Story of a "Hopeless" Teenager
Story of a "hopeless" teenager<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
By Steve Cornell
I can still remember the day my parents gave me the ultimatum. After repeated efforts to help me turn my life around, they realized I had no intention of changing. They offered to take me to a youth program to get help, but I arrogantly rejected their offer. It was such a painful time for them and it saddens me when I think of how I hurt them.
When I was fifteen years old, I left home and took to the streets of <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Philadelphia. I was what people called a rebellious teenager. Although not proud of it, I was fully absorbed in the fast life of the big city. My family tried to help me. My parents loved and disciplined me, but I rebelled against their efforts. My negative influence on my six younger brothers was not something they were willing to allow.
It wasn't long after leaving home that everything began spiraling downward. I was repeatedly in trouble in school, and finally expelled from it. I was a confused, selfish and angry teenager. I am certain that my teachers would have voted me least likely to succeed. Yet within a year, my life was turned around. My parents faithfully prayed for me and God answered.
Today, more than thirty years later, I continue to believe that troubled teenagers need to know about God's love and salvation. God graciously rescued me from a destructive lifestyle during my teen years and he is still rescuing teens today.
When I hear about teens doing foolish things that hurt themselves and others, it grieves me deeply. Yet is also re-energizes me to continue to reach out to teens. Teenagers can be greatly encouraged by knowing that we care about them. We need to connect with them in meaningful ways. We need to spend enough time with them to win their respect and positively influence their lives.
Although I am now the senior pastor of a large church with many responsibilities, I gratefully welcome opportunities to encourage teens to stay on the right path. I love spending time with teens and they know it. I believe that they are in what might be one of the most challenging times of life. They need lots of encouragement and mentorship. Our own "children"-- now 22, 20, 19, 14, have taught us plenty about parenting teens.
We also need to encourage the parents of teens. I now know by experience that parenting teens is not an easy assignment. This knowledge motivated me to start a small group for parents of teens. I have led this group for more than a decade and all who participate have found it to be mutually encouraging.
There are many helpful books available for parents of teenagers. We simply study these books chapter by chapter and apply them to our homes. Perhaps someone reading this will be inspired to start a similar group. (For recommended books, email me at [email protected]
The violence we are witnessing in our schools is alarming and discouraging. Yet we need to be motivated to find solutions. Do you pray for the teenagers, parents of teens and youth workers in your church? Do you pray for youth agencies and ministries?
I was once the type of teenager that people could easily "write off" as hopeless. Thankfully, God and others never gave up on me. I am still amazed at God's mercy and love. I am also moved to action by His example. "This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers ... Dear children, let us love not with words or tongue but with actions and in truth" (I John 3:16 & 18, NIV).
Action points:
Target teens and their parents for prayer (one per week)
Be an adult mentor for teens lacking family support
Volunteer to coach teens in sports
Start a parent's of teen's group
Volunteer to teach Sunday school or help in youth group
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