President Donald Trump Plans to Support Kevin McCarthy for Speaker : January 10, 2023

INTRO: Russia’s Vladimir Putin is said to be readying a hypersonic missile,
capable of striking anywhere on earth at speeds of 27 times the speed of sound
while carrying a nuclear payload.
New Zealand’s secret service wants citizens to snitch on their friends and family
members for not following government dictates on Covid and other policies. They
will be treated, the government says, as “radicalized terrorists.”
The Senate votes to reverse Joe Biden’s Covid vaccine mandate on the military but
stops short of reinstating more than 8,000 service members who have been
discharged for refusing to take the experimental jab.
And the federal government has spent nearly $19 million of your tax dollars to set
up “non-binary screening systems” at U.S. airports.
All these stories and more when the Worldview Report starts, right now!


Russia today revealed chilling new footage of its hypersonic missile Avangard
being readied for combat in yet another nuclear threat to the West.
Footage shows the weapon, which is delivered to targets at 27 times the speed of
sound, being installed in an underground launch silo in the Orenburg region,
southwest Russia, near the Kazakhstan border, according to the Daily Mail.
The missile with a hypersonic glide vehicle is fired outside the earth's atmosphere
before striking any target in the world in less than 30 minutes.
Like other Russian hypersonic missile systems, Vladimir Putin claims the West has
no means to stop it.
The positioning of the 20,000 mph Avangard missile system follows three
consecutive days in which Putin has showcased the deployment of new Yars
nuclear missiles.
Putin demanded ideas from his commanders including General Sergei
'Armageddon' Surovikin - who is in overall command of the Russian offensive.
The president was accompanied by both defense minister Sergei Shoigu and chief
of the general staff Valery Gerasimov, both of whom are rumored to be sidelined
in the war.

Putin said: “Comrade officers, we will hear from the commanders in each
operational area today, and I would like to hear your suggestions on our immediate
and medium–term actions.”
It is the first known visit by Putin to the joint headquarters of the troops.
Putin has previously claimed the Avangard strikes “like a meteorite” and is
“invincible” - unstoppable by any defense system.

New Zealand, once considered one of the freest countries in the world, has
descended into a full-on police state.
The New Zealand government is now actively encouraging its people to turn in
their friends and family members who dissent from the official narrative of the
state on anything from foreign policy to Covid restrictions.
And they’re using their secret service to launch this new, zero tolerance for dissent
Take a look.
Notice there was no balance in that report, nobody to present the other side of the
issue that involves the potential for destroying civil rights and civil liberties. This
shows how quickly a country can go from free to authoritarian.


Four Republican senators joined Democrats in shooting down an amendment to a
massive defense authorization package that would have reinstated troops
discharged for refusing to take the COVID-19 vaccine, according to the Daily
Caller News Foundation.
The 2023 National Defense Authorization Act, or NDAA, passed the Senate 83-
11 Thursday night, and along with it a provision overturning the Biden
administration’s service-wide vaccine requirement. Republican Senators Mitt
Romney of Utah, Susan Collins of Maine, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana and Mike
Rounds of South Dakota voted no on a last-minute amendment to the bill that

would have re-enlisted thousands of troops separated for refusing the vaccine
mandate, collapsing the proposal 54 to 40.
Cassidy said in a statement to the Daily Caller:
“These were direct orders from commanding officers (a reference to Defense
Secretary Lloyd Austin). I voted to end the COVID vaccine mandate in the
military, but it is not Congress’s place to intervene in the chain of command and
set a precedent for military personnel to ignore direct orders.”
The Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps have separated at least 8,400 active
duty and reserve troops for spurning the Department of Defense’s August
2021 requirement that all service members receive the COVID-19 vaccine,
according to information the DOD provided to the Daily Caller News Foundation.
Republican Senator Ted Cruz of Texas reintroduced a portion of the AMERICANS
Act, which revoked the Department of Defense’s vaccination mandate, that was
left out of the final NDAA text ahead of the vote Thursday.
Cruz said in a statement after introducing the act with his Republican co-sponsors:
“It is absolutely unacceptable that the Biden administration is trying to coerce our
men and women in uniform to violate their conscience and religious beliefs, let
alone on an issue as polarizing as the COVID-19 vaccine. The AMERICANS Act
will ensure that these and similar efforts to politicize our military on this issue are


It is now more than twice as expensive to charge an electric vehicle in Norway’s
capital, Oslo, than to fill up a gas-powered vehicle.
It was reported in the local newspaper Avisa Oslo that the price of Oslo’s
municipal electric car chargers rose dramatically after the city’s budget was
approved last week.
As of 2019, the local government began charging citizens for charging their
electric vehicles. The prices ranged from 5 to 15 kroner per hour ($2) based on the
charger’s output in kilowatts and the time of day, according to The Local.

