Thankless and Blind Atheism

Thankless and Blind Atheism –Ray Comfort<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

We can't live without water. An incredible 97% of it is in the form of salt water oceans and yet we can't drink it or even use it for crops. Drinkable water for the billions on the earth only amounts to 3% of the total amount. But 2% of that is shut up in the form of ice on the polar caps, and so that leaves just 1% of the earth's water available to sustain life on earth. This fresh water sits in lakes, ponds, rivers, streams, and in deposits beneath the soil.However, there is one other place in which vast amounts of fresh drinkable water are stored. Trillions upon trillions of tons of water sit above us in the form of pregnant puffy clouds. These great water deposits float like feathers above our heads, and they do so because of fixed laws. The water gets there because of an incredible process called "the water cycle." This happens when the waters of the earth change from their heavy liquid form and become water vapor. As the sun heats the water, it rises and forms itself into lighter than air water deposits we call clouds. As this happens, salt and impurities are left behind on the earth so that we can have a supply of salt to give taste to our food, and drinkable water, which, before the evaporation process, was pestilential. The clouds sit above us, storing trillions of tons of clean, life-giving, fresh drinking water. This is placed at between 10,000 and 20,000 feet in the sky, and it if wasn't for the process of "condensation," that's where it would all stay, and we would all eventually die of thirst. Condensation is the opposite of evaporation. It occurs when the gases that transported the water to the clouds because of heat, form back into water because of cold. This cooler temperature causes the gas to form into drops, and then drop (or drip), so that we can have crops from the drops and drink cool fresh water. This process is called "precipitation," or "rain" for us common folks. The rain falls to the earth, is collected in lakes, rivers and streams, and because of gravity, eventually finds itself transported into the vast oceans where it evaporates, is cleansed, and falls again so that we can have crops and drinking water. This means that water never really disappears down the drain. Thank God, it comes back to us so that we can live. So it seems that the water cycle is simple. Heat and drink. In other words, we could easily copy God's water cycle and create fresh water from salt water, by heating salt water and catching it:"In April 2000 the Texas Water Development Board approved a $59,000 grant to the Lavaca-Navadid River Authority to determine if building a $400 million plant on Matagorda Bay at Point Comfort would be economically and environmentally feasible. There is a power plant at this location that could supply the heated sea water for the membrane process. The study was released two months later and the cost rose to $755 million, but this included the cost of transmission facilities to San Antonio." "Ocean water desalination is extraordinarily expensive – more than 10 times the cost of Aquifer water, and a plant and pipeline would cost well over $1 billion in today's dollars." Look at the incredible cost--simply to imitate what God makes available to us at no charge. Of course, the atheist doesn't think of or thank God for all this, because he believes that nothing created everything, including the water cycle.Notes: 1. "S.A. urged to look to gulf for more water" San Antonio Express-News, March 10, 2010Edit: "It covers 97% of the earth" changed to "An incredible 97% of it is..." (Thanks to James Bond).

What is Reality?

In the days when Communists were called "reds," a man named Rudolph Strauboroff and his wife were looking out of the window of his large wooden mansion in Moscow. As he stared at the freezing conditions he said, "It's beginning to rain." His wife quietly informed him that it was snow, and not rain. He looked her in the eyes, and gently said, "Rudolph the Red knows rain dear." Yes, I know how bad that is, but it leads me to a serious question on the subject of "knowing" anything. What do we know in this life--of what can we be sure? To find out, I have some strange questions for you. Here's the first. When is "now"? Tell me if you can. I'm serious. Pinpoint "now." You can never pinpoint when it is, because by the time you do, it's gone. "Now" is as elusive as evidence for species-to-species evolution. In an instant it becomes "then." Here's another dumb question. Where is "here?" Point to it. If you say it's where you are, six billion others on earth would disagree with you. "Here" is where they are, and to them, where you are pointing to, is "there." Another one: Which way is "up"? If you point towards the sky, millions of folks Down-under would disagree with you. If they would point to the sky to show the direction of up, they will point in the opposite direction to which you are pointing. Remember, we live on a big round ball. The same applies with the direction of down. If you point to the soil to show the direction of "down," people on the other side doing the same are pointing in the opposite direction, and people half way around the world (at the equator) would be pointing in a completely different direction. Here's another one. What color is the sky on a cloudless day? If you said "blue," you are wrong. There's no color to it. It's colorless. If you don't believe it, check it out from space. There's no "sky" at all. How about a "sunrise." Have you ever seen one? No one has. The sun never "rises" or "sets." Remember, the earth turns while the sun just sits there. So, of what can you be sure in this life? Some say "death and taxes." That's not true either--plenty of people avoid taxes. So if we can't be sure of anything but death, what on earth is reality (truth)? If you leave God out of the equation, you have no answer. What is truth? Is there any such thing? Do you know? Again, if you ignore Almighty God (the "I AM" who transcends time and space), you will end up as lost as the misguided Pilate of Scripture as he stood bewildered in front of Jesus Christ. The Roman Governor asked the rhetorical question "What is truth?" Pilate gazed on Him who was reality itself (see John 14:6), and you are just as close to Him (See Romans 10:8-9). Are you going to wash your hands of Jesus Christ? Or will you obey Him, and know the truth of the words "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free"?

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