Transcript: America's Greatest Threat: How The Power-Grid is Being Targeted By Our Enemies To Bring Down America (Part Two)












The following is a transcript from the The Worldview Weekend Hour with Host Brannon Howse. 


Brannon Howse:    Maybe you didn't see program number one. And if you didn't see program number one, we have it our website, either at We've also placed it as a special broadcast inside our bookstore at  But let's pick up with a clip. If you have not had the opportunity to see program one, let me bring you up to speed.

I started out by researching a book by Ted Koppel called Lights Out, who spent two years researching the vulnerability of our infrastructure, particularly the power grid. So, let me play a clip to bring new people up to speed and then we'll continue with some very shocking new clips. Watch this first clip of Ted Koppel talking about the threat to our nation.


Ted Koppel:    What I'm talking about is a cyber attack against infrastructure, a cyber attack that could affect tens of millions of people for a period of months, if not longer.


Male Voice 1:    Based on your reporting it seems clear from your book that the national security officials believe that this is a matter of when and not if.


Ted Koppel:    Exactly. In fact, that's a line that a man I came to know when I was embedded with U.S. forces during the invasion of Iraq, he is now the commander of SENCOM, four star general Lloyd Austin who said exactly that. It's not a question of if, it's only a question of when.


Brannon Howse:    All right. We're going to move very, very quickly tonight. So, let's go right away to the next clip.


Male Voice 1:    But you go into considerably more detail in your book and perhaps you can share some of that with us now. What would happen, in fact, if this did take place?


Ted Koppel:    Well, you know, once you're without electricity, you are without the capability of – I mean, particularly if you live in an urban center, you're without the capability of heating or cooling your home. The water supply is going to stop in the sense that it requires pumps, which are powered by electricity to get that water into the various apartment buildings into the flats throughout the city. The worst part about that is not merely the fact that there wouldn't be enough drinking water available, but also the fact that you don't have the capability of disposing of human waste. Within the matter of just a few days, that becomes a major crisis.


Brannon Howse:    So, within a few days, just the inability to flush a toilet becomes a major crisis from a sanitation standpoint. Now, folks, we're not just offering you up all the horrible things that can happen. We're also offering up some solutions. Now, I began preparing for much of these events that are likely to unfold at some degree in some part of the country as Ted Koppel and many others have said, including the general of SENCOM, who said as you said, "It's not a matter of if, but when." I began preparing for some of these things in 2006 and 2007 and I did not talk about them on the radio or TV because I was fearful that people would not understand why I was concerned and I didn't want to be put into the tinfoil hat category. So, I just prepared quietly and didn't say anything. However, I'm becoming more increasingly concerned about the national security threat and that we need to speak out about this so that people can be prepared. But I must say people like Ted Koppel, James Woolsey, the former CIA director; Peter Pry, a former CIA intelligence officer who now heads up the EMP Task Force on Homeland Security, who was a guest on my radio show recently and I hope to have on TV soon.

When these well known men, particularly Ted Koppel, James Woolsey, and many others begin to speak out – Frank Gaffney, former assistant secretary of defense for the Reagan administration – when they begin to speak out about these issues, I felt like it gave me the ability to speak out against it. After all, who am I to talk on this topic? But when they are talking about it, then I'm able to point you to their books, their radio interviews, their TV interviews and say, see, these are credible people warning about a very serious threat. So, quite frankly, I didn't talk about this a lot on radio or TV. I did a little bit on radio, but I never shared as far as my personal preparation plans. I talked about the issue of EMP and all these things, but I didn't share any of my personal preparation plans because, again, I wasn't sure how people would respond. Frankly at this point, I don't care anymore. Thankfully, men like Ted Koppel and others have come out and said they're getting ready, they're preparing, they have purchased freeze-dried food for their families, Ted Koppel said, and he grown kids and his grandkids because he thinks it's that serious. I think that's now freed me up to say, hey, if they're speaking about their preparation plans, I'll tell you about mine that I started as far back as 2006-2007. Notice that he talks about the inability to flush your toilet. Well, again, that becomes a real problem. But you could very easily flush your toilet even if the pumps stopped working at bringing water to your residence, not to mention buildings up higher, but certainly residence.

