Triumphant Islam and the gods of the 7th century come to NYC's Ground Zero
Triumphant Islam and the gods of the 7th century come to NYC's Ground Zero
August 12, 2010
There seems to be a national movement to accept the god, Allah, as the same God the Christian and Jew worship, the God of the Bible. It is clear that to say otherwise has become politically incorrect.
Let me share just a little bit about the god of Islam
The gods of the Seventh Century
The culture of Mohammed's world was very animistic. Every Arab tribe had its sacred magic stone(s)
that they believed protected the tribe, resident in the Kaaba. Mohammed's particular tribe had adopted a
black stone and had set it in the Kaaba. This magical black stone was kissed when people came on their
pilgrimages and worshipped at the Kaaba. It was probably an asteroid or a meteorite, a moonstone, which
they viewed as being divine. All the nomadic tribes had their own tribal deities.
The dominant religion just prior to Mohammed was Sabianism, a religion in which heavenly bodies were worshipped. The moon was viewed as a male deity, and they used a lunar calendar. Their pagan rite of fasting began with the appearance of the crescent moon. Fasting was later adopted as one of the five pillars of faith of Islam. Fasting, based on the lunar calendar, in the ninth month of Ramadan already pre-existed in the Arab culture before Mohammed was even born.
What about the name "Allah?" Muslims claim that Allah is the same God as Christians worship, just under another name. Yet, if you look at the history of it, it is very different. The term "Allah" is a purely Arabic term used in reference to an Arabian deity. The tribe into which Mohammed was born was particularly devoted to their Allah, which was the moon god. It was represented by the black stone they believed had come down from heaven.
In Arabia, the sun god was viewed as female and the moon was viewed as the male god. In pre-Islamic times, Allah, the moon god, was married to the sun god, and together they produced three goddesses called The Daughters of Allah.
They were viewed as being at the top of the pantheon of Arabian deities, those three hundred and sixty idols in the Kaaba, at Mecca.
Do not ever accept Allah as just another name of the true and living God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. This Arabian deity was the god of the Ishmaelites. Ishmael was not the son of the covenant. Isaac was the son of the covenant.
The symbol of the worship of the moon god, Allah, in pre-Islamic Arab culture, throughout the Middle East, was the crescent moon.
Today, the crescent moon is on every flag of an Islamic nation. Go to any mosque. What is on top of it? A crescent moon, the symbol of Allah, the moon god. Every Muslim nation that has a flag has a crescent moon on the flag.
Do not be deceived. Today there is a great movement by the Islamites to erect a Mosque at Ground Zero, where Muslim terrorists killed so many people and brought America to its knees, froze air travel and has since put us in a defensive mode never before seen on this soil.
The permits have been granted while we still argue over an American memorial tribute to the dead.
Make no mistake about this. Throughout history, the Muslims have built their victory mosques in the dead center of ever y population they have conquered. This is a memorial site for the great Muslim heroes and martyrs who destroyed this place and killed so many innocents.
A recent, huge protest march of thousands of people who decried this outrage never made the evening news.. Yet, a handful of 4 or 5 Muslims with peace signs were the real news of the day. We have lost the Press and we are losing America.
Is it any wonder that the American Flag is gone from behind the president during most of his White House briefings and replaced by Muslim drapes? Wake up you who sleep.
Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober. 1 Thess 5:5-6
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