The Sierra Club, a Radical Environmentalist Group, Celebrates American Churches That Buy Into Their Worldview

The Sierra Club, a Radical Environmentalist Group, Celebrates American Churches That Buy Into Their Worldview <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Becca, listens to our radio program and sent us this e-mail and link:
This is a newsletter from the Sierra Club about faith groups going green in 2008. Some of them are no surprise, but one was a Birmingham, AL apostolic bishop who was called a 'modern-day Noah'. Another was a Dr. Joel Hunter of Northland Church in Florida, his church was trying to reduce their carbon footprint in their sanctuary. Peachtree Baptist Church of Atlanta is offering a low carbon diet; another church, Vineyard Christian Fellowship of Boise, ID worked directly with the Sierra Club on a stream restoration project and had an Environmental Stewardship Conference in 2007. Unfortunately, there are a few more like this in the publication.

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