The restoration of Adam and Eve

The restoration of Adam and Eve's children
J. Michael Sharman
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Eve was aware of God's command not to eat from the tree in the middle of the garden, yet she willingly listened to the serpent tell her that going against God's command would be good.
After listening to the serpent, Eve considered whether, as a practical matter, defying God would be beneficial to her. She thought she had the necessary facts to make the decision to defy God, and after considering those facts, she sinned and ate from the tree.
Adam was with her. Eve offered the fruit to Adam. He knew taking and eating the fruit Eve offered was wrong because God had specifically told him not to eat that fruit, yet Adam didn't disagree with her when she offered it to him.
Adam caused the Fall because he was the one to whom God had given the responsibility to take care of the Garden of Eden. He was the one who was supposed to lead. Yet instead of protecting his wife by respecting God, he was silent.
Adam's sin was in desiring to please his wife more than he desired to please God. He feared her rejection more than he feared disobeying God.
Eve was Adam's "helpmeet" in contributing to the Fall by believing that she knew better than God. Eve's sin was in wanting what she wanted more than she wanted to yield to her husband and God. She didn't nag or overpower her husband, she simply let him know she wanted something that was outside of God's will.
Adam heeded the voice of his wife rather than the voice of God. Eve heeded the words of the serpent rather than the word of God. 
With their first bite of the apple, the serpent's promise that they would know good and evil, became true. They saw then that they were naked and they thought that what God had created was now evil. They were ashamed and they hid themselves from each other and from God.
Before that first bite, Adam had been a friend, partner and co-worker with God. Now he was distanced from God by the self-hatred which settled upon him from his disobedience.
God had created Adam and Eve, and He had seen all of them, everything about them. He had seen that not only were they good, but they were very good.
The serpent wanted Adam and Eve to see themselves, not as very good, but as evil things that must be hidden from each other and from God.
But God still saw them as good and worthy of His favor, and He provided for their reconciliation even before He let them know the consequence of their sin.
God rebuked the serpent before He addressed Adam and Eve. He told that serpent that Eve's Seed, whom we know to be Jesus, was going to crush his head.
Even then God had a plan for restoring Adam and Eve to a recognition that they were good in His eyes, very good. God provided the love of Jesus Christ to take away the self-hatred that Satan had cloaked us with. 
God wants us to be wise in knowing what is good and ignorant concerning evil.  To help us be ignorant of evil He instructs us, "Abhor evil. Cling to what is good."
Because we are co-laborers with Christ, He even tells us that "the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly."
As husbands and wives, as moms and dads, we still have the opportunity to protect our families by respecting God. Adam caused a whole lot of pain by his silence.  Let's learn from Adam's mistake and stand up for what God says is good. We do that by avoiding what God has said is evil.
When we do what God says is good and avoid what God has said is evil we are crushing Satan under our feet and replacing the self-hatred he has imposed upon us with the gracious cloak of righteousness that Jesus holds out for us.


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