Rep. Thompson Introduced a Bill in April That Would Have Eliminated Trump's Secret Service Detail



  • The deep state connection to the attempted assassination of Donald Trump runs deep and wide. We’ll explore how this historic crime could have easily been predicted given the media messaging that has followed Trump for more than eight years.
  • Who was Thomas Matthew Crooks, the 20-year-old would-be assassin? We’ll get you up to date on his history and background.
  • What was the Secret Service’s role in the attempted murder of the former president? We’ll break it down and show why they have a lot of explaining to do.
  • And does Joe Biden have any credibility as a unifier of America’s divided populace? 

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

As everyone knows by now, former President Donald Trump was the target of an assassination attempt while speaking at a political rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, Saturday afternoon.

The alleged assailant, 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, was shot dead, but was somehow able to get off 7 to 8 rounds before the government’s counter-sniper shot him dead. The so-called authorities say they have yet to establish a motive for the shooter, who was almost immediately characterized by the corporate media as a “registered Republican.” They didn’t know anything else about him but by golly he must have been a Republican if he was shooting an AR-15, so let’s just call him one.

The House Committee on Oversight and Accountability said it is also planning to investigate the assassination attempt, and has called on Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle to testify at a hearing later this month. How many congressional committees have looked into the assassination of President John F. Kennedy 61 years ago, and we still don’t have any believable answers as to how and why that went down on November 22, 1963?

One other man who was in attendance at the Trump rally, who was identified Sunday as 50-year-old Corey Comperatore, a retired fire chief, died following the shooting. Two other attendees are reportedly in critical condition.

According to the ATF, the AR-15 rifle believed to have been used by the 20-year-old alleged gunman was legally purchased by his father in 2013, according to ABC News.

Here’s the clip that’s gone viral of the former president and current Republican nominee for the November 2024 election being shot.


Viewed from another angle, you can see that the government snipers positioned on another rooftop behind and to the right of Trump, could definitely see the shooter before he started squeezing off rounds at the former president.



There has been much criticism about how the U.S. Secret Service handled the assassination attempt on President Trump. There were obvious logistical security lapses. The most obvious is the fact that a rooftop 340 feet away with a direct shooting angle to Trump’s podium was not secured by the Secret Service. How does that happen at a major public rally featuring one of the most famous political figures in the world?

Then you have the response on the ground right after Trump was shot. 

You all probably saw the video of Secret Service agents escorting Trump off the stage, his head still fully visible to any potential assassins. If there had been a second or third shooter, they almost certainly would have taken Trump out at that point.

Then, they seemed confused and disorganized getting Trump into a black SUV and out of the crime scene.


Compare that response to that of the Secret Service agents who were with President Ronald Reagan when Reagan was shot by John Hinkley Jr. in 1981 in Washington, D.C.


The scene was just as chaotic, an assassination attempt is always going to be chaotic, but the Secret Service of 1981 acted in a much faster, more determined and efficient way than what we saw Saturday in Pennsylvania. Those agents in 1981 immediately got Reagan into a vehicle and whisked him away from the crime scene while others tended to a seriously injured White House Press Secretary James Brady.


Then there was this interview of a man outside the rally who claims he saw the shooter climbing onto the rooftop of a building before he ever fired a shot. The man alerted the police, who he said did nothing.



The U.S. Department of Homeland Security had previously denied a request to upgrade the protection of Trump at public appearances. 

Some are calling for Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle to resign. Others put the blame on Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

Cheatle had previously stated that her primary goal was to increase diversity within the ranks of the Secret Service. She was especially eager to add more women to the agency. At least 30 percent female workforce was her stated goal.

Here’s a report on Cheatle filed months ago by CBS News in which Cheatle said she was focused on DEI, not on attracting those with the greatest level of skills.



Let’s not forget that less than three months before the attempted assassination of President Trump at his rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, Democratic Mississippi Rep. Bennie Thompson introduced a bill in April that would have eliminated Trump’s Secret Service detail.

The Former Protectees Act was introduced by Democratic Mississippi Rep. Bennie Thompson of the House Committee of Homeland Security in April.

According to a press release from April, the bill aimed to remove “Secret Service protection for those who have been sentenced to prison following conviction for a Federal or State felony.”

In light of the shooting at Trump’s rally, the importance of the Secret Service protection given to former presidents was demonstrated for all to see.


Independent journalist Laura Loomer is reporting that the alleged shooter who tried to assassinate President Trump, Thomas Matthew Crooks, was featured in a BlackRock commercial in 2023. The ad was filmed at Bethel Park High School in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.


That led one astute observer, who goes by the handle Brian BJ on X, to write this response:


“How does a 20-year-old who had won the ‘star award’ (and $500) at his high school and no criminal record go on to attempt to assassinate a presidential candidate with an AR-15? And how could he crawl on the nearest roof without the secret service noticing it? This will be a question that many will want answered in the days to come, along with how this was able to happen with the secret service in attendance.”


Many of the details about Crooks and his possible motives remained unclear. But Headline USA was able to verify according to records on file at the Federal Election Commission, that Crooks had previously donated money to a radical leftist organization, the Progressive Turnout Project, in 2021.

Although he used the notorious left-wing aggregator site ActBlue, which many dark-money billionaires use to hide their campaign donations, Crooks—who was 18 at the time—earmarked his $15 donation specifically for the Progressive Turnout Project.


A review of the Progressive Turnout Project’s website revealed that the Illinois-based organization included several radical messages that might, in hindsight, be construed as endorsing violence against Trump, including an entire initiative called Stop Republicans.

In a post from 10 a.m. on the day of the assassination attempt, PTP put up a quotation from President Joe Biden saying that “Donald Trump will destroy democracy.”


