The Silence of the Church on Islam’s Spiritual and Physical Threat
The Silence of the Church on Islam’s Spiritual and Physical Threat
Folks, we’ve come full circle, and it’s a tragic day. For years, my colleague Shahram Hadian and I have been sounding the alarm about the spiritual and physical threat of Islam—not just overseas, but right here in America. We’ve been attacked, doxed, and slandered by so-called Christians for daring to expose this demonic ideology. And now, as Christians are slaughtered by the thousands in Syria at the hands of jihadists, where are the voices of those who defended Islam as "not a spiritual threat"? Where’s the church in America? Silent. Confused. Infiltrated. And it’s high time we call it what it is: a betrayal of the gospel.
On my recent broadcast at, I sat down with Shahram Hadian of to unpack the horrifying reality unfolding in Syria and the creeping danger in our own backyard. The footage is graphic—jihadists mocking Christians by putting them on crosses and blowing their brains out, laughing as they humiliate and kill. This isn’t speculation; it’s history repeating itself. Shahram nailed it: “This is the pattern of Islam. This is exactly what their prophet did.” And yet, during Ramadan—a month Muslims call one of “peace and tolerance”—we see an uptick in violence against non-Muslims every single year. Syria’s Christians are living proof.
But it’s not just Syria. Take a look at Paterson, New Jersey. Muslim politicians have seized power, declared it the “capital of Palestine in America,” raised Islamic flags, and are advancing Sharia. Hamtramck, Michigan. Josephine, Texas. Minneapolis and St. Cloud, Minnesota. These aren’t isolated incidents—they’re a blueprint. Shahram explained it perfectly: “Initially, it’s subjugation. Christians become second-class citizens, fearful to speak out. Then they’re forced out, attacked, raped, and killed under the guise of ‘honor’ to defend Islam.” This isn’t fearmongering; it’s fact, backed by Islamic history and texts.
And who’s behind this in America? Folks like Yasir Qadhi—the Jew-hating, Holocaust-denying, Hitler-defending, jihadi-preaching imam who’s pushing a 402-acre Islamic city in Josephine, Texas. The same Yasir Qadhi that James White, Justin Peters, Phil Johnson, and John MacArthur’s crew defended when we called out White’s unbiblical interfaith dialogue with him back in 2017. They attacked us, doxed my family, and claimed Islam isn’t a spiritual threat to the church. Tell that to the Christians in Syria hiding for their lives. Tell that to the Alawites—nominal Muslims who reject jihad—begging Israel to save them from the “true Muslims” of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), a splinter group of ISIS backed by Turkey and, yes, funded by our own CIA under Obama.
Here’s the kicker: the only nation stepping up to protect these Christians right now is Israel. Nine airstrikes in the last few hours, hitting jihadist targets in Syria. While Tucker Carlson, Candace Owens, and Stu Peters—self-professed Christians—bash Jews and push Catholic confusion, Israel’s IDF is the one standing in the gap. Actions speak louder than words, folks. The Bible says a remnant of Jews will turn to Yeshua, sealed for protection in the Tribulation (Revelation 7). If Islam’s not a spiritual threat, why does God have to supernaturally shield them from it?
Meanwhile, the American church is AWOL. Why? Because for eight years, men like James White and Justin Peters have peddled a lie: that interfaith dialogue is evangelism, that Islam’s no danger to the gospel. White called Qadhi his “mentor” and told Christians to listen to him. Peters claimed, “Islam does not pose a threat to the church,” twisting John 10 to say true sheep can’t be deceived. But Jesus warned of wolves and hirelings in that same chapter—spiritual and physical threats intertwined. Paul warned of a falling away (2 Thessalonians 2). Jude warned of false teachers creeping in unnoticed. The Bible’s clear: any false ideology is a threat. Shahram’s seen it—kids raised in church, seduced by Islam in college. It’s real, and it’s here.
These men couldn’t win the debate, so they built a strawman, saying we claimed Christians would abandon faith for Islam. We never said that. We said Islam’s a satanic force—spiritually and physically—opposing the Great Commission. They doxed my home, my church, knowing we’d faced death threats from jihadists turned over to the FBI. Phil Johnson’s elders at Grace to You told us, “Don’t contact us.” No accountability. No condemnation of Qadhi. Just silence as Christians die.
Folks, this is a spiritual battle (Ephesians 6). Daniel’s angel fought the demon of Persia for 21 days. The Gnostics tried to split the natural and spiritual—sound familiar? These hyper-Calvinists are preaching a Gnostic gospel, by denying the spiritual and natural threats are combined. They are too weak, too neutered, too spiritually deceived to confront Islam, picking low-hanging fruit like Paula White while caving to jihadists. Shahram’s right: “They’re fools, demonstrating their apathy by defending Muslims over Christians.” In fact, the false god of hyper-Calvinism has many similarities to the false god of Islam and both are demonically inspired and energized.
We warned this day would come. It’s here. And it’s coming to America—Paterson, Hamtramck, Josephine. Pray for Syria’s Christians and the Alawites. Pray the Trump administration speaks out. Support us at and We’ve taken the hits—Marxists, Islamists, religious Trojan horses—and we’re still standing. Satan loves counterfeit Christianity, but we’re exposing it. Join us.
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