What if it stopped the water coming to your home? You're not going to be able to flush your toilets. But you can if you take like a bucket – a ten-gallon bucket from Home Depot – fill it with water and pour it into the stool. That will automatically cause the toilet to flush. But where are you going to get this water from? You're not going to want to use your drinking water, your cooking water. You're not going to want to use that kind of water for flushing the toilets. Well, I knew that, and in the spring of 2013 I found a device that allowed me to collect water off of my roof and this is it. This is the item right here. I purchased this in April of 2013 or March of 2013 and I put this on a few of my downspouts. What it does is it allows you to just hook it right into your downspout, and then connect a hose that comes with it into a barrel, and collect rainwater. Did you know that an inch of rain falling on a 1,000-square-foot roof will allow you to collect 623 gallons of water? Yeah, that's right. An inch of rain following on a 1,000-square-foot roof would allow you to collect 623 gallons of water. So, I could collect rainwater and then I can boil that if I needed to use it for bathing, washing clothes. But I could also use that rainwater I collected in barrels to flush the toilet, so I'm not using my needed water – drinking water – for flushing a toilet.

And folks, I've had these on several of my downspouts since 2013. By the way, we went and we worked with the company that manufactures these in order to get them and put them on our website. So, if you want to get some, we've put them on your website. If you want to buy them somewhere else, that's totally up to you. You can buy them somewhere else if you want to. But we're not just offering the problem, we're offering you some of the solutions. Now, again, if you want to go and purchase these items somewhere else, that's totally up to you. We have them available in our bookstore for convenience. But also, by the way, folks, we do free radio. This show is free. Free TV. Free conferences. We put out a free magazine. We have a free website with news and articles. All of the other radio shows and TV shows we produce and distribute – they're all free for a period of time. Always free for a period of time for anyone. How do we pay for all of that? One way is through our bookstore. And so if you want to buy some of these items from us, you'll be helping your family. At the same time, you're helping us have what we need for a general operating budget to keep producing all the free resources. So, if you want to purchase them from us, great. If you don't, that's fine. But if you do, we think you're helping your family and helping us. Check out our bookstore,

So, Ted Koppel says even flushing the toilets can become a serious sanitation issue. Again, along the way, we'll be showing you some solutions that are very inexpensive that might make a big difference for our family. Now, Ted Koppel – a brand new clip now. Now, we're going to all brand new clips. Ted Koppel says he actually visited with the leader of a rural state just a couple hours outside of Washington, D.C., and they've already made provisions for what to do should the power go out in Washington, D.C., or some kind of massive catastrophe in D.C. that causes millions of people in Northern Virginia and D.C. to be flooding their direction. Or maybe New York. You think, well, if a crisis happens, I'll just go to a rural state. Well, Ted Koppel explains not so fast. Watch this clip.


Ted Koppel:    I spoke to an official of one state that is a rural state only a few hours drive from Washington who told me that the governor had – in effect, they did sort of a war game. And they have told the National Guard, the state police, the local sheriff's departments that what they're going to be doing in the event of something like this and tens of thousands of refugees coming from Washington, they will be handed a bottle of water, a sandwich, and a map. And the map will show them where the nearest gas station is and they will be told, "I'm terribly sorry. We do not have the infrastructure to support tens of thousands of refugees."


Brannon Howse:    Wow. That's pretty shocking because I did not know that until Ted Koppel revealed it in this interview that I found in my hours and hours of research. But it's not only the grid we have to worry about, it's also our banking system. Did you know there are so many things that go on on an international basis we never know about? Can you imagine the things that we do know about? Some of these things that we're talking about are a little troubling. But what about the things we don't know about? I can only imagine how severe some of the intelligence matters are that we don't know about. But did you know that Syria reportedly attacked some of our banks on the east coast? You see, when Barack Obama drew a red line – do you remember when Barack Obama drew that red line for Syria and Assad and said, "If you go beyond this, we're going to do something about it?" Well, Ted Koppel explains that Syria sent us a warning by hacking into some of our banks. The point is this. There are so many things going on you don't know about, I don't know about it, we don’t hear about until someone in the intelligence community tells someone like a credible journalist like Ted Koppel and then they tell the public. The point is we not only have an issue with our power grid and our nuclear power plan, but also obviously our banking system. Watch this clip.


