The Russian Coup that Wasn't: An Interview with David Pyne Sheds Light on Recent Events in Russia

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In a recent interview with Brannon Howse, geopolitical and military expert David Pyne discusses the recent events surrounding the alleged coup in Russia, shedding light on the situation and its potential implications. Pyne provides insights into the different schools of thought regarding the coup, the whereabouts of its leader, and the possibility of a Russian false flag operation. Additionally, he highlights the growing concerns among the American people about the government's ability to protect them in times of crisis and touches upon other pressing threats such as solar storms and the vulnerability of the US power grid.

Understanding the Coup:

Pyne begins by addressing the various perspectives on the alleged coup in Russia. He dismisses the notion that it was a serious coup attempt, emphasizing that there was no evidence of support from the Russian military or high-ranking officers. While acknowledging the existence of grievances and an armed mutiny, he asserts that the incident fell far short of a coup or a civil war. Pyne's prediction that the situation would lead to reconciliation between Putin and Prigozhin is supported by recent reports of negotiations between the two parties.

The Leader's Whereabouts:

Regarding the whereabouts of the coup's alleged leader, Pyne reveals that he initially sought refuge in Belarus but has since returned to Moscow for further negotiations with Putin. This unexpected turn of events challenges the narrative that he was a traitor or collaborating with the CIA, as suggested by some. Pyne suggests that if such allegations were true, the leader would likely have met an untimely end, drawing parallels to historical KGB practices.

False Flag Speculations:

Howse raises the possibility of the coup being a ruse to orchestrate a Russian false flag operation, potentially involving a nuclear strike from Belarus. While Pyne remains cautious about this theory, he acknowledges that recent conversations with experts and his readings have made him more inclined to consider the plausibility of a false flag scenario. He discusses the pre-announcement of Russia's permanent deployment of nuclear weapons in Belarus and the training of Belarusian military forces to handle these weapons. Pyne suggests that the risk lies in the potential for Prigozhin to gain control of the nukes and employ them against NATO or Ukraine.

Growing Concerns and Prepping:

Shifting the focus to the American people, Howse brings up a survey indicating a rise in the number of individuals becoming preppers due to a lack of trust in the government's ability to respond to and protect them during crises. Pyne agrees with this sentiment, citing the alarming statements made by top generals that suggest the US policy does not prioritize defending the homeland against nuclear attacks. He emphasizes the urgent need to safeguard critical infrastructure against cyber attacks, electromagnetic pulses (EMPs), and super geomagnetic storms, which could cripple the country within days. Pyne highlights the need for investing in grid hardening, stating that a one-time investment of $50 billion could fortify the power grid against various threats.

Solar Storms and Other Threats:

Pyne discusses the persistent threat of super geomagnetic storms and their potential to cause catastrophic damage to modern societies heavily reliant on electronics and electricity. He references the Carrington event of 1859 as a historical example and stresses the importance of preparedness. The conversation also touches upon reports of increasing concerns about solar storms and their potential to disrupt the power grid.


In the interview with David Pyne, Howse explores the recent events surrounding the alleged coup in Russia. Pyne offers insights into the coup's nature, the leader's whereabouts, and the possibility of a false flag operation. He underscores the growing concerns among the American people about the government's ability to protect them during crises and highlights other threats such as solar flares.

This article is sponsored as a public service of the Worldview Weekend Foundation. Thank you for your contribution to so we can continue to offer this FREE service.

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P.O. Box 1690
Collierville, TN 38027

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