Russia and China Launch Joint Military Exercises In The Sea Of Japan



  • Russia and China are running the largest joint naval exercise in the history of their military alliance.
  • The U.S. Navy, meanwhile, celebrates the launch of a new gender-neutral submarine designed to accommodate more female sailors.
  • DARPA has contracted with the country’s top defense contractor to produce a prototype censorship system that scans and analyzes online media outlets for so-called disinformation.
  • One of Germany’s largest banks punishes a conservative politician by canceling his bank account. What offense did this politician commit to deserve such a harsh response? He won an election.
  • And we have Megyn Kelly’s scorching criticism of the ABC News debate moderators that you won’t want to miss.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

In our top story tonight, The Moscow Times reports that Russia and China launched joint naval exercises in the Sea of Japan, Russia’s military announced Tuesday.

Beijing and Moscow are using the so-called Ocean 24 joint naval exercise to boost their alliance as a counterbalance to what they see as U.S. global hegemony.

The Russian Defense Ministry said its Pacific Fleet and the People’s Liberation Army Navy will coordinate in the region on “practical actions in defending maritime communications and areas of maritime economic activity.”

It added that Russian warships met four Chinese warships and one supply vessel off of Russia’s far eastern coast. The two country’s naval forces “discussed the nearest action plan, formed a joint detachment of ships and began carrying out the assigned tasks.”

A video accompanying the announcement showed a Russian navy officer greeting and issuing directions to his Chinese counterpart.

Russia’s Defense Ministry announced earlier Tuesday the launch of week-long strategic command-staff exercises dubbed Ocean 2024, where it said it planned to “expand cooperation with the naval forces of partner countries.” 

More than 400 warships, submarines and support vessels are expected to be deployed across the Pacific and Arctic oceans, as well as the Mediterranean, Caspian and Baltic seas, between September 10 and September 16 as part of Ocean 24.


Speaking of the Navy and naval operations, a new gender-neutral submarine designed to fully integrate male and female sailors and accommodate the U.S. Navy’s obsession with feminizing its active forces, is set to join the U.S. fleet on Saturday.

According to a report from Business Insider: the USS New Jersey “is the first Virginia-class submarine designed and built for a full gender-integrated crew.” This is according to Naval Sea Systems Command.

Delivered last April after eight years of construction, this submarine will enter active service on September 14, following a ceremony at Naval Weapons Station Earle in New Jersey.

A long-standing ban on women serving aboard U.S. submarines was lifted in 2010, and as of 2023 there were 609 women assigned to submarines in operation, according to the US Naval Institute.

Vice Admiral Robert Gaucher, commander of Submarine Forces Atlantic, was quoted in Stars and Stripes saying:

“The submarine community is a fully gender-integrated warfighting force.”

He added that all future nuclear-powered attack submarines and all new Columbia-class ballistic missile submarines are to be designed “gender-neutral from the keel up.”

For the New Jersey, that meant adjusting many details, from the height of overhead valves to the privacy of washrooms and berths, the outlet reported.


The United States Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has reportedly contracted the country’s top defense contractor Lockheed Martin to produce a prototype censorship system that scans and analyzes online media outlets for “disinformation.”

Military + Aerospace Electronics (MAE) reported last week that U.S. military researchers are asking Lockheed Martin Corp. to continue work on “prototyping a system to detect and defeat automated enemy disinformation campaigns launched by manipulating the internet, news, and entertainment media.”

This appears to be the same AI-based system that Secretary of State Antony Blinken mentioned in a talk about a month ago.

MAE further explained that:

“Officials of the Air Force Research Laboratory Information Directorate in Rome, N.Y., announced a $19.3 million order in August to the Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Laboratories in Cherry Hill, N.J., to finish a prototype for the Semantic Forensics (SemaFor) program.”

DARPA explains the purpose of SemaFor in a short post on its website, which states:

“Media generation and manipulation technologies are advancing rapidly and purely statistical detection methods are quickly becoming insufficient for identifying falsified media assets. Detection techniques that rely on statistical fingerprints can often be fooled with limited additional resources. However, existing automated media generation and manipulation algorithms are heavily reliant on purely data driven approaches and are prone to making semantic errors. For example, generative adversarial network (GAN)-generated faces may have semantic inconsistencies such as mismatched earrings. These semantic failures provide an opportunity for defenders to gain an asymmetric advantage. A comprehensive suite of semantic inconsistency detectors would dramatically increase the burden on media falsifiers, requiring the creators of falsified media to get every semantic detail correct, while defenders only need to find one, or a very few, inconsistencies.”