Ted Koppel:    At the time that the president was considering the possibility of an attack on Syria, you remember when it was determined that they had chemical weapons and the president had warned this was a red line they must not cross? They crossed it. The president did nothing. George Cotter, again, the former chief scientist of the NSA, told me that at that time, there were Syrian cyber attacks launched against banks in New York. Definitive conclusions can not be reached, but simply look at what was out there. The Syrians were clearly sending a message. "We can cause you enormous damage. We can create huge upset in your financial markets. Better not launch those attacks against Syria." Was that the reason that we didn't? I don't know. But those, at least, are the facts that existed at the time.


Brannon Howse:    Wow. Well, listen to this next clip from this interview with Ted Koppel because the host who's asking the questions of Ted Koppel rattled off a list of nations. And when I first heard his list of nations, immediately I thought, wait a minute. Those are some of the nations that make up the Gog-Magog coalition of Ezekiel 38. They come against Israel. Could it be that one way this group of people, Marxists and Muslims that come against Israel, are able to do this is because they have neutralized the only natural defender of Israel, America? Remember, they see America – the Marxists and the Muslims see America as the Great Satan and Israel as the Little Satan. We don't see America listed in end times. Maybe America's been moved out of the way. Maybe America's enemies have brought us down economically as well as militarily by attacking us through our power grid, our banking system. We don’t know. But the Bible tells us that this attack against Israel will occur and that it will be God that intervenes and kills the enemies of Israel through natural disasters, earthquakes, and other things, and that the dead of Israel's enemies lay in their borders and it takes them seven months to bury the dead of their enemy inside their borders.

There's no mention of America or a nation like America coming to their aid. Could it be because America's been moved out of the way? It would make sense for the enemies of Israel to move against Israel's only natural ally, America, before they move against Israel, would it not? And so as I was listening to this interview and the man interviewing lists off the nations that have the capability to damage America, I thought, wow. Those are some of the nations that make up the Gog-Magog coalition. Watch this clip.


Ted Koppel:    So, we've talked about these potential enemies. So, far state actors. Syria, Iran, North Korea, China, Russia.


Brannon Howse:    So, some of those nations, indeed – Russia, Iran – would make up some of the Gog-Magog scenario. And then, of course, the Bible says in Ezekiel 38, "Other nations are with them." So, it could be some of the nations he listed that are not actually listed in scripture. Don't forget in our last program we learned Ted Koppel documented from experts – national security guys. They're saying that China and Russia are already in our power grid. They have the ability through hacking. They already have hacked in. They're in there and China and Russia could bring down our power grid or they could give that information to someone else like North Korea. Now, listen as Ted Koppel says, "This isn't a matter of if, but when." Watch this clip.


Ted Koppel:    My sense of it though is we're better off preparing. I mean, let's say we prepare for something that doesn’t happen, then we will at least be prepared for any other disaster that comes along. But I must tell you, after spending almost two years in this I'm convinced that at some point or another it's going to happen.


Brannon Howse:    At some point or another, it's going to happen. And maybe it won't happen in your part of the country because there are three power grids. There's one that goes from the east coast to about the center of the country, and the west coast to about the center of the country, and then there's a power grid—Texas has its own grid. So, that's three grids. Well, maybe it only happens on the east coast. Maybe it only happens on the west coast. You know, we don't know. Maybe it only happens and it goes down for a few days. Maybe it only goes down for a few weeks. But maybe it goes down for many months. But even if it goes down for two, three weeks, that's a long time to be without power. When the average grocery store in America – did you know the average grocery stores in America only have in any given city a three days' supply of food? So, Ted Koppel's saying that it's better that we're prepared than that we're caught flatfooted.

And as we saw in our last program, government officials saying, "You better not count on the government being the cavalry to come get you." They don't even have enough meals ready to eat – MREs ready to eat as Ted Koppel said in our last broadcast. So, they are not even prepared to help you. You have to be prepared on your own. Now, Ted Koppel says it's better to be prepared and not need it than to need it and not be prepared. And maybe your preparations help you out from an ice storm and the power goes out for a few days. You'll be glad you have some things. Or maybe it goes out in some places for two weeks. That's not uncommon in ice storms, or strong winds, or a hurricane. So, why not be prepared and then if something happens you're ready, whether it's terrorists or a natural disaster? And again, folks, I'm sharing with you some of the things I have done. If you don't want to do these things, that's totally up to you. You go and good luck to you. If you want to get some of these resources somewhere else, go get them. Just get them.

