The Sudden Death of Inconvenient Truths
Sudden Death Syndrome, The Clintons And The Soviets

The Sudden Death of Inconvenient TruthsSudden Death Syndrome, The <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Clintons And The Soviets  <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
J. Michael Sharman
      On February 27, 2007, Russian journalist Ivan Safronov told colleagues that he was writing an article on Russia's secret sale of missiles to Syria and air defense systems to Iran. Because this combination would be capable of launching missiles into Israel, the balance of power in the Middle East would immediately shift to the Arab world if Russia is able to complete its planned arms sales.[1]
      Three days later, Ivan Safronov died as a result of a fall from a fifth story stairwell window[2] at his apartment building. The St. Petersburg Times reported:  "[T]he journalist, known for his beaming smile and sense of humor, had no reason to kill himself."[3]
      Safronov's own newspaper, the Kommersant, reported that Moscow's prosecutor's office is conducting a criminal investigation into his "forcible suicide".[4]
      Safronov's sudden, violent death was an unpleasant reminder of a series of articles about Bill and Hillary Clinton's old friends and associates who fell prey to "sudden death syndrome" at an unusually high rate.
      It is commonly known that William Jefferson Clinton studied at Oxford. Less well known is that his studies were on East European politics and the study of Soviet-style communism.
      Bill Clinton never completed his Oxford training, but ended his studies in England when he went for a prolonged visit to Moscow and Czechoslovakia during a time in the Cold War when Americans could not legally get a visa to go there.[5]
      Bill Clinton stayed in Czechoslovakia with the parents of Jan Kopold, a fellow student from Oxford, who were leaders in the Communist Party. He spent his last night there visiting with Kobold's grandmother who was a founder of the Czech Communist party and a former member of the Party's Central Committee.[6]
      The deaths began almost immediately.
      Shortly after Clinton's return to America and his first meeting with Hillary Rodham at Yale Law School, his friend, Jan Kopold, died. One report said it was from a fall off the roof of a building while vacationing in Turkey, but Oxford's magazine reported it was from a mountain climbing fall.[7]
      Bill Clinton had lived with Frank Aller at 46 Leckford Road in England after he dropped out of Oxford. Together they planned and staged anti-American protests. Soon after Bill Clinton returned home from Moscow, Aller also returned home to Spokane, Washington. Aller was found dead of an apparently self-inflicted gunshot wound in September 1971.[8]
      During Bill Clinton's years as Arkansas governor, Stanley Huggins[9], Calvin R. Walraven[10], Kevin Ives and Don Henry[11], and Margie Thompson[12] were a few other sudden deaths which ended or prevented scandal investigations.
      In March of 1992 Jon Walker, an investigator for the Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC), contacted an RTC regional office about links between Whitewater Development, Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan and Bill and Hillary Clinton.[13] On August 15th 1993 Jon Walker died as the result of a fall from the top of the Lincoln Towers building in Arlington, Virginia.[14]
      Paula Corbin Jones was a former Arkansas state employee who sued President Clinton for sexual assault she claimed he made against her while he was governor. One of the co-defendants she named was Arkansas State Trooper Danny Ferguson whom she alleged invited her to the meeting with Clinton where she was assaulted.
      In May of 1994, five days after Danny Ferguson was named as a co-defendant, his 37 year-old ex-wife Kathy Ferguson was found dead of a gunshot wound to the temple. The death occurred at the Sherwood, Arkansas home of her boyfriend, Sherwood Police Officer Bill Shelton.[15]
      One month later, Officer Bill Shelton was shot once behind his right ear with his own .40-caliber semiautomatic handgun.[16]
      Jerry Parks had done surveillance work on Clinton in the 1980s, and his wife kept a log of Bill Clinton's visits to her office's next-door neighbor Roger Clinton, Bill's brother, a convicted cocaine dealer.[17]
      Amazingly, Parks later got the contract as Bill Clinton's campaign security chief. He had a hard time getting paid, but he finally was paid a lump sum of $83,000 two days after Vince Foster was found dead of a gunshot to the head on July 20, 1993. On September 26th 1993 Jerry Parks was sitting in his car near Little Rock when he was shot dead with three rounds from a 9mm pistol. The Parks' investigation papers were stolen from their house.[18]
      Perhaps with Hillary Clinton running for president, the media or Congress will re-open some of these cold cases. But then again, perhaps not.

[1] Saradzhyan, Simon "Reporter Planned Story on Arms Deal", The St. Petersburg Times, March 9, 2007,

[2] "Foul Play in Russian Journalist's Death?" Culpeper Star-Exponent, March 7, 2007

[3] Saradzhyan, Simon "Reporter Planned Story on Arms Deal", The St. Petersburg Times, March 9, 2007,

[4] "Ivan Safronov Was Killed",Kommersant, March 6, 2007

[5] The Sunday Times of London, October 25, 1992

[6] The Sunday Times of London, October 25, 1992

[7] The Sunday Times of London, October 25, 1992

[8] The Sunday Times of London, October 25, 1992

[9] The Economist, July 9, 1994, p. 20.

[10] Los Angeles Times, July 30, 1994, p. A14

[11] The Wall Street Journal, April 18, 1996.

[12] The American Spectator, June 1996, p. 34.

[13] The Economist, July 9, 1994, p. 20.

[14] The Economist, July 9, 1994, p. 20.

[15] Los Angeles Times, May 14, 1994, p. A4.

[16] Northwest Arkansas Times, June 14, 1994.

[17] The American Spectator, July 1996, p. 62.

[18] The Economist, July 9, 1994, p. 20


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