NBC News caught up with one of Crooks’ former high school classmates and asked about what he was like. Here’s what the young man had to say.



Joe Biden had plenty of company is the global effort to demonize Donald Trump and paint him as a dangerous politician who would destroy American democracy if he himself was not destroyed first. Many have blatantly called for his death.

Here’s just one example of a prominent media personality who has called for Trump’s murder.


Former ESPN and MSNBC journalist Keith Olbermann, in a March 16, 2024 post to X, said “there’s always hope” that Trump would suffer the same fate as Abraham Lincoln.


It’s now being reported that bomb-making materials were found in both the Trump shooter’s home as well as in his van, which was parked near the rally.

According to a report from Fox News, citing a Wall Street Journal article, authorities dispatched bomb technicians after police received multiple reports of suspicious packages near where the shooter was located.

The sources told the Journal that investigators remained at the scene well into the night to make sure it was clear and also conducted a search of Crooks’ home and spoke with his family.

Law enforcement officials told the Associated Press that bomb-making materials were found inside Crooks’ vehicle and bomb-making materials were also found at his home. The two officials were not authorized to speak publicly and spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity. Take that for what it’s worth, since the anonymously sourced deep-state stories at a time like this should always be taken with a grain of salt when delivered by the fake-news propagandists at CIA-influenced mockingbird media outlets like the Associated Press.


Attention now turns to how the government will provide security in the inflamed atmosphere this week at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, where Donald Trump is set to accept the GOP nomination for the third consecutive election cycle.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel explains some of the security measures in place for the event:

“Guns will not be allowed inside Fiserv Forum or other buildings where RNC events are set to take place, or in the ‘hard perimeter’ around the convention, where credentials are required for entry, aside from those possessed by working law enforcement officers, according to a Secret Service spokesperson.”

The Journal notes, however, that most guns will not be banned in the area immediately outside the RNC perimeter, known as the security footprint, because the city is prevented by state law from enacting such a ban.


In spite of the horrific turn of events on Saturday, July 13, 2024, with a former president and current candidate for president being shot and three other casualties including one tragic death, those on the left still found a way to blame the entire thing on Donald Trump.

As noted by BizPac Review, rather than acknowledge their own role in fomenting hatred against the former president, the propaganda artists in the media are blaming Trump for his own narrowly averted murder.

Longtime Democratic party stooge George Stephanopoulos is at the forefront of this preposterous line of thinking.

On Sunday morning’s edition of ABC’s “This Week,” the former Clinton administration official and fellow regime mouthpiece Martha Raddatz discussed Saturday’s attempted assassination by reverting back to their favorite talking point, the so-called insurrection on January 6, 2021. If all else fails, just start talking about the Trump movement as if it’s engaged in a violent overthrow of the government. Even though all the violence gets committed by leftists, Marxists, and Islamists.



Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

Within hours of the assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump on Saturday evening, Joe Biden took to the podium and gave his response, expressing shock and dismay that a political rally in America could end with a candidate for president being shot at and members of the audience also being struck by bullets. He could not bring himself to call it an assassination attempt, even though that was obvious to anyone who saw the video footage that had already been available for all to see on the Internet for more than two hours.

Here is a clip of Biden’s response.


Biden’s emphasis in that brief speech was on the need for everyone to condemn political violence and for Americans to be in unity.

And yet, that flies directly in the face of Biden’s rhetoric over the last three and a half years, and even before he took office, when the entire time he has painted his political opponent, Donald Trump as a criminal and a threat to American democracy. 

What did he expect?

We can go back to Biden’s so-called Red Speech of September 2022, when he clearly identified Trump and his MAGA supporters as political extremists who must be dealt with as threats to the very existence of American democracy. Forget that America has never been a democracy, but I digress.

Here he is in that September 2022 speech, flanked by members of the U.S. military and shrouded in an ominous red light in Philadelphia.


That was nearly three years ago.

But you don’t have to go back that far to grasp the gravity of Biden’s rhetoric and how he has been inciting a portion of the American population to the very political violence that he now decries.

On the day before Trump was shot, Biden said this at a campaign stop in Michigan. He again stated that, “Trump is a threat to this nation.”


In a conference call with top donors a few days before the July 13 assassination attempt, Biden reportedly said “We’re done talking about the debate. It’s time to put Trump in the bullseye.”

That type of rhetoric is reckless at best. At worst, it’s a call to action, a summoning of the troops, an appeal to the worst element in our society.

In short, Joe Biden and his Democratic Party allies have been stoking division and unrest in the American public for four years. Now he claims to want unity.

I’m not buying it. You don’t get to come out now and express feigned shock and horror at how your main political opponent came within an inch of being murdered by an assassin’s bullet after you’ve spent four years repeatedly framing him as a threat and a danger to America’s very future as a nation.

There’s also a satanic element in play here that shouldn’t be ignored: Accuse your enemies of the very thing you are guilty of doing. For years we have heard Biden’s national security apparatus warning us about right-wing rhetoric and its potential to incite violence, and how our speech needs to be reined in, when in reality they had their own incitement operation running on overdrive, constantly portraying Trump as evil incarnate and dangerous to America’s existence as we know it. On a warm summer evening in rural Pennsylvania, someone finally answered the call.

Should we be surprised?

It’s almost like the entire scene Saturday evening had been carefully orchestrated and timed to finally take down Trump.

But the operation failed. Now the deep state really has a problem on its hands.

Over the next three to six months, I think this hidden hand of the shadow government will continue to act in cutthroat tactics, whether that be a false flag attack blamed on Trump supporters, or more intervention in the Ukraine war, while continuing to stoke the chaos and division here at home.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for watching and supporting this broadcast. Until next time…


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