You will find many resources in our bookstore at  So, we're not just offering you the problem. We've also taken the time to research what are the quality things you need – some of them I've already had for years, others I've added to recently – that allow you to have a plan. And quite frankly, this stuff is very inexpensive in the scheme of things. It's very inexpensive and it'll be priceless if you ever have to use them. So, again, Ted Koppel says it's better that we're prepared. But he says, "I do believe something is going to happen." In fact, here's this next clip. Watch this.


Ted Koppel:    And I must tell you that in the final analysis, I came, you know – we all have to reach a conclusion at some point or another. When you read the book or when you get other information on the subject, you may reach a different conclusion. I am convinced that this can happen and I am more or less convinced that at some point or another it's going to happen in one form or another.


Brannon Howse:    He says it's going to happen in one form or another. And again, what has done to prepare? Watch this clip.


Ted Koppel:    It is frightening enough that my wife and I decided we were going to buy enough freeze-dried food for all of our kids and their kids.


Brannon Howse:    Now, here's Peter Pry, former CIA intelligence officer who was on my broadcast not too long ago who is the chairman of the EMP Task Force on National and Homeland Security. I had him on the program for a whole hour. I hope to have him on television real soon and bring that to you. But, in fact, even on the radio, I asked him, "What have you personally done?" He said, "Well, the first thing I did was move my family outside of Washington, D.C., and outside of the blast zone." And I thought that was quite telling from a former CIA intelligence officer. But he's been one of the people working with James Woolsey, former CIA director, who I had the chance to meet a few years ago at a conference and stood and visited with him at a reception. Very impressive gentleman.

And I understand he's also been consulting the Donald Trump administration, so hopefully he will help them start to harden some of our systems. But they're really, really far behind and they're going to have to play a lot of catch up and that's if they can even get the legislation past Congress. And it keeps stalling in Congress because the lobbyists have lobbied somebody in the Senate who puts an anonymous hold on legislation that has passed the House twice and then it gets over to the Senate and then it gets a hold on it. And one person who can put an anonymous hold on a piece of legislation – one U.S. senator – and it's dead. And this piece of legislation has passed the House twice and then gets held in the Senate. It's to spend the money, to harden our infrastructures, to help us from being put in a position where the entire grid goes down for weeks, or months, or longer at a time. So, hopefully someone like James Woolsey can work with the Trump administration to help us get some of these things done. But it's not going to happen overnight if it ever even gets past Congress.

But Peter Pry, who has been a guest of ours – again, who is a former CIA intelligence officer – warning about these dangers to Congress and have been approved by some of members of Congress in a handwritten letter that I have a copy of commending his work. Well, he appeared not too long ago on FOX News Channel. Watch this clip.


Female Voice 1:    A serious warning from top national security experts. They say an electromagnetic pulse attack, also known as an EMP, could be devastating and could easily damage the country's critical infrastructure, especially the electrical grid. Peter Vincent Pry, the executive director of the Electromagnetic Pulse Task Force and Advisory Board on National and Homeland Security is joining us now and he just wrote a piece in the Wall Street Journal documenting the threat to melt the electric grid, which is enough to get our attention, Dr. Pry. It's nice to have you on the program.


Peter Pry:    Well, thank you so much for having me.


Female Voice 1:    You have quite the resume of experience. You've worked as an intelligence officer for the CIA. You focus specifically as well your career on this threat. When you look at what's facing our nation right now, why is this of such great concern to you?

Peter Pry:    Because it is the greatest threat that our nation and Western civilization faces. You know, it was deeply classified throughout most of the Cold War and only after the EMP Commission reports declassified much of the information about EMP – that it become publicly known. And so it is one of the least understood threats and yet the greatest threat that we face. You know, because if a terrorist organization, or North Korea, or Iran get maybe just a single nuclear weapon at high altitude over the United States. You know, we'll destroy the electric grid and our critical infrastructures and put at risk the lives of up to 90% of the American people. You know, we all depend directly or indirectly – we all live directly or indirectly off of electricity. We're an electronic civilization. And it's also a threat from nature, you know, because there is such a thing a geomagnetic super storm that happened in the past in 1859 and 1921. And that's – they're inevitable. It's going to happen again some day. There was a NASA report last year that said that we just barely missed by three days being hit by a geomagnetic super storm back in 2012. And when that happens, it could take out electric grids and the critical infrastructures that support life.


