Rock the Boat!

Rock the Boat!<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
by Walter Martin
     We are suffering today from an endemic disease: this disease in the Christian world is known by its Latin name as Nonrockaboatus.  What it really means is- whatever you do, no rocka de boat!  The Nonrockaboatus mentality must stop.  We must deal with our brothers and sisters who have been asleep so long they make Rip Van Winkle look like a kindergartner.

     The Church has been asleep while the Kingdom of the Cults and the Occult has grown into the hundreds of millions in the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />United States and on our mission fields.  They out-work us.  They out-give us.  They out-sacrifice us.  The Watchtower produces more literature in six months than all the presses in the denominations do in a year!  The Mormons have become computerized, using every bit of technology they can get their hands on-and they've got the money to do it.  You think it's hard now?  It's going to be incredible later on.
     This is why we have to mobilize our resources and our technology.  We can't afford the luxury of doing our own thing anymore; either we hang together and get the job done or they're going to hang us separately-you better believe it!
     We are at war, and if you consider yourself a soldier of the Cross you had better start being one.  If you're a soldier, you don't get yourself encumbered with the things of earth; you want to please him who has called you to be a soldier.
     You may say, "Well, you seem pretty upset about this, Dr. Martin."  I am!  The Nonrockaboatus mentality, the stupid lawyer mentality, the slimy businessman's mentality is selling out the defense of the Gospel so that today people do not have reasons for their faith anymore.  They use a host of salvation and sanctification texts.  They talk about their experiences with the Lord Jesus and how wonderful it is for you to get saved.  But when they're asked to answer a question-they can't.
     That's our business, the business of giving people reasons for faith.  Who cares what people think of us?  The only thing that matters is what Jesus Christ thinks.  If you please everyone else and you don't please him-let me tell you something-you're in trouble!  The name of the game is Jesus, not the world in which we find ourselves.  The world is passing away.  "Yet when I preach the gospel, I cannot boast, for I am compelled to preach. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!"  1 Corinthians 9:16
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     You and I are committed to the proclamation of the common salvation and the defense of the faith.  We do not need Charles Russell, Mary Baker Eddy, Ron Hubbard, Joseph Smith or Brigham Young.  The Faith was once and for all delivered to the saints, almost two thousand years ago.  All we have ever needed, all we will ever need is that Faith and Jesus Christ.


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