In other words, internet content creators who put out narratives contrary to that of the government will have their content sifted through this system looking over every minute detail, while those putting out content that supports official narratives will not be subjected to any scrutiny by the government.

Something tells me that’s not going to end well for conservatives.


Germany’s second-largest bank abruptly canceled the account of a right-leaning populist politician following his election victory.

Sascha Schlösse, a member of the populist party Alternative for Germany (AfD), was elected to a State Parliament last week. The win was one of several that AfD celebrated as the party claimed a historic triumph in elections at the state and local levels. 

AfD, which has gained wild popularity across Germany, continues to be targeted by the government and its allies. A media-wide smear campaign backed by the country’s ruling Social Democratic Party (SDP) has painted AfD politicians as Nazi sympathizers. As a result, party members have been beaten, harassed, censored, surveilled, and jailed.

Mr. Schlösse appears to be the latest victim after receiving a letter from Deutsche Kreditbank (DKB) on Tuesday notifying him that his account and credit cards will be canceled on November 30th.

“DKB took the opportunity to congratulate me on my election as a member of the state parliament for the AfD and closed all my accounts,” Schlösse posted to X above a copy of the DKB letter.

The letter contained no reason for the account termination, and the bank refused to tell Apollo News why it decided to close the politician’s account. 


LifeSite News reports that Kamala Harris finally released a policy platform on Sunday, detailing an agenda that her campaign has taken pains to present as more mainstream than her actual record.

In a section titled “safeguarding our fundamental freedoms,” Harris’s so-called New Way Forward says she “will never allow a national abortion ban to become law. And when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive freedom nationwide, she will sign it.” 

The platform adds that Harris will “fight to pass” the pro-LGBT Equality Act, which would force states and localities to accommodate nearly every aspect of the LGBT agenda across business, education, and public spaces. 

The Equality Act would grant transgender males access to women’s private spaces, such as bathrooms, changing rooms, and shelters, require employers and schools to use “preferred pronouns,” allow gender-confused males to compete in female sports, and force healthcare professionals to facilitate sex changes, including for children, conservatives have warned.

The Harris platform boasts:

“In 2004, she officiated some of the nation’s first same-sex marriages and as Attorney General, she refused to defend California’s anti-marriage equality statewide referendum.”

It also promotes the “John Lewis Voting Rights and the Freedom to Vote Acts – laws that will enshrine voting rights protections, expand vote-by-mail and early voting, and more,” all of which increase opportunities for vote fraud and interfere with state election integrity efforts.


A star track athlete and honor student from Texas has died suddenly with no explanation. She was recently accepted to the United States Air Force Academy.

But on Wednesday night 19-year-old Avery Koons was found unresponsive in her dorm room.


Tragic. This is not supposed to happen folks. Teenagers who are healthy and not doing drugs are not supposed to be dropping dead of unexplained causes. And, yet, we seem to have a story about exactly that type of scenario at least once or twice a week. Healthy people in their teens, 20s and 30s, at the prime of their lives, falling over of cardiac events, strokes, brain blood clots. 

And we never hear of any autopsy’s pinpointing exactly what happened to them. Nobody in the medical field seems to care enough to address the elephant in the room, other than a few brave doctors, many of whom I’ve interviewed and cited in these reports.


The Associated Press reports that state and local election officials from across the country on Wednesday warned that problems with the nation’s mail delivery system threaten to disenfranchise voters in the upcoming presidential election, telling the head of the U.S. Postal Service that it hasn’t fixed persistent deficiencies.

In an alarming letter, the officials said that over the past year, including the just-concluded primary season, mailed ballots that were postmarked on time were received by local election offices days after the deadline to be counted. They also noted that properly addressed election mail was being returned to them as undeliverable, a problem that could automatically send voters to inactive status through no fault of their own, potentially creating chaos when those voters show up to cast a ballot.

