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                      Sodomites International<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
                   By David A. Noebel
            While evangelicals are being told that social issues are off the table in this election cycle the leftists (communists, socialists, progressives) continue to preach their social agenda not only to America, but to the whole world.
          According to their leaders, Barack H. Obama and Hillary Clinton, the United States is going to use "all the tools of American diplomacy to promote gay rights around the world!" (New York Times, December 6, 2011).
          So America, already in the business of "queering" elementary school children (thanks again to Obama's appointing Kevin Jennings to czar-ship), has decided now is the time to make the whole world safe for sodomy, thanks to the radical homosexual establishment.
          Secretary of State Clinton insists that gay rights are human rights and "religious objections to homosexuality should not stand in the way of vigorous United Nations action to promote the homosexual rights agenda."
          President Obama says he is deeply concerned about the violence and discrimination directed toward gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgendered, and queers throughout the world. According to him, no country should deny its citizens their rights "because of who they love!"
          Excuse me-what about those who say they "love" little boys? And what about those who say their love is directed toward multiple women? Or toward their sisters? How about those who say their love is directed toward their sheep? Marrying one's pet is progressive and surely long overdue! Bill Muehlenberg says it is already a fact in Sweden!
          The Democrat party espouses a shameless morality in the direct line of Rehoboam, king of Judah, who "did evil in the eyes of the LORD" (I Kings 14:24f). His evil-doing was twofold: building pagan "high places" where sex was worshiped under the watchful eyes of Baal and Asherah, and allowing the sodomites to imitate "all the abominations of the nations the LORD had cast out before the children of Israel."
          Isn't it interesting that God tells Israel that He did not want to see any "unclean thing amongst them" including no daughter of Israel was to be a harlot and no son of Israel was to be a sodomite! (Deut. 23:14-17).  
           Yet with all this clear Biblical teaching 28 percent of evangelicals voted for Barack H. Obama, the most pro-homosexual, pro-abortion, and pro-socialist/communist president in the history of American politics. And for those doubting my "pro-socialist/communist" comment see Aaron Klein and Brenda J. Elliott's Red Army!
          What rational evangelical could countenance voting for such an ethical tower of Babel?  What evangelical could stomach his or her president traveling around the world preaching and praising "safe sodomy" for every nation? To what level of insanity have we arrived?
          Listen to one homosexual hero of the leftist Democrats: "Your God of Leviticus (and of the whole Bible) is clearly a sinful homophobic sinner. He should repent of his sinful homophobia.  He should atone for that sin, and he should seek forgiveness for the pain and suffering which his sinful homophobia has needlessly inflicted upon gay people for the past 4,000 years." These words were spoken by Franklin E. Kameny, who on June 29, 2009, was given the Theodore Roosevelt Award by President Obama in the White House-"his office's highest honor."(The reference for this is found in Michael L. Brown's A Queer Thing Happened to America, page 601.)
          Another Democrat hero was honored by Yale University with the "Larry Kramer Initiative for Lesbian and Gay Studies." Kramer is on record for the following confession:  "I have recently gone through my diaries of the worst of the [AIDS] plague years. I saw day after day a notation of another friend's death. I listed all the ones I'd slept with.  There were a couple hundred. Was it my sperm that killed them, that did the trick? It is no longer possible for me to avoid this question of myself. Have you ever wondered how many men you killed? I know I murdered some of them . . .But in some cases it isn't so easy to answer so flippantly. The sweet young boy who didn't know anything and was in awe of me. I was the first man who --------- him. I think I murdered him." (The reference for this is found in Michael L. Brown's A Queer Thing Happened to America, page 136.)
          Let's get some perspective: The president of the United States and his Secretary of State are now telling the world that this administration will do everything in its power to present the likes of Kameny and Kramer as national heroes! It would not surprise me to learn that their writings will be published by the U. S. Government Printing Office to be distributed throughout the world!
          Senator Tom Coburn (OK), a medical doctor and a member of President Bush's AIDS committee, has said that the "gay community has infiltrated the very centers of power in every area across this country, and [that] they wield extreme power" (Salon, September 2004). He also believes the "[gay] agenda is the greatest threat to our freedom that we face today."
          Obama and his radical homosexual mafia plan to sodomize the world and make such perversion seem as wholesome as apple pie and vanilla ice cream. In reality, such perversion cannot be printed in a family publication or broadcast on any FCC regulated TV or radio stations.
          If Obama and his hirelings get their way, children around the world will be reading the poem "Here at School, the Slant is Gay." It's found in A Queer Thing Happened in America by Michael L. Brown, page 86.  Here is an excerpt:
                   Little Johnny [Mohammad, Diaz, Igor, etc.] went to school
                   There to learn a brand new rule;
                   No longer could the boys be boys
                   Or have their special trucks and toys;
                   Only six, so young and tender
                   It's time for him to unlearn gender
                   And break the binding two-sex mold
                   That hurtful thinking that's so old.
                   Parents at home can have their say
                   But here at school, the slant is gay.
                   In other words, to make this clear
                   There's nothing wrong with being queer.
                   Having two moms is mighty fine;
                   To disagree is out of line.
                   We'll deconstruct the family
                   And smash religious bigotry
                   And keep the church out of the state
                   By saying faith is really hate.
. . .
                   So little ones, it's time to learn
                   'Bout famous queers, each one in turn;
                   Lesbian greats, long neglected
                   Well-known gays just now detected.
                   Some perhaps, were man-boy lovers;
                   We'll keep that stuff under the covers.           
                   And through the years as Johnny grows
                   He will learn that anything goes.
                   With Bill, who's trans and Joe, who's bi-
                   And Sue, who thinks that she's a guy.
                   A queer new system rules the day,
                   Since here at school, the slant is gay.
          The Democrat party has paved the way for the homosexual agenda-an agenda determined to equate homosexuality with heterosexuality, hence normalizing gay marriage, gay rights, gay everything you can think of. There hasn't been a gay pride parade which hasn't been led by a Democrat politician. There hasn't been a gay pride book for first graders not endorsed by some Democrat and the National Education Association.  Don Feder says it best: "'Gay rights' has become as much a part of Democrat orthodoxy as abortion-on-demand."
When a third-world diplomat was asked what he thought of sodomy and the American administration's new initiative, he retorted, "It stinks." What a powerful bumper sticker summary of the past three years.           Most evangelicals believe God's message contained in Romans 1 that homosexuality and all its perversions are sin. Thus evangelicals should think seriously about the implications of giving this immoral administration another four years in the White House.


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