IS RICK PERRY THE PRESIDENTIAL ANSWER FOR CONSERVATIVES?<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Guest editorial by former Texas State Representative Rick Green*
Huck and Mitch are out. Newt is fading fast. Now conservatives are worried the Republican nominee will be another McCain type candidate who is little more than Obama lite.
So what are conservatives looking for in a presidential candidate? The list of qualifications is not difficult to compile and one potential candidate fits the bill.
1.              Opposes big-government solutions and understands that limited government is not size in terms of dollars, but proper jurisdictions such as restraining the federal government to those specifically enumerated powers in the Constitution. As Governor, Rick Perry has, not once, not twice, but six times managed to lead his state to balanced budgets – two of those times with multi-billion dollar deficits requiring tough decisions. If only a Governor like that were in the race for President, then Paul Ryan and the Republican House would have some help in passing long term solutions to our trillion dollar deficits.
2.              Willing to stand up against the federal government and invoke the 10th Amendment appropriately. Rick Perry not only embraced the Tea Party movement in rhetoric but also took actions to refuse Obama bailout dollars on the principle that more federal control was not good for the states. His book "Fed up" is a virtual how to manual for getting the federal government back in check. If only a Governor like that were in the race.
3.              Understands the need for strict constructionist judges who respect the original intent of the Constitution and will not legislate from the bench.  Rick Perry has spoken out against judicial activism while standing up in one area frequently targeted by activist justices: public religious expressions. Just like the Founding Fathers of America, Perry has issued public prayer proclamations, but not only has President Obama appointed the most liberal justices in our nation's history but this this year he refused to participate in a National Day of Prayer event or acknowledge Easter. If only we had a candidate like Rick Perry, who is unapologetic about the foundations of faith upon which this nation was built while also possessing the experience of vetting and appointing conservative judges for the last eleven years.
4.              A pro-life leader. Governor Perry has not only signed legislation requiring parental consent for a minor to have an abortion but also signed into law some of the strongest informed consent laws. But he does not just sit back and wait for pro-life legislation to hopefully get to his desk, he actively promotes it – as when he declared the sonogram bill to be emergency legislation, therefore moving it to the top of the legislative heap so that it would not be lost in the chaotic last month of the session.
5.              Supports the 2nd Amendment with a clear constitutional understanding of the Founding Fathers' intent. As Governor, Rick Perry not only signed a castle doctrine law, but as Lt. Governor, he helped pass legislation to stop cities from suing gun makers in an erroneous attempt to blame them for gun crimes. And nothing is more endearing to an NRA member than a leader who not only talks the talk but walks the walk…and also hits the bulls eye – as proved by Governor Perry's own quick (and effective) use of his concealed sidearm when confronted by a wild animal on the hiking trail.
6.              Pro-business, encouraging entrepreneurship and passing laws that allow for a free market environment with as little government interference as possible. Rick Perry has led the way in making Texas, the world's 11th largest economy, the best place in America for jobs. Under his leadership, more Fortune 500 companies have moved into Texas than into any other state. The result was that Texas produced more new jobs last year than ALL the other 49 states combined.
7.              Doesn't want the job. Yes, you read right. We conservatives know better than to choose a politician that wants the job so bad they will say or do anything or take any position to win an election. We love the idea of a candidate who has to be drafted to run, and once convinced, will campaign hard and give the race his best. If you are a political insider, it's hard to imagine a Governor not wanting to serve as President, but in truth, Perry really does already have the best job in America and he saw firsthand through George W. Bush how hard the presidency can be on a family. If he chooses not to run, it will be understandable for he and his family, but it will be a loss for the nation.
8.              Can win. We need a candidate that can campaign as effectively as Obama and will not shy away from going toe to toe in debates. Rick Perry has never lost a race at any level, and is the longest-serving Governor in Texas history. He knows how to campaign tirelessly, and he has the looks, the speaking ability, the record, and the right convictions. Not just Tea Party leaders but also Republican leaders are calling on Governor Perry to fill the vacuum and enter the race. He was a huge hit at a recent meeting of the State GOP Party Chairmen, and GOP legislators in California and many other states are forming "Draft Perry" committees.
In years past, when our nation was forced to the left by a social engineering president like Jimmy Carter, there was a conservative, unassuming, almost reluctant Governor, Ronald Reagan, willing to serve as President and bring us back to our greatness. If only we could convince another Governor of a large state who has the swagger and folksy but classy attitude of Ronald Reagan to get in the 2012 race.
If only.
*Rick Green served as a Texas State Representative when George W. Bush was Governor and also one term with Governor Rick Perry. Rick is a nationally recognized speaker/author, for more information, visit


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