Trouble at the FBI?

Out of these pages there comes a blazing challenge to the American people. Shall their Republic, at the end of the next three decades, be vigorously alive or on the road to death? Shall the United States … be transformed to a Soviet America or shall it be a thriving Democratic Republic?


A Soviet-born intelligence source, with connections in the former Soviet Union, tried to warn the FBI and White House last 26 February about an “imminent cyber attack by Russia on the … Voting System.” He wrote, “I had previously informed the FBI on many occasions on matters of national security. Due to the nature of my disclosures to the FBI … the FBI opened … investigations on me. Last time they secured a 12-month order to monitor my email….”

The Soviet-born source, who resides in the United States, suspects that Christopher Wray is not doing his job. The explanation might be found in The Spectator, which has published a story with the title, “FBI Director Wray Has Been Hiding His Connections to a Russian Energy Company Likely Connected to Uranium One.”

According to The Spectator and other publications, FBI Director Christopher Wray’s bio at the law firm of King & Spalding in Atlanta, where he previously worked as a litigation partner, shows that he represented a Russian oil company – something that should have been widely known when he was nominated for FBI Director. Curiously, King & Spalding provides legal services for two of Russia’s state-controlled energy companies, Rosneft and Gazprom. As The Spectator pointed out, “Rosneft was prominently mentioned in the now infamous 35-page dossier prepared by former British agent Christopher Steele. The [now debunked] dossier claims that CEO of Rosneft, Igor Sechin, offered candidate Donald Trump … a 19% stake in the company in exchange for lifting U.S. sanctions on Russia.”

But there is more. True Pundit presented the following headline last 28 May, “Top FBI Rat Out Wray & the Bombshells Are Epic: FBI Director Who Presided Over Multiple Russian FBI Probes Has Millions in Cash Invested in Russia.” The first line of the story reads, “The FBI’s top agent has as much as $5 million in personal cash invested in varying sectors in Russia, according to details provided by FBI brass and documents obtained by the Thomas Paine Podcast and the Moore Paine Show on Patreon.”

How odd, indeed, if FBI Director Wray has a closer connection to Igor Sechin than President Trump. And why are we learning about this so late in the day? Also of interest: Last July 20, the Washington Examiner reported that Wray hired King & Spalding partner Jason Jones as FBI general counsel. It is also interesting that Sally Yates and Rod Rosenstein rejoined this same law firm after leaving the Justice Department. Again, this law firm represents two of Russia’s biggest energy companies.

Is there a pattern here?

Who people work with, who they defend in court, and who they invest with, might be significant (especially if they are in control of the FBI and the Justice Department). Close analysis of the present crisis and its origins suggest that the Deep State, in fact, is a communist formation. As such it has connections not only to China, but also to Russia. For many decades America’s domestic communists and subversives looked to Moscow for advice and assistance. Given Moscow’s ongoing support for communists in South Africa, Congo, Angola, Venezuela, North Korea, China and Nicaragua, there is no reason to think they have dropped their communist friends in America. It appears that FBI Director Wray and his colleagues don’t seem to understand any of this. Worse yet, they have been focussed on the wrong suspects. Worse than that, they might be suspects themselves.

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