The Psychological Siege on American Minds: How to Respond

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In recent years, Americans have been subjected to a relentless psychological campaign designed to manipulate their thoughts and beliefs, preventing them from critically thinking and discerning truth from fiction. Brannon Howse, a national talk show host, author, documentary producer and television hosts, asserts that this deliberate assault on the American psyche aims to erode the values and worldview that have made the country prosperous and free. By exploring the methods employed by cultural Marxists, this article delves into the ways in which Americans are being coerced into self-censorship and surrendering their freedom of speech.

The Propaganda Machine

Howse argues that Americans are bombarded with contradicting information, fake news, chaos, violent movies, horror, and shock tactics. This relentless assault is intended to evoke emotions, desensitize individuals, and disturb their mental well-being, akin to the psychological trauma experienced by war veterans. The ultimate goal is to manipulate Americans into abandoning their traditional values and adopting the beliefs and worldview favored by cultural Marxists.

The Power of Peer Pressure

To ensure conformity, Americans have been conditioned to base their beliefs and values on feelings, pragmatism, and societal norms. This conditioning, reinforced by social media, leads individuals to equate their self-worth with the number of likes and followers they receive. Fearful of being criticized, marginalized, or stigmatized, Americans self-censor their thoughts and opinions, limiting their freedom of expression. As a result, fewer people speak up in defense of foundational principles such as the free market, border security, common-sense immigration laws, national sovereignty, and private property.

Marginalization and Vilification

Howse contends that a small minority controls the cultural narrative through media, education, and religion, manipulating a significant percentage of Americans into believing that their values are no longer widely held. He draws parallels with the 1956 Hungarian uprising against communism, where people were shocked to discover that many others shared their opposition but had concealed their true beliefs to avoid societal repercussions. By marginalizing and vilifying dissenters, the minority group effectively enslaves the majority without encountering significant resistance.

The Delphi Technique

Howse introduces the concept of the Delphi Technique, a propaganda method used by communists to brainwash their subjects. He identifies ten systematic steps that have been historically employed to manipulate public opinion, all of which he claims are at work in America today. By examining this technique, Howse aims to shed light on the mechanisms behind the cultural Marxist agenda and its impact on American society.

Speaking Up and Breaking the Silence

In the face of these challenges, Howse urges Americans to muster the courage to speak up and speak out. He refuses to be controlled by political correctness or narratives that stifle free thought and expression. By openly discussing topics such as patriotism, the dangers of socialism, globalism, and the erosion of national sovereignty, individuals can create a ripple effect, inspiring others to join the conversation and challenge the prevailing narrative.


The psychological siege on the American mind, as described by Brannon Howse, highlights the tactics employed to manipulate public opinion and suppress dissent. Americans are encouraged to break free from the fear of isolation and speak out against ideologies and policies that threaten their values and freedoms. By fostering a climate of open debate and critical thinking, individuals can counteract the psychological warfare being waged and ensure that the principles upon which America was built are defended and can flourish.

This article is sponsored as a public service of the Worldview Weekend Foundation. Thank you for your contribution to so we can continue to offer this FREE service.

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Worldview Weekend Foundation
P.O. Box 1690
Collierville, TN 38027

Click here and visit to order emergency, freeze-dried food that will last 25 years and vital emergency supplies or call 901-468-9357.

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