Brannon Howse:    And again, folks, an EMP blast wouldn't hurt us physically. It takes down your electronical devices, including most cars which now have computers. So, unless you have a really old car, that's not likely going to run either. So, now you have an issue with fire trucks running, ambulances running, hospitals. How long can they run on generators? How long will they have the fuel to run on generators? Communication devices for first responders to communicate with each other. Then you have the enemies at our borders taking advantage of the crisis and then bringing out social unrest. Then you have the social unrest of people who are panicked and who are now becoming hungry. It becomes a real crisis. But the more I study this, the more I believe that if our government would actually tell the American people the truth about our vulnerability and what they each need to do as a family and a community or as neighbors to prepare, I'm convinced – and I asked Peter Fry this – I said, "Don't you think many, many, many Americans could make it through this if they were simply prepare, which would stop the panic and all this social unrest?" Because that's what's going to be what creates a problem for people to die.

And then there's the issue of starvation, which it's hard to believe we're even talking about the issue of starvation in America, but that is what the experts say is going to be a big issue for lots of people. And, of course, that's only going to create social unrest. If our government would just simply tell the American people the truth as these guys are trying to do so families can prepare. Maybe instead of buying a new car, they'll buy a used car and they take the difference in money and spend it in some safe – I mean, some reasonable safety measures, like a preparedness kit of some kind. Now, here's a clip from James Woolsey, former CIA director, on the dangers of our power grid.


Female Voice 2:    The threat of a terror attack is one that needs to be taken seriously now, so says my next guest, former United States Ambassador and former director of the CIA, James Woolsey. Ambassador, thanks for being with us. You ran the CIA. You know firsthand how many enemies we have out there. What do you think is the biggest threat to our grid?


James Woolsey:    They could launch a satellite with a simple nuclear weapon in it. It'd be best if they launched it around the southern pole because we don't have any defenses and very little warning down there. And while it's in orbit, just detonate it. And this can be a very simple nuclear weapon, similar to what we dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It doesn't have to be sophisticated at all. It doesn't need any accuracy. You're not trying to hit anything on the ground, you're just detonating a nuclear weapon about 30 miles or so in space. So, that would take out the grid for probably a quarter to a third of the United States. And if you detonated it up at a couple of a hundred miles, it would take out the grid for most the United States.


Female Voice 2:    And why don't we have the defenses in the southern part? And I talked about this in the open, in the southern part of our nation so that a satellite could come in and could be detonated. I mean, it doesn't have to even be specific. Why are there no missile defenses down there?


James Woolsey:    I guess I would say if I were being flippant that we've turned over defending the country and sent the electric grid to people with the overall focus of ostriches. Nobody really wants to do anything on this in the federal government except stick their heads in the stand.


Female Voice 2:    And Ambassador, do you think that the power plants across the country have the protection that they need?

James Woolsey:    No. Absolutely not. Nuclear power plants particularly if hit by a electromagnetic pulse would melt down before too long and you'd have disasters emanating from the nuclear power plants as well as from a lot of other sources. If you take out by taking down the grid – if you take out the electrical system, everything else goes down, too. We have 18 critical infrastructures in the country and 17 of them depend on electricity. So, you lose your communication sister. You lose transportation. You lose your bank teller system – forgetting money. Nothing works.


Female Voice 2:    And you were the head of the CIA?


James Woolsey:        Yes.


Female Voice 2:        Our enemies know all this, correct?


James Woolsey:    I'm afraid they do. The Russians have told us that they – back in the early '90s told the North Koreans a great deal about how to use an electromagnetic pulse detonation. The Iranians and the North Koreans have both orbited satellites to the south and the North Koreans have tested several simple nuclear weapons. Iranians haven’t yet, but probably will before too many months go. So, we have at least two very bad states tied very closely to terrorist groups and the rest that could be ideologically crazy enough to try something like this. You know, you don't need a satellite. You can lift a nuclear weapon quite easily with a weather balloon up into lower earth orbit and detonate it. That's all that's needed.


