Pro-United Nation's Website Praises Newt Gingrich Because he "co-authored a lengthy treatise about the value of the United Nations to American interests"

Pro-United Nation's Website Praises Newt Gingrich Because he "co-authored a lengthy treatise about the value of the United Nations to American interests"
So, Newt Gingrich is emerging as the Republican frontrunner to challenge President Barack Obama. I, for one, salute this development. Among each of the 11 candidates for the GOP presidential nomination, Gringrich is the only one to have co-authored a lengthy treatise about the value of the United Nations to American interests and how the world body can be reformed to more reasonably face 21st century challenges.
I'm not kidding. In 2005, Gingrich co-chaired the Taskforce on the United Nations with George Mitchell. The Taskforce was housed at the United States Institute of Peace and produced a lengthy discussion of how the United Nations could serve as a vehicle to advance American interests and human rights around the world.
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