Public Clarification

Public Clarification:<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
I thank everyone who has emailed with questions concerning the article posted recently on Hank Hanegraaff. I wanted to clarify my motive for writing the article and offer a concise summary with the sincere apology of evidently not making the article easy enough for some people to understand. It is a complex situation, and I also have questions which are not being answered. I will try to simplify and list some of these questions below:
Recently, Hank Hanegraaff sided with "The Local Church". ("The <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Local Church" is an organization, not the body of Christ as the Bible calls the "church"). He sided with this organization against Christian apologists and Harvest House Publishing in the Texas Court of Appeals. Why? I don't know.  I am asking this question publicly, because I don't have an answer for why he would do this according to what the Bible teaches about taking fellow believers to court.
"The Local Church" took offense to being listed in the Encyclopedia of Cults and New Religions. They did not want to be deemed a "cult," so they sued back in 2001. In August, 2006, Hank and Gretchen supported "The Local Church" in an appeal, re-opening this case.

  1. Why would Hank Hanegraaff support an appeal against apologists such as John Ankerberg and John Weldon? Here is a recapitulation of what has taken place from Jill Martin Rische's blog ( ):

"The Local Church sued Harvest House, John Ankerberg, and John Weldon in December, 2001, claiming they defamed them in the Encyclopedia of Cults and New Religions. [i] Then in August, 2006, Hank Hanegraaff and Gretchen Passantino filed statements with the Texas Court of Appeals in defense of the Local Church--and consequently--in support of the Local Church's position in this lawsuit."

  1. What is "The Local Church"?

Here is what Walter Martin had to say about The Local Church:
"What you begin with in The Local Church is exactly the error committed in the Kingdom of the Cults…We are dealing with: this is the church of the recovery. Christianity has suffered great reversals, and it has to be recovered. What is the agency of the recovery? Witness Lee's theology and The Local Church. So, when they are in session…and we are in session…they are the church of Jesus Christ, and we are not. Well then who are we? We are told by the Local Church that we are the 'Daughters of the great Whore of Babylon', all the denominations are the 'Daughters of the Whore'…" –Walter Martin, "Witness Lee and the Local Church"[ii]
Here is more information on "The Local Church" from :
In the 1970's Walter Martin met with Witness Lee in an effort to discuss the theology of the Local Church before he commented on it publicly. Walter Martin felt that The Local Church was dividing the Church of Jesus Christ. They were using methods of evangelism and biblical interpretation similar to those used by the cults, and Walter Martin believed they were in serious error.

  1. Why was Hank Hanegraaff participating in this appeal (siding with the Local Church against apologists), and why is he currently suing another apologist when the Bible says not to sue?

Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unrighteous, and not before the saints? I Corinthians 6:1
Now therefore, it is already an utter failure for you that you go to law against one another. Why do you not rather accept wrong? Why do you not rather let yourselves be cheated? No, you yourselves do wrong and cheat, and you do these things to your brethren! 1 Corinthians 6:7-9
Here is an excerpt from my article to further explain:
This recent letter in support of the Local Church is only the latest in Hank's suing record. Hank currently has a law suit filed against Dr. Bill Alnor at Spiritual Counterfeits Project.[iii] Moreover, Hanegraaff counter-sued another Christian, Brad Sparks, a former employee of CRI back in 1995. Here are some of the details from Brad:[iv]
 "…I, along with my wife and children, were punished for publicly speaking out. We suffered from Hank Hanegraaff's $400,000 of harassment from an international secular law firm (Gibson, Dunn, & Crutcher) (according to figures given in CRI's audited annual financial statement for June 30, 1995), as well as from an unknown amount CRI spent for a private detective agency (Allied Management Resources), which was conveniently withheld from the audit report. That was approximately how much CRI donor money was spent by Hank without the donors' knowledge or approval of such shocking amounts (roughly 10% of the CRI budget), all to protect Hank from accountability…It apparently does not even include an unknown amount of money spent on Hank's and CRI's countersuit against me [Brad Sparks] (undertaken without even a pretense of Matt. 18 action), which the audit report also conveniently failed to mention. And it doesn't include any amounts spent in July 1995 after the cutoff date of the audit (such as the $20,000 settlement).
I was forced to settle my case because of the abuse and vicious tactics engaged in by Hanegraaff and CRI…CRI has certainly taught the cults a thing or two using all this CRI donor money to frustrate and harass me with high-priced lawyers and private detectives. If my case was so 'baseless' and 'frivolous,' as Hank and his minions claim, then how come with all these hundreds of thousands of 'ministry' dollars to pay $200- to $300-per-hour attorneys, they still couldn't even prove it 'baseless' in a court of law?"
On December 1, 2006 the appeal by The Local Church (supported by Hanegraaff and Passantino) was denied. Here is an excerpt from Part Two of my article:
On December 1, 2006, the Texas Supreme Court denied review of the Local Church and Living Stream Ministry's $136 million libel lawsuit against Harvest House Publishers and authors John Ankerberg and John Weldon. At issue in the case was the book Encyclopedia of Cults and New Religions (ECNR), which The Local Church claimed was defamatory of them.
Again, I am thankful for all of the comments. Last fall, when I read the details of this recent appeal involving Hank Hanegraaff, my heart was grieved about what was taking place. I felt the need to write an article about it. Some people reading may feel ambivalent, at best, about "The Bible Answer Man" suing an apologist or siding with "The Local Church" in an appeal against apologists. Others may not see any need for concern. As Hank has taught us to give an answer based on the Bible, I wanted to address the subject and point out the verses in the Bible which command us to not sue other Christians. Furthermore, I was taken aback by the incredulity of him siding with "The Local Church" against apologists!  The article was footnoted with sources, and it is all accurate. I had about ten people read over it-some people who had worked with Hank Hanegraaff and others with a background at the Christian Research Institute-before submitting it for publishing. I realize it is a sensitive topic, but Christians have a right to know.
No one is perfect, and we all need prayer. I have been praying for Hank Hanegaaff. I have a full time ministry of apologetics, and I don't wish to come across as if I am better than anyone else-I am not. But, I have been saved to live in obedience to the Bible and bring glory to Jesus through obedience. No temptation has overtaken us, the Bible teaches, and we can walk in victory. Jesus is the Good Shepherd and loves us enough to bring every detail of our lives into His LIGHT.
By God's grace alone,
Dwayna Litz



[iii] Lawsuit is not against Spiritual Counterfeits Project.



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