Brannon Howse:    He said so much there. But first, did you notice what he said about the nuclear power plants? If the power goes down and then the cooling systems that are needed to keep those from melting down. Have you done a search of where the nuclear power plants are in America? Most of them are from the Mississippi River on over to the east coast. There are some on the west coast, but most of them take the Mississippi River going down the center of the country and then go to the east coast. You see where all these nuclear power plants are. Do you live near one? That's the one reason why when you're preparing and making preparations to provide for yourself and your family, you need to be able to have plans that are mobile.

It's great that I have a bonfire pit where I could then cook over that in my backyard. But if there's a meltdown of a nuclear reactor say in Missouri – north of me – and the weather brings some of that nuclear fallout down on top of us, you're not going to want to stay in this area. You're going to want to probably go west and get out into the top part of Texas, or maybe even further out into Oklahoma, and move further west so that you're moving away from those nuclear power plants that are melting down and the weather pattern that might be carrying some of that dangerous fallout. So, you have to have a preparation plan that's mobile. And that's why, again, a bonfire pit in my backyard's nice. It's one option. But you have to have multiple plans set up because as one plan is no longer feasible, the next plan has got to be ready to go, which again is why I went looking for some kind of ability to cook and to boil water if I had to move – if I had to get up and go. And again, some of these things you could get in your car and go.

You can have an attack on a nuclear power plant without having an EMP attack and we'll look in our next program of how the Daily Caller and Tucker Carlson sent a film crew into a nuclear power plant right through their front gate and no one stopped them. We'll show you another video clip from another news station that was able to get right up with a boat near a nuclear facility in New York. So, again, you could just have an attack on a nuclear power plant that has nothing to do with an EMP, but then that creates a problem for you where you live if you live near or within the wind pattern of that nuclear power plant – and James Woolsey was talking about that. Then he talked about North Korea. North Korea is orbiting a low-flying satellite around the globe. They've tested the H-bomb, which many thing is a super, super EMP bomb. What if that satellite has a nuclear warhead on it already? It could. Or what if they put one up that does? So, he said so much that we need to pay attention to. Now, in the final moments, have you ever heard of Stuxnet? Most of you I'm sure have never heard of Stuxnet. This is really quite scary. For the sake of time, I won't explain it. I'll let the clips do it. Watch this clip from 60 Minutes on Stuxnet.


Male Voice 2:    For the past few months now, the nation's top military, intelligence, and law enforcement officials have been warning Congress and the country about a coming cyber attack against critical infrastructure in the United States. They could affect everything from the heat in your home to the money in your bank account. The warnings have been raised before, but never with such urgency because this new era of warfare has already begun. The first attack using a computer virus called Stuxnet was launched several years ago against an Iranian nuclear facility almost certainly with some U.S. involvement. But the implications and the possible consequences are only now coming to light.


Brannon Howse:    And notice it looks like America and Israel did this together to go against Iran's nuclear program. Again, all the more reason why these nations that hate us – the Marxist and Muslim nations that hate us – would seek to retaliate against us, America helping Israel to defeat Iran. You see. Watch this next clip on Stuxnet – this coming from PBS. Watch this.


Male Voice 3:    And then one day in 2009 without a bomb being dropped or troops on the ground, the plant in Iran was dealt a blow. The agent of destruction? A computer virus, codename Stuxnet, and it turned out to be the largest act of cyber sabotage in world history.


Male Voice 4:    If you were in that room, you would literally die. You would not want to be in that room when this happened.


Male Voice 3:    Eric Chen is a computer virus expert who has been analyzing cyber threats for the last 15 years. He's one of the few people on the planet qualified to discern what actually happened. How big a deal is Stuxnet?


Male Voice 4:    I don't think there's ever been anything bigger. You know, the closest thing that's been bigger is maybe the advent of the Internet.


Male Voice 3:    Chen works for Semantic in Los Angeles. It's one of the largest information security providers in the world and the company's team was instrumental in cracking Stuxnet and what they learned will change the way countries approach warfare in the future.


Male Voice 4:    Stuxnet has basically demonstrated to the world that it's possible to take computer code and cause physical, real world damage.


Male Voice 3:    Stuxnet crossed over from the virtual world to the real one. The operation was so sophisticated, Chen and his team estimated it took more than 20 high-level programmers with inside knowledge of the plant at Natanz.


