Thank You So Much For Your End of the Year Tax Deductible Contribution

Worldview Weekend Foundation
P.O. Box 1690
Collierville, TN 38027 


Dear Ministry Partners,

2017 has been an amazing year of growth and ministry as we added numerous WVW produced and distributed radio and television programs at and Thanks to ministry partners like you, 2018 will see even more growth as we launch a few new television programs at

We are also hosting 7 free rallies in April of 2018 with full details at

On November 3 & 4 of this year sponsored a live-streamed, national security conference from our TV studios. We had over 12,000 people streaming this conference that included 2 presentations by a former FBI agent that is an expert on counter-terrorism and a man that infiltrated the Council on American Islamic Relations undercover for six months. We also had an active Navy Commander and a security specialist speak on how to respond and survive an active shooter scenario. The speakers specifically spoke of such a scenario occurring within a church. Sadly, 17 hours after our conference ended the largest church murders at the hands of an active shooter occurred. Sadly, our expert speakers believe such attacks are going to become all to common. In fact, in 2017 we had an armed Muslim with a Quran enter our conference in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. The Muslim man banished 5 weapons in the parking lot of our conference and threatened me and pastor Shahram Hadian. This Muslim man only received 7 months jail time at the federal level for this crime. That is not much of a determent for others is it?

In 2017 we had to increase the security at all our conferences and we will be doing so again in 2018. Hosting free conferences is increasingly becoming difficult because hotel ballrooms are increasingly denying us rental of their facilities because they are afraid of the backlash from the Islamic community and the fake news media that portrays us and the Biblical Worldview Weekend rallies as something we and they are not. This of course is the goal of the Islamic groups so that our events cannot occur and if they do; the cost for security alone is staggering. Sadly, Americans are already complying to Sharia by conforming to the political correctness that bans freedom of speech and freedom of religion as practiced by Christians.

With your partnership we are determined to not self-conform to Sharia through threats, intimidation or the increased cost of security. We have every intent to hold our 7, free worldview rallies in 2018.

Amine Faridi joins us to share his testimony as a former muslim from Iran. Mr. Faridi was persecuted by his family, and friends, for converting to Christianity. He had his life threatened many times. Yet, he was a bold witness for the gospel and for two years witnessed on the streets of Tehran, Iran. When the government caught on to what he was up to they began to purse him for certain imprisonment or death. Mr. Faridi explains how he fled Iran and eventually made it to America where he is now in enrolled in seminary. Mr. Amine Faridid talks about his two years in the Iranian military as well as his belief that Islamic Revolutionary Guard are already in America awaiting orders to strike our nation.

Please tell your friends about the hours and hours of free radio and television programs that await them at and Please tell them about our free radio and television app that they can download at  We also have a free television channel with Roku, and full details on that can be found at We now have over 22,000 families who have put our free channel on their Roku home screen.

All of these broadcast ministry distribution outlets are made possible in part because of your partnership with us through the Worldview Weekend Foundation. Thank you for your continued tax deductible contributions at

We are still looking to add more monthly, automatic donors so that we know we have enough supporters each month to meet our budgets. If you would like to set up an automatic, monthly contribution, you can do so at

Please consider making a tax deductible contribution online, by phone, or by check. All the details are at If you prefer to give over our secure donation line, the number is 901-853-8792. Please be sure to leave your name, address, phone number, credit card number, cvs number from the back of your card, and the amount of the donation. If you want us to call you back, please leave your name and number, and my wife will call you back to take your contribution over the phone.

If you prefer to send a check, please use our address above. If you prefer to give online on our secure website, then please go to  Thank you for your support.

Brannon Howse
Worldview Weekend
Worldview Weekend Foundation


P.S. The 15th Annual Ozarks Worldview Weekend is April 27th, 28th, & 29th, 2018. The Worldview Weekend block of rooms have now been opened up. You can make your reservations by calling Tan-Tar-a resort at 573-348-3131 and reference the Worldview Weekend rate. You can also book your room online on their website and use the group code WRLD. If you want to have your room in the main building along with the conference, then please make your reservations as soon as possible. It will fill up again this year fast.

We have also added a student track for this year’s Ozarks Worldview Weekend and will be bringing in special speakers to address from a Biblical worldview the issues our young people are facing today. You can find more details and secure your conference tickets at

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    Worldview Weekend Foundation
    PO BOX 1690
    Collierville, TN, 38027 USA

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