The charges for the normal late-night and overnight charging have increased by
seven times in less than four years.
As a result of the price increase, the Norwegian Electric Vehicle Association stated
that it could no longer support the purchase of an electric vehicle, according to
News in English.
Christina Bu, secretary general of the el-car organization, told a local newspaper:
“In some cases, it can be twice as expensive to charge an electric car as to fill up
with polluting (fossil) fuel.” She went on to call the rate hike that was imposed
literally overnight by the Oslo city government, ironically led by the Greens and
Labor parties, as “idiotic.”


The Defender reports that a growing number of parents oppose vaccine mandates
as a precondition for public school attendance, and interest among adults in
receiving COVID-19 booster shots is waning, according to a national poll by the
Kaiser Family Foundation or KFF.
The results of the latest KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor survey, show more than
one-third (35%) of parents now believe they should be the ones to decide whether
their children receive a slate of childhood vaccines.
The poll encompassed a nationally representative sample of 1,259 adults who were
interviewed between Nov. 29 and Dec. 8. According to The New York Times, the
KFF is a “nonpartisan healthcare research organization.”
“It’s unfortunate that it took a wave of injuries and deaths from vaccines that never
should have been released into the market — much less mandated — to draw long-
overdue attention to the issue of vaccine safety,” said Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.,
chairman and chief litigation counsel for Children’s Health Defense.
Kennedy told The Defender:
“This latest poll is encouraging for those parents, physicians and scientists who for
decades have been calling for an investigation into the relentless promotion by
FDA, CDC and Big Pharma of inferior medical products without rigorous safety
testing. As more parents begin to question the forced, routine administration of
vaccines on healthy children, perhaps we will move closer to protecting children

and holding vaccine makers and government agencies accountable for the harm
these products cause.”
26% of parents today agree that “Risks of childhood vaccines for measles, mumps,
and rubella outweigh the benefits.”
According to the KFF poll, 65% of parents of children under age 18 “think healthy
children should be required to be vaccinated to attend public schools.”
This represents an 11 percentage point decline from an October 2019 Pew
Research Center poll showing 76% of parents supported public school vaccine
More than one-third of parents surveyed (35%) “now believe parents should be
able to decide not to vaccinate their children, up from 23% in 2019.”


In an urgent letter to the editor-in-chief of the medical journal The BMJ, Dr. Angus
Dalgleish, professor of oncology at the St. George’s University of London, asks for
the UK’s unnecessary Covid vaccine program to end immediately, reports the
RAIR Foundation.
The cancer specialist of more than 30 years writes that the link between the Covid
vaccine and “blood clots, myocarditis, heart attacks, and strokes is now well
accepted, as is the link with myelitis and neuropathy.”
He adds that he already predicted these side effects in June 2020.
Now there is another reason to halt all vaccination programs, says Professor
Dalgleish. As a practicing oncologist, he sees people with stable diseases rapidly
progress after being forced to have a booster, which many take so they can travel
or work.
Patients he sees with a stable disease deteriorate rapidly after taking a booster. Dr.
Dalgleish explains:
“Even within my own personal contacts I am seeing B cell-based disease after the
boosters. They describe being distinctly unwell a few days to weeks after the
booster – one developing leukemia, two work colleagues non-Hodgkin’s
lymphoma, and an old friend who has felt like he has had Long Covid since
receiving his booster and who, after getting severe bone pain, has been diagnosed
as having multiple metastases from a rare B cell disorder.”

This is no coincidence, emphasizes the oncologist, who pointed out that the same
pattern is happening in Germany, Australia, and the United States.
The professor of oncology believes that a public debate should be held
immediately about the explosion of diseases after the boosters.
“The reports of innate immune suppression after mRNA for several weeks would
fit, as all these patients to date have melanoma or B cell based cancers, which are
very susceptible to immune control – and that is before the reports of suppressor
gene suppression by mRNA in laboratory experiments.”
Dr. Ryan Cole previously warned that the Covid vaccines are ineffective and
responsible for increased cancer cases. Data from his vaccinated patients and data
sent to him by oncologists show that the vaccines disrupt the immune system. 


The Gateway Pundit reports that the federal government spent $18.6 million to
fund “non-binary screening systems” that are set to be rolled out at airports
nationwide in January.
The reason for this is that TSA screeners had to select the gender of the person
going through the body scanners – some travelers are saying that their gender was
improperly assumed.
Just The News reported:
The Transportation Security Administration spent $18.6 million in funding on
“non-binary screening systems,” which are set to be rolled out in January.
TSA screeners decide whether a traveler is male or female and press a button for
the body scanner corresponding with their appearance as the system scans males
and females differently. And people who say their gender was improperly assumed
may ask for a re-screening before a physical pat-down, and TSA rules mandate for
travelers to be patted down by officers of the same gender that they appear.
Using funding from last fiscal year’s Omnibus Appropriations fund, the money
went toward working with the manufacturer of Advanced Imaging Technology to
update the algorithm for “increased accuracy and efficiency,” Fox News reported
Six percent of the complaints are from members of the LGBTQ community.