Male Voice 4:    This is not two hackers in a basement in Kansas somewhere. Well, we know from the code and the sophistication and amount of effort that needed to go into it, it had to have the resources at the level of a nation state.


Male Voice 3:    And in fact, the New York Times reported in January that Stuxnet was likely a joint project between the Americans and the Israelis. It's not a particularly shocking conclusion, considering that Israel has made little secret of its willingness to attack Iranian nuclear facilities by conventional military means. Stuxnet may have given them the opportunity they have been waiting for without having to even fire a shot. But if it was them, they're not talking. The Israeli government did not respond to our request for comment on who created Stuxnet. We didn't have much more luck with the U.S., but U.S. involvement in Stuxnet may have been caudally winked at. Like when President Obama's representative on weapons of massive destruction spoke at a conference on Iran back in December.


Male Voice 5:    I'm glad to hear they're having problems with their centrifuge machines and I think that, you know, the U.S. and its allies are doing everything we can to try to make sure that we complicate matters for them.


Brannon Howse:    Here's the next clip. This is from 60 Minutes where one expert who is very aware of what Stuxnet is all about has said the fact that this is now out on the Internet is a huge threat because now our enemies, including ISIS, can simply hire computer hackers to use this code to attack our infrastructures. Watch this clip from 60 Minutes.


Male Voice 6:    Such as launching a cyber attack against critical infrastructure here in the United States. Until last fall, Sean McGurk was in charge of protecting it as head of cyber defense at the Department of Homeland Security. He believes that Stuxnet has given countries like Russia and China, not to mention terrorist groups and gangs of cyber criminals for hire, a textbook on how to attack key U.S. installations.


Sean McGurk:    You can download the actual source code of Stuxnet now and you can repurpose it and repackage it and then point it back towards wherever it came from.


Male Voice 7:    It sounds a little bit like Pandora's box.


Sean McGurk:    Yes. Whoever launched this attack, they opened up the box. They demonstrated the capability, they showed the ability and the desire to do so, and it's not something that can be put back.


Male Voice 7:    If somebody in the government had come to you and said, "Look, we're thinking about doing this. What do you think?" What would you have told them?


Sean McGurk:    I would have strongly cautioned them against it because of the unintended consequences of releasing such a code.


Male Voice 7:    Meaning that other people could use it against you?


Sean McGurk:    Yes.


Male Voice 7:    Or use their own version of the code?


Sean McGurk:    Something similar. Some of Stuxnet, if you will.


Male Voice 6:    As a result, what was once abstract theory has now become a distinct possibility.


Male Voice 7:    If you can do this to a uranium enrichment plant, why couldn't you do it to a nuclear power reactor in the United States or an electric company?


Male Voice 8:    You could do that to those facilities. It's not easy. It's a difficult task and that's why Stuxnet was so sophisticated, but it could be done. You don't need many billions, you just need a couple of millions and this will buy you a decent cyber attack, for example, against the U.S. grid.


Male Voice 7:    If you were a terrorist group or a failed nation state and you had a couple of million dollars, where would you go to find the people that knew how to do this?


Male Voice 8:    On the Internet.


Male Voice 7:    They're out there?


Male Voice 8:    Sure.


Male Voice 6:    Most of the nation's critical infrastructure is privately owned and extremely vulnerable to a highly sophisticated cyber weapon like Stuxnet.


Female Voice 3:    I can't think of another area in Homeland Security where the threat is greater and we've done less.


Male Voice 6:    After several failures, Congress is once again trying to pass the nation's first cyber security law, and once again, there is fierce debate over whether the federal government should be allowed to require the owners of critical infrastructure to improve the security of their computer networks. Whatever the outcome, no one can say the nation hasn't been warned.


Brannon Howse:    Indeed, the nation has been warned, and we're warning you, and we're warning people. The question is are they doing anything? Are you doing anything or are you just thinking, well, maybe it won't happen? Here's our final clip. The government is so concerned – this is our final clip for tonight, we'll pick it up next week. The government is so concerned about this – and again, they're trying to pass legislation, they're trying to get these power companies to come under some plans to do something, but it's easier said than done. But some within the government who have good intentions and are good people – folks, there are thousands and thousands of Christians inside our government that want to do the right thing and some of them aren't even believers. Some of them are just good people that want to do what is the purpose of government and they have families themselves. And so some of them commissioned a study to see if indeed hackers could get onto a generator connected to the grid. Not only could they, and stop it, and harm it, but you're going to watch it physically have parts of it that explode. This is how amazing this is. I believe this comes from PBS and their show Nova. Watch this last clip.


