The Hillary Clinton campaign says the hackers behind the leaked email evidence of their collusion with the major media are from Russia and linked to the Russian regime. If so, I want to publicly thank those Russian hackers and their leader, Russian President Vladimir Putin, for opening a window into the modern workings of the United States government-corporate-media establishment.

We always knew that the major media were extensions of the Democratic Party. But the email evidence of how figures like Maggie Haberman [1] of The New York Times, Juliet Eilperin [2] of The Washington Post, and John Harwood [3] of CNBC worked hand-in-glove with the Democrats is important. The Daily Caller and Breitbart have led the way in digging through the emails and exposing the nature of this evidence. It is shocking even to those of us at Accuracy in Media who always knew about, and had documented, such collusion through analysis and observation.

The Clinton campaign and various intelligence officials insist that the purpose of the Russian hacking is to weaken the confidence of the American people in their system of government, and to suggest that the American system is just as corrupt as the Russian system is alleged to be. Perhaps our confidence in our system should be shaken. The American people can see that our media are not independent of the government or the political system and, in fact, function as an arm of the political party in control of the White House that wants to maintain that control after November 8.

In conjunction with other evidence, including the ability to conduct vote fraud that benefits the Democrats, the results on Election Day will be in question and will form the basis for Donald J. Trump to continue to claim that the system is “rigged” against outsiders like him.

The idea of an American system of free and fair elections that includes an honest press has been terribly undermined by the evidence that has come to light. We are not yet to the point of the Russian system, where opposition outlets are run out of business and dissidents killed in the streets. That means that the Russians have not completely succeeded in destroying confidence in our system. But we do know that federal agencies like the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and Federal Communications Commission (FCC) are poised to strike blows against free and independent media. Earlier this year the three Democrats on the FEC voted to punish [4] filmmaker Joel Gilbert for distributing a film critical of President Barack Obama during the 2012 campaign.

The New York Times is reporting [5] that Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta has been contacted by the FBI about the alleged Russian hackers behind the leaks of his emails. This is what Podesta and many in the media want to talk about.

But the Russians, if they are responsible, have performed a public service. And until there is a thorough house-cleaning of those in the major media who have made a mockery of professional journalism, the American people will continue to lack confidence in their system. The media have been caught in the act of sabotaging the public’s right to know by taking sides in the presidential contest. They have become a propaganda arm of the Democratic Party, coordinating with the Hillary Clinton for president campaign, which apparently was being run out of Georgetown University, where John Podesta was based.  Many emails carry the web address of [email protected], a reference to the Georgetown University position held by the chairman of the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. Podesta is a Visiting Professor at Georgetown University Law Center. His other affiliations include the George Soros-funded Center for American Progress and the United Nations High Level Panel on the Post-2015 Development Agenda.

Podesta and the other members of this U.N. panel had proposed “A New Global Partnership for the World [6],” which advocated for a “profound economic transformation” of the world’s economic order that would result in a new globalist system. Shouldn’t the American people be informed about what Podesta and his Democratic allies have planned for the United States should they win on November 8?

That Podesta would serve the purposes of the U.N. is not a surprise. But it is somewhat surprising that he would use his base at Georgetown University to run the Hillary campaign. On the other hand, Georgetown, the nation’s oldest Catholic and Jesuit university, describes [7] itself as preparing “the next generation of global citizens to lead and make a difference in the world.”

In a previous column, “The Sad Demise of a Once-Catholic University,” we noted [8] that the university launched a “Hillary Rodham Clinton Fellowship Program [9],” and that Mrs. Clinton is the Honorary Founding Chair of the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security [10]. Georgetown is even giving awards named after the former Secretary of State, designated the “Hillary Rodham Clinton Awards for Advancing Women in Peace and Security [11].”

When a Catholic university serves as the base for the election of a Democratic Party politician committed to taxpayer-funded abortion on demand and transgender rights, you know America’s political system and academia are rotten to the core. The disclosure from WikiLeaks that Podesta used his Georgetown email to engage in party politics only confirms what we already knew.

If the Russians are ultimately responsible for the release of these emails, some of which show an anti-Catholic animus [12] on the part of Clinton campaign officials, we are grateful to them. The answer has to be to clean out the American political system of those who corrupt it and demonstrate to the world that we can achieve higher standards of integrity and transparency.

For its part, Georgetown University should be stripped of its Catholic affiliation and designated as an official arm of the Democratic Party.



Article printed from Accuracy in Media:

URL to article:

URLs in this post:

[1] Maggie Haberman:

[2] Juliet Eilperin:

[3] John Harwood:

[4] voted to punish:

[5] reporting:

[6] A New Global Partnership for the World:

[7] describes:

[8] noted:

[9] Hillary Rodham Clinton Fellowship Program:

[10] the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security:

[11] Hillary Rodham Clinton Awards for Advancing Women in Peace and Security:

[12] show an anti-Catholic animus:


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