The officials also said that repeated outreach to the Postal Service to resolve the issues had failed and that the widespread nature of the problems made it clear these were “not one-off mistakes or a problem with specific facilities. Instead, it demonstrates a pervasive lack of understanding and enforcement of USPS policies among its employees.”

The letter to U.S. Postmaster General Louis DeJoy came from two groups that represent top election administrators in all 50 states. They told DeJoy, “We have not seen improvement or concerted efforts to remediate our concerns.”

They added:

“We implore you to take immediate and tangible corrective action to address the ongoing performance issues with USPS election mail service. Failure to do so will risk limiting voter participation and trust in the election process.”


Economist Marin Armstrong writes in a new article that it’s becoming extremely clear that NATO and the neocons who run it are determined to ensure that World War III starts before the U.S. election on November 5. 

Ruben Brekelmans, the defense minister of The Netherlands, just gave Ukraine the approval to use Dutch weapons to wage war on Russia and even attack the Russian capital of Moscow. 

The Dutch Defense Minister claimed that international law “is not limited by distance.” He added, “The right to self-defense does not end 100 kilometers from the border.” 

He has now placed The Netherlands in the crosshairs, Armstrong writes, being the first to authorize Ukraine to start killing civilians inside Russia proper.

Armstrong adds:

“As I have said, my fear is that they know what they are doing, and Putin has shown tremendous restraint. They want him to be overthrown by Russian Neocons, and they will not hesitate to use nuclear weapons. Brekelmans declared: ‘We have not placed any operational restrictions on Ukraine regarding distance.’”

Brekelmans has fulfilled Armstrong’s economic model forecast. 

He states:

“We have a Directional Change in 2025, and the share market appears to be prepared to enter crash mode. We may see a 3-year bear market now into 2027. It looks like he has foolishly committed the Netherlands to World War III placing his own people’s lives on the line for the Neocons and NATO’s long dream of the conquest of Russia. As I have said, 30 years ago, everyone sought world peace. Today, they just want a world war without a second thought.”

The British have also just granted permission this week for the Ukrainians to use British Storm Shadow missiles to strike at targets deep inside Russia.


Time now for our nightly Worldview Report commentary.

Megyn Kelly is a veteran of moderating presidential debates, so she knows a little bit about the ordeal.

And what she saw from ABC's David Muir and Linsey Davis Tuesday night triggered a commentary that scorched the leftist network.

Disgusted and angry, is how she described her reaction, especially because Muir and Davis did “exactly what their bosses wanted,” their boss being ABC news head Dana Walden, who Kelly said is a “close personal friend” of Harris.

“It was three against one on that debate stage. It's very easy to look like you know what you're doing when both moderators are entirely on your side.”

She said it was a GOP mistake to trust ABC News, a lesson all Republicans should take away from this debate. And I think she’s right. Why do Republicans still grace the stages of corporate mockingbird media outlets? They know they’re going to get crucified but they either think they can outwit the politically motivated hacks masquerading as journalists, or they somehow feel obligated to oblige these hacks and take their beating in front of a nationwide audience. As Kelly correctly states here, Democrats NEVER debate in front of moderators they don’t trust. NEVER.

WATCH VIDEO (Warning, there are a few mild cuss words (no F bombs)

Kelly wasn’t the only journalist who found fault with ABC’s David Muir and Linsey Davis.

Matt Vespa, writing for Townhall, observed:

“The ABC News debate was a disaster from a moderator standpoint, with David Muir and Linsey Davis exhibiting gross bias, also laying traps for Trump like the question about Kamala Harris' racial identity. Trump was facing Harris, Muir, and Davis last night. If you want to say it was a draw, that’s fair, but the fact Trump couldn’t bury Harris on policy is what irks me. It was there. Yet, as I noted earlier this morning, it might not matter. The CNN snap poll on who won showed Harris running away with it. Yet, on the crucial issue of the economy, she lost ground. It was already at a paltry 37 percent; it dropped to 35.”


And this was among CNN viewers! Not the most conservative audience you will find.

So maybe all was not lost for Trump. But perhaps he should heed Megyn Kelly’s advice next time around and refuse to debate his Democrat opponent on the Democrats’ home field while playing under the rules of hostile Democrat umpires. 

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for watching and supporting this broadcast. 

Until next time…


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