A revolution without bullets

A revolution without bullets<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
                                       By Henry Lamb                                                                  To listen click here
For more than two years, Broomfield County Colorado has been a battleground between the forces for what's euphemistically called "Sustainable Development" and local people who value private property rights.  "Sustainable Development" is the feel-good name that applies to hundreds of specific behavior-modifying recommendations contained in Agenda 21, a 40-chapter non-binding document adopted by the United Nations and 179 nations in 1992. 
Broomfield County residents have informed, advised, and strongly suggested to their County Commissioners that the behavior-modifying recommendations advanced in Agenda 21 be rejected.   At their January meeting, the Commissioners listened to 34 residents speak for three-minutes each on the sustainable development proposal.  All but four of the speakers opposed the plan. 
Enrich Feigel, Chairman of the Broomfield County Republicans, said: "They passed it anyway, including yes votes from 3 of 6 Republicans. We are shocked and disgusted! As in Washington, their arrogance was on full display, and they ignored the will of the people."
Broomfield County Commissioners would do well to pay attention.
In Northeast Ohio, Sustainable Development forces are working to create a 16-county region of sorts, in which the behavior-modifying recommendations of Agenda 21 can be enforced despite the wishes of the local people.  Steve (last name withheld) says: "I live in a rural area in Northeastern Ohio and it seems that this sustainable Development Ideology is developing in this area of Ohio without any conflict.  So far, three of the City areas have placed their communities into this so-called Collaboration of 16 Counties. I have been battling this concept for 5 years."
Elected officials in Northeast Ohio would do well to pay attention.
In Amarillo Texas, local elected officials listened politely – for awhile – as Rolland Taylor and other citizens explained how the county's Sustainable Development plan was infringing on their private property rights and taking their local government into areas of behavior modification over which local government had no authority.   Local officials ignored the people for whom they work.
Amarillo officials might do well to pay attention to their bosses.
Something new, different, and quite wonderful seems to be happening in America.  It appears that a revolution without bullets may be building.
All across the nation, the people rose up and said "no" to Obamacare; Congress ignored the people and passed it anyway.   The people dumped the Democratic majority in the House and seriously thinned the majority in the Senate.  In 2012, 23 Democratic Senators must face an angry electorate.   Chances are better than good that many of them will be retired.
This is not the first time that the majority has shifted dramatically, of course, but there seems to be something new in the air this time.  For almost a century, government has expanded at will, getting more powerful – and obnoxious – as it grows.  The concept of limited, enumerated powers vanished from Congress.  The 10th Amendment, which retains all unspecified powers to the states or to the people, disappeared from practical application.  Government, especially the federal government, seemed to do whatever it wished, with impunity.
It may be Obama's arrogance that triggered the response two years ago.  The audacity of this inexperienced community organizer declaring that he would "fundamentally transform America" set off alarm bells in many people.  His mad rush to flush a trillion dollars through a hastily designed "stimulus" funnel and his unapologetic take-over of the auto industry, Wall Street, and the entire health care industry aroused a nation of patriots that government did not recognize.
Obama himself, made fun of the Tea Parties</a>.  He's not laughing at them now.  The media assured audiences that the Tea Parties were a passing fad.  They are described differently now.
In communities across the nation, organizations such as the Tea Parties and other groups are studying, are learning procedures, and understanding proposed ordinances.  They are no longer taking whatever government decides to dish out.  Americans are sick and tired of government expanding its reach, its power, and its budget.  Americans are fueling another revolution – without bullets.  This time, the ammunition of choice is ballots, backed by knowledge, and candidates devoted to the Constitution.
Americans are so thoroughly disgusted by the expansion of government that for the first time in a century they are seriously considering repeal of the 17th Amendment as a way of restoring a check and balance on the federal government.  Organizations are joining the campaign, learning the arguments, talking to their representatives about procedures, and looking forward to the next election.
From the courthouse to the White House, elected officials who ignore the Constitution (or laugh at the Tea Parties) are directly in the cross-hairs of a determined public.   These are the people who have awakened a revolution.  These are the people who need to be added to the unemployment lines.


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