Tough Answers for Atheists –Ray Comfort


Tough Answers for Atheists –Ray Comfort<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

I watched a short video (presumably presented by an atheist) called "Tough Question for Christians" recently. He began his tough question, by saying that he had videotape evidence that you dented his car. He gave you 24 hours to apologize, and if you didn't, he was going to throw gasoline on you and burn you alive. That is tough. He then compared his analogy with the message of Christianity, saying that sinning against God was like denting a car, and that God will burn people in Hell for "not believing in Him" and for any other "little, tiny thing" they may have done. Let's look at a more applicable analogy. The police discover the grisly scene of six mutilated bodies of teenage girls, who were tied up, tortured, viciously raped, and then had their throats cut. They have your fingerprints on the knife, your DNA at the crime scene, and videotape of you boasting to a friend about how terrified the girls were, when you slowly cut their throats. You thought that was funny.The judge finds you guilty of the heinous crimes of rape and murder of the six girls, and sentences you to death by the electric chair. You react by saying, "My crime was petty. It was no big deal. This judge is evil."The atheist's mistake is to think that the God he doesn't believe in, has the same moral standards as humanity. Yet, the God he must face on Judgment Day is morally perfect and utterly holy. He considers lust to be adultery and hatred to be murder. We are told in Scripture that lying lips are an abomination to Him. He killed a husband and wife (in the Book of Acts) simply because they told one lie. Lying is so serious to Him, the Bible warns that all liars with have their part in the lake of fire. Sin is not about "little, tiny things" that we have done. It is deadly serious. Yet, God is rich in mercy towards us. Isn't that true? More than likely you have lied, looked with lust, stolen, blasphemed His name, etc., and yet He hasn't treated you according to your sins and struck you dead. Well, not yet. But it will happen one day, and then you have to face Him for all those unspeakably serious crimes against His Law. The other mistake the atheist made was to think that people will end up in Hell, for not believing in God. That's just not true. Plenty of people who believe in God will end up in Hell. Among them will be the many religious hypocrites, and millions of others, who were warned of the reality of Hell, but refused to repent and trust the Savior. God has no pleasure in your death. If you find yourself in Hell, you will have no one to blame but yourself. The Bible warns that our damnation is just. Justice will certainly be done, if His mercy is spurned.

The "Don't Understand How" Committee

A group of leading evolutionary biologists have gathered together in an effort to create a living hummingbird. Rather than "cheating" by using existing material, they have decided to duplicate the actual beginning of creation. They have determined to begin the process from nothing, as in the genesis of life's origins. They have already begun by listing what they need to create the small but intricate male bird. They require some sort of bone material to make lightweight hollow bones, very strong heart muscle, living blood, a variety of feather material, substance to make a long beak and even longer tongue, two eyes, a digestive system, lungs, kidneys, a liver, an appetite, an instinct to survive, a fear of predators, the ability to find and recognize a mate, and the ability to reproduce after its own kind. They will also need to make the ability to instinctively create a nest and raise young, and of course the ability to fly forwards, backwards, sideways, and to remain stationary in the air. Unfortunately, they are not sure how to create what they need, using nothing, as in the beginning. They have admitted that that's their only problem. They are restricted to using nothing to create something, as in the beginning. They don't know what to do next and they don't know who to ask. Still, they are adamant that as soon as they discover how to make something from nothing, the process will begin. It's simply a lack of time and of understanding. Meanwhile, the men have formed a commission to discuss their problem, and named it the "Don't Understand How" committee. "DUH" for short. "For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened" (Romans 1:20-21).
Be Reasonable
Theist Christopher Geiser said: "Math teachers are not seen as narrow-minded when they say there is only one answer to 2+2." Antagonist, Jason, replied, "They can also demonstrate that answer."But math teachers cannot demonstrate anything to someone who is unreasonable. If an unreasonable person (for some reason) wanted to change the definition of the number 2, and then say that the second 2 was not the same quantity as the first, you have a stalemate. To argue any logic, you need both parties to be reasonable. This is the problem theists have with those who believe themselves to be atheists. The fact that there cannot be a creation without a Creator is reasonable common sense. That common sense is abandoned by the atheist. He keeps coming back and parroting "Show me the evidence," when the evidence is as plain as two plus two equals four.

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