THREE SIMULTANEOUS WARS FOR THE SURVIVAL OF OUR CHILDREN:<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Recently I promised you a three part series on the above topic and introduced it with the War in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Iraq.
Part II was going to discuss the situation at our borders. However, as time has passed I believe it is important to bring a broader War to your attention, one which involves the Borders: "Deteriorating Patriotism: Losing the Will to Resist."
One of the most perceptive analysts of Islamofascism is Robert Spencer whose Web site is outstanding. We quoted from him last week (see Watchmen's Warning #162, )
He asks whether our nation really understands and is willing to RESIST "the historical inexorable and driving force behind what the entire non-Muslim world is now experiencing as jihad terror." He asserts that this force can transform "civilization as we know it."
Yet, how do "we know it"? Here's where two other staggeringly important analysts step in – Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-CO) and Harvard Professor Samuel Huntington. Both have written books that are must reading for those who are concerned (Tancredo's "In Mortal Danger" and Huntington's "Who Are We?").
They contend that the "cult of multiculturalism" and the "invasion" [my word] of illegal aliens (who have publicly announced they do NOT want to assimilate or "become American") are destroying our unity. Tancredo quotes from John Stuart Mill who asserted that "people without fellow feeling", (speaking) different languages, without "united public opinion…cannot exist." Tancredo calls it "this disuniting phenomenon."
This "phenomenon" has been forced on us by pagan people-teachers, academicians, media, politicians, internationalists, socialists, "religious" people, activists (homosexuals, feminists, environmentalists, etc.) and atheists.
From my perspective the last word – "atheists" – is the heart of the problem we face. Our unique American culture, established by Bible-believing Christians, is being debased and corrupted by a malignant force that wants to destroy our Bible-based heritage and replace it with a pagan culture free of any reference to the Triune God and His influence on our morals, laws, ways, attitudes, etc. That is what is going on and the big question is, "Will it work?"
If it works, we will not resist the evil seeking to devour us and our children. Instead we will cave to Islam, humanism, homosexual "marriages", euthanasia, continuing abortions, ruinous social and economic programs, etc. and go the way of past super-civilizations such as Greece, Rome, Carthage, the Aztecs and Incas and recent mighty empires such as England, France, Spain, Portugal, Holland, Germany, and Japan.
So will we resist? Not if the multiculturalists (who hate Christ and Christianity) prevail. Our only hope is a Great Revival in the Church and a Great Awakening in the nation. The Elites are pushing one way – will God have mercy and move Heaven and Earth with His Power and transform us one more time?
If you care for your family and seed and your nation, PLEASE CRY OUT for MERCY and REVIVAL. Rep. Tancredo believes we are "IN MORTAL DANGER". I believe he is right.
Your prayerful Watchman in D.C.,
Harry Valentine, CHPA Founder/Publisher
Please join us in Repentant Prayer:
·           Almighty God, we have sinned against You. PLEASE FORGIVE US! You alone are God & there is no other!
·           Grant us MERCY, REVIVAL & REPENTANCE!
·           Cause Your Church to RESIST the wiles of the enemy. In the Name of Jesus, Amen! (Dt 11:16-17, 26-28; Neh 9:5-37; Ps 106:all; Ro 15:5-13; Heb 4:16; Jas 4:7; 1 Pet 5:8-11).
The Capitol Hill Prayer Alert would like to hear from you concerning this issue. How are you, your church and family praying? Please let us know by hitting your reply button and sending us your prayer so we may add our AMEN.

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