Fox News reported:
TSA data shows the agency receives 26,542 screening complaints annually. 6% of
those complaints are from members of the LGBTQ community. That number
tracks roughly with census data from Gallup, which notes that 7% of people
identify as LGBTQ.
Speaking with WCAX channel 3 news, The TSA’s Executive Director for Travel
Engagement, Jose Bonilla, said he is confident the new sharper imaging
technology will reduce the number of pat-downs and the number of complaints
from minority communities.
“This technology should really be gender-neutral, you know it really should be,
and we’re there,” Bonilla said.
In February, TSA also updated its checkpoint protocols by removing gender
considerations when validating identification. TSA employees no longer consider
gender information when travelers arrive at the travel document checker podium.


Breitbart reports that tens of thousands of economic migrants invited by
President Joe Biden are displacing Americans from homeless shelters just before
Christmas, according to the Wall Street Journal.
The newspaper reported on December 15 from El Paso, Texas, where the many
job-seeking migrants are being released by Alejandro Mayorkas’s easy migration
policies. The numbers are so high that many migrants cannot find seats in
departing buses and aircraft.
John Martin, deputy director at El Paso’s Opportunity Center for the Homeless,
said the Opportunity Center’s five shelters traditionally focus on the city’s local
homeless population, but since August have routinely housed migrants released in
the city. On Wednesday, the group’s Welcome Center housed about 129 people,
nearly all of whom were migrants.
“Our ideal capacity is 85,” Martin said of the Welcome Center. The nearby men’s
shelter housed nearly 200 men Wednesday, about 60% of whom are migrants, in a
space meant to comfortably house 100 to 120 people, he said.
Meanwhile, with shelters full, some migrants have spent the night sleeping outside
as overnight temperatures have been at or below freezing this week. Migrants

crowded outside bus stations Wednesday wrapped in blankets provided by the Red
Cross and other charities. Hundreds of others have taken to spending the night at
the airport while waiting for morning flights.
Senator Hawley: Biden Officials “Don’t Want A Border”
Most of the migrants are single men, who are eager to take low-wage jobs, share
crowded apartments, and compliantly accept abuse from employers. They migrate
because U.S. jobs — many of which are paid in tax-free cash — pay far more
money than they could earn at home and allow them to quickly pay smuggling
debts and send money back to their families.

Breitbart News reported Sunday that former President Donald Trump will be
supporting Kevin McCarthy for Speaker of the House.
Trump told the conservatives currently withholding support from McCarthy to
stand down in an exclusive interview with Breitbart.
“I like him,” Trump said of McCarthy, before teeing off on those working against
him including Matt Gaetz, Andy Biggs, Matt Rosendale, Bob Good, and Ralph
Norman. Trump warned that there could be serious consequences if McCarthy
does not get the gavel and it would make Washington worse for conservatives.
“I think it’s a very dangerous game that’s being played,” Trump said. “It’s a very
dangerous game. Some bad things could happen. Look, we had Boehner and he
was a strange person but we ended up with Paul Ryan who was ten times worse.
Paul Ryan was an incompetent speaker. I think he goes down as the worst speaker
in history. We took out Boehner—and a group of people, some of whom are the
same, and they’re very good friends of mine. All those people are very good
friends of mine.”

Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.
J.D. Rucker reports that Pope Francis, the Marxist advocate of anti-Biblical
ideals, continues to alienate or completely eliminate many of the most conservative
members of the Catholic clergy.

The latest high-profile Catholic to be banned by the church is Father Frank Pavone,
who heads up Priests for Life and has been a staunch pro-life force in America for
many years.
According to Catholic News Service:
Father Frank Pavone, a well-known pro-life activist and national director of the
organization Priests for Life, has been dismissed from the clerical state for
“blasphemous communications on social media” and “persistent disobedience of
the lawful instructions of his diocesan bishop.”
In a Dec. 13 letter to U.S. bishops obtained by CNA and confirmed by multiple
sources as authentic, Archbishop Christophe Pierre, the Apostolic Nuncio to the
United States, wrote that the Prefect of the Dicastery for the Clergy issued the
decision on Nov. 9, adding that there was “no possibility of appeal.”
“Father Pavone was given ample opportunity to defend himself in the canonical
proceedings, and he was also given multiple opportunities to submit himself to the
authority of his diocesan bishop,” explains a separate statement attached to Pierre’s
letter. “It was determined that Father Pavone had no reasonable justification for his
Pavone, however, told CNA Saturday that he had not been notified about the
Vatican’s judgment.
Pavone has led countless prayer warriors, Catholic and non-Catholic Christians, in
protest marches and prayer vigils outside of abortion clinics.
Here he is speaking in a podcast on Saturday, the day that news broke of the pope’s
decision to defrock him and remove him from the priesthood.
WATCH VIDEO (clip from 5:16 mark to 7:26 mark)…
That does not sound like a man who will be silenced, nor does he sound like a man
who will bend or obey ungodly church authorities. What he does sound like is a
man who has counted the cost and is going to obey God rather than wicked church

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for joining us in this
viewer-supported broadcast. If you’d like to lend your support, there are two ways
you can do that.
Until next time, good night and God bless.
And may God bless America. Take care.


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