Female Voice 4:    Cyber attack scenarios against critical infrastructure have been a concern for the Department of Homeland Security at least since 2007 when the agency commissioned an experiment called Aurora. The question experts wanted to answer was a simple one: could a purely digital cyber attack disrupt or disable a large generator connected to the power grid?


Male Voice 9:    I was the director of the control systems security program at the Department of Homeland Security and during that time I ran the project that many people are familiar with called Aurora.


Female Voice 4:    A team of electrical engineers brought a 27-ton, heavy duty diesel generator to a specially built testing facility at the Idaho National Lab. After connecting the generator to the power grid, they challenged a team of computer security experts to use computer code to knock the generator offline. The test was monitored via closed circuit TV.


Male Voice 9:    In the video, you'll see it running, humming along normally, and then you see the first hit. The first jump. You see the generator shudder.


Female Voice 4:    The jump occurred almost immediately after the hackers sent the first packet of malicious computer code.


Male Voice 9:    We wanted to hit it, and then wait and collect data and see what was happening, and then hit it again, collect some data, and kind of watch the progression of the damage to the generator.


Female Voice 4:    After the second attack, the generator lurched again, belched ominous smoke, and ground to a halt. Not only was it knocked off the grid, it was rendered completely inoperable.


Female Voice 5:    What they found when they opened the generator was just failures with almost all parts of the generator, both mechanical and electrical. So, what you're really talking about is essentially what you would do with pieces of dynamite.


Male Voice 9:    So, this was a tough machine. This was heavy duty and it was designed to run in severe conditions. If you were actually doing that attack there's no reason to pause and wait in between. You simply put your software on a loop and you just keep hitting it until it breaks.


Female Voice 4:    An attack like this could take less than a minute, but leave consequences that would last for months.


Female Voice 5:    If you damage or destroy these, you can't just go down to your neighborhood hardware store and buy another. It could take you maybe six to nine months to get another one of these.


Female Voice 4:    And according to a government study, a coordinated attack on fewer than a dozen power stations could cause a massive outage.


Brannon Howse:    So, the government says they target several power stations at one time, it causes a major outage, and it could take months to repair – even get the equipment in. And thankfully our government is at least doing the studies and now we've got to get people to act. All right. So, we're going to pick it up on our next program and we're going to show you how some facilities are actually being physically attacked. Not through the Internet, but physical attacks – shooting them up – or how they could actually get up close to nuclear power plants as well. Why are we doing this? We're showing you that the Marxists and the Muslims that are enemies want to bring down America. America's not listed in the end times. What's happened to America? We're also doing this as a public service in hopes that you will prepare because, folks, I think one of the biggest problems right now is our government isn't telling the American people how serious this is and how to prepare. Because again, I think if people are prepared, it won't be nearly as bad. It's the lack of preparation that's going to make this a huge crisis, and I'VE prepared and I think you should do the same. And I think as Christians we have an obligation to provide for our families both physically and spiritually.

But I think it also helps us understand the big worldview picture of what is happening, where we're going, why America's not in the last days, and how two of the six major worldviews – Islam and Marxism – is growing around the globe, rising around the globe, and they're working to bring down their enemies, particularly America, because of our stance with Israel. So, we'll pick it up next week. I think these programs could very well be – involve topics that fit in with Bible prophecy. That's just my opinion. We don't know. We'll have to watch. But I hope that you'll find that you are finding these programs to be helpful to your family. Not to scare you, not to give you a spirit of fear and of weakness, but for you to be prepared and prepare accordingly. I hope you'll watch part one if you haven't seen it. You'll find it in our bookstore at where we're archiving these and leaving them open to the public because it's that crucial. If you appreciate these kinds of programs, folks, don't forget about our Worldview Weekend Foundation. If you want to make a tax deductible contribution, you can do that now at It's your support that helps us make these kind of programs possible. Thank you so much for your support. Until next time, I'm Brannon Howse. Thanks for watching. Take care.


[End of Audio]

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