Sheraton Hotel Welcomes Gay/Lesbian S & M Contest

Sheraton Hotel Welcomes Gay/Lesbian S & M Contest<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
by Jill Martin Rische
A few months ago, I flew to Philadelphia for my brother's wedding, blissfully anticipating a weekend of relaxation at my fabulous, four star Hotwire bargain: the Sheraton Society Hill Hotel.  It was a beautiful place at a substantial discount, but the minute I walked in the door, I knew I was in trouble.  (Why were you in trouble, you might ask?)  Well, let's just say that lots of people in black leather outfits were checking in at the front desk.  And did I mention the huge, pointed silver studs in their leather neck collars, and the fluorescent pink hair?  How about the bald man in the black leather mini-skirt?
Yes, it was true . . . the hotel I had booked for the weekend was hosting a Gay/Lesbian S & M Contest (and that doesn't stand for sweet and mellow).  Let me tell you, I wish I'd had a blindfold handy for my 14 year old daughter. My sister and mother were with me too, and it was quite an experience for all of us.
In retrospect, I still can't believe that people live this way.  Display rooms full of torture equipment straight from the Middle Ages (no, I didn't go into the den of iniquity-just peeked in as we walked by); whip marks deliberately displayed on their bodies . . . yes, really.
And the Sheraton welcomed every single one of them.
There was a time when this would have been shameful; a time when people would have been embarrassed to admit to such behavior, instead of openly flaunting it.  There was a world (long gone) when the majority of people would have been disgusted by this, and said so.  There was a time when a hotel like the Sheraton would have shuddered and asked these people to please get dressed.  Our world is changing-has changed.  We are in Rome once more, where anything goes while crowds of people watch and cheer.
The Bible teaches these are the last times, and everywhere I looked that weekend I was reminded of it.  It is a sad day when families cannot walk into the lobby of a respected hotel chain without finding themselves immersed in the underbelly of the gay/lesbian world.
It was surreal to share a hotel with these people for an entire weekend: breakfast, lunch, dinner, elevators, pools, you name it-they were there.  It wasn't a very pleasant experience, but in looking back, I wish I'd had some tracks or CDs to give away.  I wish I could have said or done something that might have made a difference in someone's life.  I regret that now.  Yes, I was disgusted and yes, I was appalled (believe me, it was difficult not to stare) but I wish I could have looked past all that for just a few moments.  In retrospect, I am discouraged by the terrible waste of life; I am saddened by the fact that every one of these people will spend eternity separated from God, if they continue in their sin. And for what?  Pain and degradation.
It boggles the mind; an eternity without God . . . unimaginable.
If I could go back in time, I would do things differently.  I would complain loud and long to the front desk (and to corporate headquarters) about the lack of clothing and the borderline obscene public displays of affection, and I would leave tracks all over the lobby, and maybe even in the den of iniquity.  I might even walk up to the bald man in the black leather skirt and tell him Jesus cares about you.
Yes . . . really.
What a difference a few months can make.
Jesus came to save the lost.  These men and women are truly lost and truly need Him.  If there ever is a next time, I hope I do a better job.  "You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden."  Matthew 5:14
Disappointed in the Sheraton Society Hill Hotel?  Tell them no more Ms World Leather Contests!  Your voice counts:
Sheraton promise:  If you're not satisfied, we're not satisfied.  Sheraton's Service Promise ensures you'll have a great stay, or we'll make it up to you with an instant discount, points for our rewards program - or even money back.  All you have to do is tell us.


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