors to have influenced the course of American history . . . ." Many of those who study history understand the connection, and agree.
3.      Vote for principles, not a particular party. "He who rules over men must be just" (II Samuel 23:3). We need more humble, God-fearing leaders. The Lord hates pride, arrogance, and self-centeredness. Without humility and a teachable spirit, it's difficult, if not impossible, to properly govern. Humility does not mean that leaders become passive observers, but that they live in total surrender to God; they're more concerned with God's opinion than opinion poles. It's been said that the quality of our government depends more upon the character of our leaders than upon our laws. Vote for principles, not a particular party.
4.      Become involved, but with the right motives. Become involved if God is calling you to a specific field of interest, but don't initiate with a rebellious, prideful attitude. You can be right in your reasoning, yet wrong in your attitude. Anger over issues that anger the Lord, such as crime, abortion, pornography, abuse, oppression, and so on, is justifiable and can cause positive action. If anger causes damage to another, or personally damages your character, it's probably not accomplishing God's purpose. If anger sparks prayer and a Christ-like stance, it can be productive. This may have been why Martin Luther said, "When I am angry, I can pray well and preach well." On the other hand, many have been guilty of not getting involved by saying, "We shouldn't say, or do anything political. All we need to do is preach the gospel." Be careful. Although the Gospel is our primary focus, this shouldn't be used as an excuse to prevent action-become involved if God gives you that desire.
Much of this article was borrowed from What Works for Young Adults-Solid Choices In Unstable Times, © 2007 by El Paseo Publications. This book can be ordered at www.elpaseopublications.com); Shane can be reached @ [email protected].


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