SUFFERING FROM TRUTH DECAY?...brush up on your Bible

SUFFERING FROM TRUTH DECAY?...brush up on your Bible

I was driving by a church when a friend of mine commented on their marquee displayed out on their front lawn. It said, "Suffering from "truth" decay? Brush up on your Bible." Nashville is in the South and sometimes the "corn factor" is inescapable. But this simple country phrase above really sums up the raison d'être for the "decay" we are experiencing in evangelicalism today... the failure to honor Sola Scriptura. An overdose of sugar, processed foods, artificial sweeteners, etc. can cause tooth decay, produce nasty little cavities and contribute to other bothersome dental problems. In like manner, a spiritual diet of processed theology, sweetened doctrine, and sugary platitudes consisting of seeker friendly, Word/Faith, purpose driven, positive thinking, emergent/emerging, human potentiality, psychobabble will slowly erode "the teeth" of biblical Christianity.How we do correct this "medical malady?" Through painful, but necessary surgery that gets right to the diseased "root." May we not be content with "sermonettes for Christianettes" from the pulpits of evangelical churches on any Lord's Day. But, may we hear pastors once again PREACH THE WORD; seeking not to be humorous, liked, entertaining, or only displaying felt-need sensitivity.The Psalmist gives the only sure cure for truth decay; the "double-edged" scalpel of the sufficient Word of God. "The law of the LORD is perfect,reviving the soul;the testimony of the LORD is sure,making wise the simple;the precepts of the LORD are right,rejoicing the heart;the commandment of the LORD is pure,enlightening the eyes;the fear of the LORD is clean,enduring forever;the rules of the LORD are true,and righteous altogether.More to be desired are they than gold,even much fine gold;sweeter also than honeyand drippings of the honeycomb.Moreover, by them is your servant warned;in keeping them there is great reward."-Psalm 19:7-11


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